come together

  • na.会合
  • 网络一起来;一起来吧;集合

第三人称单数:comes together 现在分词:coming together 过去式:came together

come togethercome together

come together


...只适合于流行歌曲,"披头士"对此也进行了突破.<<一起来>>(Come together)和<<负重>>(Carry that weight)都是"份量"较重的 …


苹果公司在去年12月推出iTunes大减价商店,《一起来吧》(Come Together)和《嗨,朱迪》(Hey Jude)这样的歌曲只需 …


有关come的短语 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... come to pass 实现 come together 集合 come with 伴随 ...


...将于12月9日晚9点在北京13俱乐部举行一场名为“走到一起”(Come Together)的致敬演出。


...二○家店面员工,二十七、二十八日在顾客外带杯写上「团结起来come together)」,并透过推特、脸书、纽约时报、华盛 …


黄家伟 - wulibing828的日志 - 网易博客 ... 10. If 如果 11. Come Together 团结在一起 12. Imagine 幻想 ...


(三)会合come together):私人意见的交换与接合,一种聚合并相互对焦的过程。(四)公共意见(Public opinion):经 …


CRI听力:Courtyard Hotels_恒星英语 ... regardless of 不管, 不顾 come together 聚会, 相见 in terms of 就…而言, 从…方面说来 ...

Roads, bridges and railways used to be neutral ground on which the parties could come together to support the country's growth. 道路、桥梁和铁路过去本是中立地带,两党总可以就此达成一致,以促进国家经济增长。
Let an Englishman and a Scotchman come together for a bit of banter. 有一次,一个英国人和一个苏格兰人在一起戏谑。
There have been numerous assumptions, hopes the city a certain a way we have come together with you peek, you are so worried about. 有过无数次的假想,希望在这城市的某一条我们共同走过的路上能与你不期而遇,对你是那样的牵挂。
When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? 他们聚集的时候,问耶稣说,主阿,你复兴以色列国,就在这时候吗。
We're really excited about this fight and that the two sides have come together to make it happen. 我们非常高兴这一斗争和双方走到一起,使之成为现实。
The Christian church shows the world what kind of community is possible when believers come together and serve one another in the Lord. 教会当向世人彰显信徒聚集在主里彼此服事时会造就怎样的群体。
Mr. Gergen said the question distilled "a sentiment that was there among voters but had not come together in a coherent way. " 格根说,这一问题提炼了“选民们此前没有清晰表述出来的一种情绪。”
And again, you know, for all the talk about the big three come together, they lost another game last week, to a good team in Chicago. 而且,人们谈论了这么多三巨头的热队聚首,但是他们就在上星期输给了风头正劲的芝加哥公牛队。
Come together the way you and I have a full picture, why not continue to go on like this painting? And a half on the road to stop what can? 一起走过的路上都写满了你我的画面,为什么不继续画下去呢?半路上就停下又能作何?。
I do not know that we are not will really come together, but I'm sure is that I love you, never been serious. 我不知道我们是不是真的走到一起,但我可以肯定的是,我爱你,从来没有认真地。
i did not know whether he would come together. 我不知道他是否愿意来。
We have been trying to engage the alliance and Russia in missile defense now for about 15 years, and it has finally all come together today. 大约15年来,我们一直就导弹防御问题努力与北约和俄罗斯接触,如今,大家终于走到一起来了。
Any time two or more people come together, one of them automatically and subconsciously establishes dominance. 任何时候当有几个人聚到一块,其中一位就会自然而然地、下意识地获地一种主导地位。
They come together into a kiss and sink down on the bed of moss, and ripples of light spread out around them. 他们搂在一起彼此亲吻,沉入苔藓的床榻里,光的涟漪围绕着他们,向四周蔓延。
We didn't come together to cry, to complain, or to know who's cancer was more serious. 我们聚到一起不是为了哭泣,抱怨,或是比一下谁的癌症更加严重。
Despite occasional differences of opinion, he said, nations overall have come together to develop unified responses. 尽管有不同意见时,他说,国家整体来共同努力,制定统一的反应。
They see leaders who can't seem to come together and do what it takes to make life just a little bit better for ordinary Americans. 他们看到的是领导者似乎无法坐在一起,采取必要措施让普通美国人的生活有一点点改善。
And that very hour they got up and went back to Jerusalem, where the eleven and the others had come together. 他们就立时起身、回耶路撒冷去、正遇见十一个使徒、和他们的同人、聚集在一处。
I believe love, let us come together, though I do not know when, but at least in our hearts! 相信爱,会让我们走到一起,虽然不知道是何时,但至少在我们的心里!
So when they had come together here, I made no delay; on the next day, sitting on the judgment seat, I ordered the man to be brought. 及至他们都来到这里,我就不耽延,第二天便坐在审判台上,吩咐把那人提上来。
A bit of a stretch, but Vermeer's intimate rooms are a fine place for two countries to come together. 利特克先生这样说好像有些自吹自擂,但弗米尔画中的私密空间倒是很适合两国在此会面。
Our role here is to take you to the point where your new fully conscious selves can come together to forge your own star-nation. 在这里,我们的作用是带着你们抓住重点迎接新的全知的意识自我,聚合到一起,共同打造你们自己的“星之国度”。
If you are still waiting for her, and you believe you could come together, please tell me truth, and I will not hinder you any more. 如果你还在等她,你认为你们还能走到一起,那你就告诉我真话吧,我不会再扰你的。
Find one day a week at least when the members come together to talk and share their experiences. 一周至少找一天,让全家人都聚在一起谈论和分享他们的经历。
Summit host, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the world had come together with a united plan to combat the global recession. 这次20国集团首脑会议东道国英国的首相布朗表示,世界已经团结在一起,拿出了一项共同方案,以战胜这次全球性经济衰退。
Photographs like this are the result of patience, waiting for the conditions to come together. 这样的照片是耐心的结果,等待习惯于集合。
Rain and sunshine do not always come together. Night and day never coincide. But you and I, whatever they say, is for me the perfect match. 阳光和阴雨不会同时出现。黑夜和白天从不会交织在一起。但是你和我,无论别人怎么说,对我而言,我们是最完美最般配的。
Love is a powerful weapon that can melt the hardest heart, and as you come together to send it out so it carries much more power. 是力量强大的,祂可以融化最坚硬的心,而且由于你们都聚到一起发送祂,祂也因此变得更加的有力量。
"And we do it primarily through a large corps of volunteers all over the country who come together to help in times of need, " she says. “我们做的主要是通过对全国各地谁走到一起,在需要的时候帮助志愿者队伍大了,”她说。
Gail Collins: I've been trying to think of a way we can all come together. 盖尔.科林斯:我一直在试图想一种我们可以走到一起的办法。