
美 [ˈsɜrdʒəri]英 [ˈsɜː(r)dʒəri]
  • n.外科手术;外科学;应诊时间;诊室





1.[u]外科手术;外科学medical treatment of injuries or diseases that involves cutting open a person's body and often removing or replacing some parts; the branch of medicine connected with this treatment

2.[u][c]应诊时间the time during which a doctor, dentist or vet is available to see patients

3.[c]诊室;门诊处a place where a doctor, dentist or vet sees patients

4.[c](议员的)接待时间a time when people can meet their Member of Parliament to ask questions and get help

Of course it remains to be seen whether or not the people who chose surgery, had they not chosen surgery, would they have done just as well? 当然,我们可以继续观察选择手术或不选择手术的患者是否一样好?
He tells Teri that a man being held might have seen Kim, and he urges Teri to talk to Janet as soon as she's out of surgery. 他告诉泰瑞,一个被关在警局的人也许见到过金姆,他极力要求在珍妮特做完手术后,泰瑞要从她口中问出点消息来。
It is often easier, she said, to talk patients into surgery than to talk them out of an operation or test they have set their minds on. 她说,与劝说已经下定决心做手术或检查的患者放弃相比,劝说患者接受手术往往更容易。
And, he said, with additional research, the wheel could be used in medical fields from pediatrics to surgery. 他补充说,通过进一步的研究表明,色环也许在从儿科到外科手术领域都能应用。
Still recuperating from recent knee surgery, the woman had been unable to turn over or push herself up. 刚刚从膝盖手术中恢复过来,妇人无法翻身或者支撑起自己。
He is going into the hospital soon for surgery and would like to have it with him to keep occupied. 他马上就要住院接受外科手术了,他想随身带着iPad,免得自己太过无聊。
Sasha Vujacic (sprained ankle) and Luke Walton (off-season ankle surgery) did not suit up for Sunday's game. 武贾西奇(脚踝扭伤)和沃顿(休赛期脚踝手术)不适合参加周日的比赛。
The only hope is to be one of the 20% of patients (which I was) where surgery is possible. 唯一有希望的是那些20%可手术治疗的患者(我是其中之一)。
The surgeon is often the only physician to see the patient until the day of surgery . 通常直到术前一天手术医生是仅仅见过病人的唯一医生。
Brilliant. Man's got mails in his heads. Let's put him in a giant magnet. You want films from three axis point and a C-arm in surgery. 真笨,这个人的头上有钉子,你要我们把他放到一个大磁铁里去,可以借助手术室中的“三轴点”和“c臂”
When she asked Metson about surgery, he said most people with her degree of sinus problems would have had it long before. 于是,她向米特森医生询问做手术的事情,医生告诉她说,大多数像她那种程度的鼻窦问题的人,早就做手术了。
Their star striker has so far resisted surgery but his workload over the past few years is beginning to weigh heavily. 他们的当家射手一直拒绝手术,但在过去几年里他的比赛负荷实在太大。
This month would be a superb month to have surgery or to see a doctor or coach about helping you end a bad habit. 这个月将是一个极好月进行手术或看到有关帮助您结束一个坏习惯,医生或教练。
Resident: Plastic surgery encompasses cosmetic procedures to improve appearance and reconstruct damaged parts of the body. 住院医生:整形外科包括改变人外貌的美容手术和身体受损部位的重建。
Studied in Orthopedic Surgery Hospital of Beijing for a year, master the old bone disease diagnosis and treatment. 曾在北京医院骨外科进修一年,熟练掌握老年骨病的诊断及治疗。
Laser surgery may be used, to increase drainage of aqueous fluid out of the eye, especially if medications do not help enough. 可行激光手术增加房水自眼中引流,尤其是药物无法完全发挥作用时。
One prisoner, who appeared to be improving after surgery, was released on parole, but ended up back in prison. 一名囚犯,在手术后似乎有所改善,并被假释出狱,但结果还是返回到监狱里。
I hid my mask, hat and shoe covers whenever I needed to leave the surgery floor to be sure they were available again. 每次离开手术楼层的时候,我都会把口罩、帽子和鞋套藏起来,以免被人拿走;
And that also would be a ridiculous approach in surgery But sometimes you've got to just act. 在外科手术中,也是不可行,但有时你必须要果断做决定。
I had been taken back to my room after surgery, one-quarter awake and feeling as if I had just tumbled over Niagara Falls in a barrel. 术后我被推回房间,大概只清醒了四分之一,感觉我想是被装在一只桶里在尼亚加拉大瀑布上翻滚。
The available studies evaluating the question of single versus multilevel surgery provide conflicting results. 现有的研究评估单节段与多节段进行比较时出现了矛盾的结果。
Results Among the 95 patients, 2 cases had dysuria and there was no incontinence, no incision infection, and no hemorrhage after surgery. 结果95例结扎前列腺动脉保留尿道前列腺切除术病人术后排尿困难2例,无尿失禁、切口感染、和术后大出血。
Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang has arrived at a renowned private hospital in London to receive surgery on his torn right Achilles tendon. 中国跨栏运动员刘翔已经抵达伦敦一家著名的私立医院接受右脚跟腱手术。
After surgery there was no complication except for a change for the worse of unilateral mental nerve hypoesthesia. 手术后没有任何并发症,除非改变恶化的单方面精神神经感觉迟钝。
Before the surgery, Buchta - an administrator at a local community center - continued to work fulltime even when she was on dialysis. 手术前,布赫达-一个在当地社区中心的管理员-继续全职工作,甚至当她透析。
After the Beijing Games, he said, he will have surgery on his injured right pinkie . 他说奥运会结束后他将进行一个右手小指的手术。
Theoretically, the companion should be willing and able to remain with the patient for at least the first 24 hours after surgery. 理论上讲,陪伴人员应该健康并且能在术后第一个24小时和病人呆在一起。
We report the case of an inmate of a federal penitentiary who underwent orthopedic surgery in a public hospital. 我们报告的情况下,犯人的联邦监狱谁接受骨科手术在公立医院。
Results The whole group were cured, surgery time was short, get out of bed in the early, non-wound infection and no recurrence of cases. 结果全组均痊愈,手术时间短,下床时间早,无切口感染,无复发病例。
She said that when she was "truly incapacitated, " her doctor still wanted her to postpone surgery. 她说自己已经“真正丧失了行动力”,但就算这样,她的医生依然希望她能延迟手术。