
美 [kæmp]英 [kæmp]
  • n.营地;兵营;营帐;度假营
  • v.露营;宿营;(尤指在假日)野营;借住
  • adj.故意带女子气的;夸张的;做作的
  • 网络环磷酸腺苷;环腺苷酸;坎普

复数:camps 比较级:camper 最高级:campest 现在分词:camping 过去式:camped

base camp,set camp,attend camp,close camp,enter camp
military camp,makeshift camp,nearby camp,camp site,labour camp


帐篷in tents

1.[c][u]营地a place where people live temporarily in tents or temporary buildings


2.[c][u]度假营a place where young people go on holiday/vacation and take part in various activities or a particular activity

拘留营等prison, etc.

3.[c](尤指政府让人长时间住宿的)营房,营帐a place where people are kept in temporary buildings or tents, especially by a government and often for long periods


4.[c][u]兵营a place where soldiers live while they are training or fighting

群体group of people

5.[c]阵营(指观点相同且与持不同观点者对立的集团)a group of people who have the same ideas about sth and oppose people with other ideas

6.[c]阵营(比赛的一方及其支持者)one of the sides in a competition and the people connected with it




七年级英语单词表 ... New York City 纽约市 camp 野营;营地 summer camp 夏令营 ...


环腺苷酸camp)的生物学作用与动物营养代谢调控二丁酰环腺苷酸(dhcamp)制剂的研制dbcamp吸收特性的研究dbcamp …


坎普Camp)是西方流行艺术中非常重要的一大类别,它被西方人解释为“扭捏[详细]打动女人心的10款大牌热门包包 要说这 …


七年级英语单词表 ... New York City 纽约市 camp 野营;营地 summer camp 夏令营 ...


露营_百度百科 ... rank 军衔 camp 宿营;露营 duty 责任;义务;本分 ... ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... babysit v. 临时照顾(小孩) camp v. 宿营 plan n.& v. 计划,规划 ...

