
美 [kɔl]英 [kɔːl]
  • v.叫;打电话;要求;召集
  • adj.称作;叫作
  • n.要求;召集;传唤;访问

第三人称单数:calls 现在分词:calling 过去式:called

make call,give call,call doctor,answer call,return call
collect call,local call,emergency call,urgent call,clarion call


1.叫作;称作having a particular name

In fact, it doesn't have to be the tool called the pin that you start out with. It can be any number of tools in your chess box. 实际上,你不一定非要从“牵制”这一工具开始,它可以是你的棋盒中的任何一个。
The expression of genes that inhibit cancer development, so-called tumor suppressor genes, is often lost in tumor cells. 抑制癌症发生的基因即所谓的肿瘤抑制基因,其表达常在肿瘤细胞中缺失。
This time the urge she resisted was to ask if he'd called his mother yet. 这次她极力抑制的冲动是要问他是否给他妈妈去过电话了。
Wherefore he called the name of the well, on occasion of that which had happened, Calumny. 为此他给那井起名叫「争论」,因为他们曾与他争论过。
The so-called "vengeful spirit" that this subject carries has yet to be confirmed, but has been spotted by several eyewitnesses. 个体所携带、所谓的「怨灵」尚未被确认,但是目前已经有数位目击者。
People then called it Nanxiang Xiaolongbao and this was the beginning of the long, splendid story of this small snack. 人们称它为南翔小笼,这种小点心漫长辉煌的故事就这样开始了。
Originally wanted to give it a good listen to the name, but only when he called Mimi promised, so they all so called after him. 本来想给它起一个很好听的名字,可是只有叫它咪咪的时候他才答应,所以以后就都这么叫他了。
Finally, a delta backup captures anything that has changes since the last backup of any kind (sometimes called a level 2 backup). 最后,差异备份捕捉自上一次任何类型的备份以来的一切变化(有时也称2级备份)。
One day some gentlemen called on my mother, and I felt the shutting of the front door and other sounds that indicated their arrival. 有一天,一些绅士邀请我母亲外出,我感觉到了大门关闭的震动和他们离去的声音。
Finally, doctors found a tumor in Saoirse's abdomen. She was in stage four of a malignant cancer called neuroblastoma. 最后,医生在西尔莎•罗南的腹部发现了肿瘤。她得的是一种恶性肿瘤,叫做神经母细胞瘤。
The so-called End of a few refers to a number of precisely equivalent to it and all the factors. 所谓“完数”是指一个数恰好等于它的所有因子之和。
She felt hopeful when the bank called to tell her it had a surveillance video of the thief. 因此当银行打电话跟她说存有窃贼的监控录像时,凯伦感到充满了希望。
In a huge sideways jumps called a grand jete, a skillful ballet dancer seems to float fro an impossible length of time. 在一种大幅度的侧身跳跃动作(小跳)中,一个技艺精湛的芭蕾舞演员好像在空中可以停上一段让人难以置信的时间。
With the approach of the storm, a rare free hotel, the only walk-in customers, is called Paul Flanders (Richard Gere ) men. 暴风雨将至,旅店难得的空闲,唯一预约的顾客,是一个叫保罗·弗兰德(理查·基尔)的男子。
XPT, as it is called, is a roughly 2cm-thick sheet of silica particles glued together with a strong, heat-resistant resin. 因为被称为XPT材料,是一个大约2厘厚米的二氧化硅粒子的薄板,与强大的耐热树脂粘在一起。
Japan Foreign Ministry official familiar with the matter called China's move 'regrettable' and said it's unclear when talks will resume. 日本外务省一位知情官员说中国的决定很“遗憾”,并说不清楚谈判何时会重新开始。
His defense was that he had never asked people to call him that nor had he called himself by that term. 他辩解说自己从来没有要别人叫自己毛主席,也没有那么叫过自己。
It is called Catalepsy . When it reaches its height, I may lie without moving as if I were dead. 它叫做『癫痫症』,当这种病发作到极限时,我就像死了似的一动也不动的躺着。
A year later he said he realized that what he called the "Islamization of Europe" couldn't be stopped by peaceful means. 他说在那一年以后他意识到被他称为“欧洲伊斯兰化”的现状是不能通过和平手段解决的。
So this king was no exception. He went hunting somewhere in the mountains, where there was a mountain called Yen Shan. 因此这个国王也不例外,他到山里去打猎,那边有一座山叫弇山。
He had promised to take Nathan to a baseball game, but it was two years before he stopped by and later called to say he had tickets. 他曾承诺带内森去看棒球赛,但那只是他路过时的前两年,以后他打电话给他,说他有票。
The Folder field will default to the name of your servers project, which is usually called "Servers. " Folder字段将是您的服务器项目的缺省名称,通常名为“Servers”。
A man on his deathbed called his wife and instructed her to open a wooden box under his bed. 一男病得快死了,叫他老婆在他床底下找出一个盒子,并示意她打开。
In 2006, an Oregon woman called to ask the police, who had responded earlier to a noise complaint at her home, to return to the house. 2006年,一名俄勒冈妇女来电呼叫警察。尽管之前她家在中抱怨噪音时这位警察已经去处理过了,但还是返回到她住处。
The trend in Beijing seems to be Sichuan food and everyone there was raving about a chain of restaurants called South Beauty. 北京流行的似乎是川菜,那里的人都对一家名为“俏江南”的连锁餐饮店赞不绝口。
Therefore the name of that place is called Baal-perazim. 因此称那地方为巴力毗拉心。
Milo had been complaining for hours, to anyone who would listen, about being called back to work and away from his girlfriend. 过去几个小时,米洛一直在向任何愿意听他说话的人抱怨自己不得不加班,不能跟他的女朋友呆在一起。
Xiaonei is called the "Chinese Facebook" and Fanfou is often deemed a "pirated Twitter" . 校内网被称为“中国人的Facebook”,而饭否网则常被认为是“Twitter的盗版”。
This piece, which is called "Flipped Earth" -- she was interested in taking the sky and using it to cleanse barren ground. 这个作品,名为“翻转的地球”--她对拍摄天空有兴趣,用天空来装饰贫瘠的土地。
Aaron's interesting discovery was that this so-called "demon, " is no more than a holographic projection from an alien craft. 亚伦有趣的发现是,这所谓的“魔”,只不过是从一个陌生的全息投影船。