
美 [ˈkɜrli]英 [ˈkɜː(r)li]
  • adj.有鬈发(或毛)的;拳曲状的
  • 网络卷曲的;卷毛的;有卷毛的

比较级:curlier 最高级:curliest

curly hair


1.有鬈发(或毛)的;拳曲状的having a lot of curls or a curved shape


七年级英语单词表 ... hair 头发;毛发 curly 卷曲的;卷毛的 straight 直的;笔直的 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... hair 头发;毛发 curly 卷曲的;卷毛的 straight 直的;笔直的 ...


考博英语词汇大全(完全免费版)_百度文库 ... crooked a. 弯的,歪的;畸形的 curly a. 卷曲的;有卷毛的 cutter n. 用于切割 …


谁有剑桥英语二级词汇表_百度知道 ... cousin n 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 curly adj 卷发的;卷曲的 Daisy n 雏菊 ...


卷曲发(Curly)发型 ,因为这些都会更强调圆型与丰厚饱满。 避免长发而头发方向往后的发型。

The child's face was set in fierce concentration as she painstakingly scrawled some wavering, curly lines onto the parchment. 孩子的聚精会神的埋头涂鸦,汇着一些弯曲摆动的线条。
So they gave a party of their own, and they made it a very grand party indeed, so that it might be better than the one Curly Tail had given. 于是它们也决定办一个自己的派对,它们的确举办了一个很豪华的派对,为了看起来比卷尾巴办的更好。
This is a risk that is well worth taking when you reflect how much better it is to be bold than to wear a curly wig. 这是是好的值得采取的风险当您反射多少更好它将大胆的比佩带一顶卷曲假发。
Louie was then a tall, creative 16-year-old whose wild, curly hair made him easy to find in a crowd. 路易当时已经16岁,个子高大,处事很有创意,长了一头狂乱的鬈发,在人群中显得很突出。
Were gonna take her to another level, she wants to be long and sexy, something that she can wear curly or straight. 我们会让她焕然一新,想要头发长长和性感的感觉,她可以卷曲或拉直的头发。
A man in a hat and a woman with a curly-looking hair-do puckering up show people where they must not indulge in full-on lip-locking. 从标识上可以看到,头戴礼帽的男士和卷发女士正在亲吻,(中间划了一道红色的斜线),以提醒人们请勿在此处接吻。
Carol: Oh, you think you are so cute with that curly hair, unending smile and happy disposition. You make me puke . 卡罗尔:你以为你顶着那头卷毛,整天乐呵呵的,笑个不停,挺讨人喜欢,你让我恶心。
A compound statement , usually referred to as a block , is a (possibly empty) sequence of statements surrounded by a pair of curly braces . 复合语句,通常被称为块,是用一对花括号括起来的语句序列(也可能是空的)。
It seems like the drab world of C-like, imperative, curly braces languages might be spiced up by a variety of paradigms. 似乎与C语言一样具有单调命令式和括号的语言都可以使用不同的范式形成。
The chest hair was like that of his head-black and curly with a few fine wires of gray. 胸毛和他的头发差不多--黑色的卷毛并夹有几根稀疏的灰毛。
I was not quite four when he passed away. But I still remember moments with him. Falling down a curly slide into his arms. 父亲去世时我才不到四岁,但我依然还记得与他在一起的时光:东倒西歪地向前挪着步子倒在他的臂弯里;
A pig has a snout for a nose, small eyes, and a small tail, which may be curly, kinked, or straight. 一头猪有一个鼻口部为一鼻子,小的眼睛,和一小的尾部,哪一个可能是卷曲的,纠结,或直线。
But she did look at Gilbert when they arrived at school. He was a tall boy, with curly brown hair and a friendly smile. 但当她们到达学校的时候,安妮还是打量了吉尔伯特一下。他是个长着鬈曲的棕色头发的高个男孩,脸上挂着友善的微笑。
Little Maya was all curly brown hair, doe-like dark eyes, and adorable in her shiny pink nightgown. 小玛雅有一头卷曲的褐色头发,小鹿般黑色眼睛,穿着闪亮的粉红色睡衣可爱极了。
And then there was Curly Tail who used to be the baby, but things had been different after Snuggle came. 卷尾巴曾经也是个小Baby,不过唧唧来了之后情况就不同了。
Curly Thai eagerly look forward one day to say to her, Apollo can but she was never met him. 克丽泰热切地盼望有一天阿波罗能对她说说话,但她却再也没有遇见过他。
He took them to a ship , and later that day Buck and Curly stood and watched the coast get further and further away. 佩罗特带它们上了一艘船。那天晚些时候,巴克与柯莉站在船上,眼看着海岸线变得越来越远。
the very pretty , curly - headed child , with eyes like the christ with the sistine madonna , had been portrayed playing cup and ball. 这个非常俊秀的,鬈发,眼睛都具有西克斯丁圣母像中基督的神态的孩子,正在玩一个球。
Once a little toddler with bright curly blonde hair and deep brown eyes came up to us. She wore a white flower shirt and pink pants. 有个咿呀学语的小孩子朝他们走了过来,那孩子的头发卷曲且明亮,双眼泛着棕色,她穿的白花的上衣,粉色的裤子。
He did not have the heavy, Cupid-shaped face of the other children, and his jet black hair was straight rather than curly. 他没有其他孩子那么浓重的丘比特形脸,并且他乌黑的头发是直的而不是卷曲的。
Iwould like to have them equipped with a curly cord also shown in an attachment if possible. 如果可能的话,我希望配备有卷曲的连接线,如果是直的连接线,也可以接受。
Our English teacher it is tall or short, curly brown she has, she did not wear glasses. 我们的英语老师个子有一点矮,她还有卷曲的棕发,她没有戴眼镜。
Sometimes midnight by nightmares, your body curly snooze in the bedding, suddenly want to want to him, as if he is behind you. 有时候半夜被恶梦催醒,你的身子卷曲在被窝里,突然很想很想他,仿佛他就在你背后了。
But whatever it was that Curly Tail did, Gruntle and Snuffle and Snuggle always tried to do something bigger. 不管卷尾巴做什么,咕哝,哼哼和唧唧都想做的比它更大。
Come in with your hair done the way you usually wear it curly, not thrown up into a bun, so they can assess the state of your hair. 像平常一样打理你的卷发自然,不要把头发盘起来,这会让理发师判断不出你头发的状况。
The curly curls that were wild and had a way of its own made the gray, straight hair look almost boring in a way. 那曲曲的卷发也是凌乱不堪,原来的光鲜一点也没有了。
The curly-haired legend went on to say that he believes Juventus should put more emphasis on Serie A, not the Champions League. 这名卷曲长发的传奇人物接着说他相信尤文图斯会把更多的精力放到意甲联赛,而不是欧洲冠军联赛。
Bozo was a small, dark, hook-nosed man, with curly hair growing low on his head. 博佐是个小个子,肤色黑,鹰钩鼻子,一头卷发挺长。
Thinking about a small boy with curly hair, out in the rain then the sleet, kicking a ball around in a yard halfway across the world. 在雨夹雪的天气里,在世界的另一边,一个卷卷头发的小男孩正在自家的院子里踢球。
She's of medium height and of medium build, with big eyes and long curly hair. 她中等身高,中等身材,长着一双大眼睛,留着一头长卷发。