"Mr. Hatoyama is trying to bring about change, yet he faces resistance from within his own camp, " Professor Hama of Doshisha said. “鸠山尝试着进行变革,但他面临着来自自己内部阵营的压力”。
None of this civil agenda endears him to the religious parties that are Mr Netanyahu's natural allies in the "national camp" . 这些提议中没有任何一项能使他获得内塔尼亚胡“全国阵营”中的天然同盟—各宗教党派—的青睐。
Actually, if you could only express the least bit of concern for me, I would be willing to do anything for you, even give up summer camp. 其实,只要您能表示出一点点的关心,我愿意为您做任何事,何况是放弃一个夏令营。
They were trying to climb to the top of the mountain but when a storm came they had to make a full retreat and get back to the camp. 他们试图爬到山的顶峰,但是由于暴风雪他们不得不全面退回了营地。
He had seen the results for himself in the camp at Dachau, which he was one of the first to enter after liberation. 作为解放后第一批进入达豪集中营的人员,他已亲眼目睹了种族屠杀所造成的灾难。
Spend all day sailing to the start of Laolongtou and thereafter camp out the night and then sail back the next day. 长城探险为期2天:白天航行到老龙头长城,晚上在沙滩上露营,第二天返回。
There is nothing negative about him and that whole enthusiasm spreads among the camp. 对于他来说,永远不可能有消极的事情,而这种热情也感染了整个集训营。
There is still a very high chance that part of the enemy army will not be in the army camp when blizzard strikes. 不过也有很大的概率在暴风雪降临时并不是所有的敌人都恰好聚集在营地。
That's a question he did not answer and after that line of tough questioning, the Biden camp called the TV station in Orlando and said. . . 这是一个他没有回答的问题而在经过尖锐的提问后,拜登阵营给那家在奥兰多的电视台打电话说…
At Camp Dwyer, Gates said if the decision were up to him, it would be a "no brainer" that he withdraw combat troops last. 在德怀尔营,盖茨部长说,如果他作决定,毫无疑问他肯定是在最后才撤出战斗部队。
The ones that couldn't we just sort of decided to leave up at camp four. 那些不能自己下山的人,我们决定将他们暂时搁放在四号营。
Some in this camp are far more circumspect and argue that administrative reform might be the best route, for now at least. 有些右派人士更为谨慎,他们认为,至少对现在而言,行政机构改革可能是最好的一条路径。
Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, 'I will set up my camp in such and such a place. 亚兰王与以色列人争战,和他的臣仆商议说,我要在某处某处安营。
Each side had its own camp near the battlefield. The tents that were set up were meant to be authentic, or at least realistic. 每一方都有其自己的营地附近的战场。即设立了帐篷的意思是真实的,或者至少现实。
The expedition members spent the last day frantically disassembling the boat, packing the equipment and dismantling the camp. 最后一天,探查队成员忙乱地拆解木筏、包装设备和拆下帐篷。
In 1925, when "Indian Camp" was first published, in Hemingway's first book, In Our Time, how much more of a taboo subject than now. 但在1925年,当《印第安人营地》在海明威的第一部书中出版时,其敏感程度显然非今时可比。
When things quieted down in training camp, Buss stirred them up again by saying he would listen to trade offers for Bryant. 事情在训练营中平息下来了。当巴斯说他要交易科比这话时,再一次地激怒了他们。
One of the Jews in hiding smuggles himself into a concentration camp to see if the younger sister of the woman he loves is still alive. 藏在下水道里的一个犹太人偷偷跑到集中营,去看他深爱着的女人的妹妹是不是还活着。
Boot camp was the most painful 13 weeks of my life, but I suffered it out, graduated and earned the title "Marine. " 新兵训练营那13周是我人生当中最痛苦的一段日子。但我最终熬出头,顺利毕业,并赢得了“海军陆战队员”这一称号。
BC: I would brag that I would allow any bandit that defeated me in solo combat to claim leadership of the camp. It seemed fair, you know? 我曾经夸耀说,任何在单人角斗中打败我的强盗都可以得到营地的领导权。听起来很公平,是吧?
Summer camp kids get a hand with an old Asian tradition, with a twist, pounding rice cakes infused with blueberry juice. 参加夏令营的孩子们体验了一项古老的亚洲风俗,他们敲击着经过改良之后浸润着蓝莓汁的新型年糕。
And Archie Cochrane, as the camp doctor, was one of the first men in to clear up the mess. 而阿奇·卡克伦,作为集中营的医生,是第一个进去处理惨状的人。
Now, he said: "we see this in every village all the way up to Everest base camp. " 如今,他说:“在去珠峰营地的沿途村落里,这些垃圾随处可见。”
They left him in the camp with plenty of food , and with his two dogs, Skeet and Blackie. 他们把他留在营地,备下大量食物和两条狗,斯开特和布莱吉。
lt was time to stop all this speculation and infiltrate the enemy camp. 该是停止猜忌渗透敌方阵营的时候了
A minute later, they were being prodded into a truck like animals to be taken to a detention camp. 不多久,他们就像动物一样被强行按进载货车里,压往拘留营。
Another season began at Toyota Center and basketball is still treated like just a part of the entertainment package here at Camp Yuckitup. 新的赛季在丰田中心拉开帷幕,然而,在这里,篮球依旧仅仅被看作是娱乐活动的一部分。(缺少爵士球迷的那种激情。
A Somali boy tries to drink from a cup as he waits in line with his mother at a camp in Kenya's sprawling Dadaab refugee complex. 一个索马里小孩和妈妈在肯尼亚混乱的难民集中营排队时试图喝水。
New playbooks are in the hands of the players, who've been informed to come to camp ready to run and grunt and run some more. 新剧本儿就在球员们手中,他们被告知进入训练营要做好跑得气喘吁吁的准备。
It's not a rediscovered camp classic, but just a bad low-grade comedy with a few oddball elements. 这不是一个重新发现的阵营的经典之作,但只是一个坏低档一些古怪的元素的喜剧。