
美 [ˈkænsə(r)]英 [ˈkænsə(r)]
  • n.癌;恶性肿瘤;巨蟹座;毒瘤


gastric cancer,liver cancer,cervical cancer,colorectal cancer,human cancer
cause cancer,treat cancer,cure cancer,prevent cancer,fight cancer



1.[u][c]癌;癌症a serious disease in which growths of cells, also called cancers , form in the body and kill normal body cells. The disease often causes death.

2.[c](迅速蔓延的)邪恶;(社会)毒瘤an evil or dangerous thing that spreads quickly

The lymphatic system is one of the most common avenues for the spread of cancer cells throughout the body. 淋巴系统是肿瘤细胞流经全身的常见途径之一。
It's like bragging about how much you hate lung cancer while demanding everybody smoke forty cigarettes a day. 这就像你声称你有多讨厌肺癌,同时要求每人每天抽四十支香烟。
Pancreatic cancer can be hard to diagnose, since the early stages have no visible symptoms. 胰腺癌很难被诊断出来,因为在病症的早期没有明显的症状。
These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. 直到这些癌细胞增加亿万倍,它们在标准性检测中并不显示出来。
We kept that patient in a bit isolated room & told him repeatedly that he is not having cancer; he was misdiagnosed & will get well soon. 我们把患者放在隔离房间,反复告知他没患癌症,他被误诊了,很快会痊愈的。
At M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, interpreters have to have at least one year of experience doing medical interpretation. 在休斯敦安德森癌症中心,口译员必须有至少一年的医疗口译经验。
Ovarian cancer is known as a "silent killer" because it is usually discovered too late to save a woman's life. 卵巢癌以“静默的杀手”闻名,因为发现的时候往往已经太晚去拯救妇女的生命。
In 10 years your risk of lung cancer will have returned to that of a non-smoker. 在十年中你得肺癌的几率将降低到不抽烟者的水平。
You see, my young wife, after a tragic battle with cancer, had died just a few months earlier. 要知道,当时我年轻的妻子,在经历了与癌症的痛苦的争斗后,几个月前刚刚离开人世。
I really hope to see a world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no fatal disease, no one suffering from illness. But this is only a fantasy. 我真心希望看到一个没有任何疾病的世界,但是这只是一个幻想。
The survival rate for pancreatic cancer is so low because the disease is often not diagnosed until its later stages. 胰腺癌的存活率如此低的原因是这种疾病常常到晚期才被检查出来。
Twelve million cancer survivors are living proof such a goal is possible. 十二万癌症幸存者都生动地证明这一目标是可能的。
In large parts of Africa, cancer is only diagnosed in the late stages, pain relief is lacking, and palliative care is in its infancy. 在大部分非洲国家,癌症仅在晚期才能诊断,不能有效减缓患者疼痛,甚至婴幼儿肿瘤患者亦采取姑息性治疗。
What was more surprising was his decision to speak very personally and publicly about his cancer diagnosis. 但令人称奇的是,他居然决定在公司场合亲自谈论自己的癌症问题。
This will enable higher doses of drug to be delivered to cancer cells while minimising the risk of side effects in the rest of the body. 这样更高剂量的药物会对癌细胞穷追猛打,同时又把副作用(即对身体其它部分的影响)降到最低。
Anyone's risk for cancer depends on many factors, from genetic makeup to the amount and length of time of an exposure. 一个人得癌症的几率有多大取决于很多要素,与基因构成和接触致癌物质的几和时间长短等都有关系。
A majority of cause to breast cancer is still be a riddle, while researchers have founded out a few genetic variation can conduce cancer. 大部分乳腺癌的发病原因至今仍是个谜,然而研究人员却已发现一些特定基因的变异,可导致癌症。
We sent her to the hospital, and the doctors diagnosed colon cancer; it had spread everywhere. 我们立即送她去医院,医生诊断为直肠癌,已扩散至全身。
A cancer charity said it would take years of research to see if the breath test could be used in the clinic. 一癌症慈善机构曾表示若要将呼吸测试用于临床还需要几年时间。
But for the first time, researchers were able to see that the risk of breast cancer begins to rise with even modest alcohol intake. 但是第一次,研究员可能发现甚至适当的饮酒,患乳腺癌的风险也开始增加。
Several years ago, her mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and was told she had six months to live. 几年前,她的婆婆被诊断出患有癌症,并被告知只剩六个月的寿命。
And two months later, at the beginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer. 两个月后,在新学期的开始,她的死的血液肿瘤。
Cancer is just a synonym for a large number of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. 癌症仅仅是一大类由于失控细胞增长引起的疾病的代名词。
In small families there was no relationship between an individual's risk of brain cancer and the number of siblings he had. 在小家庭里一个人得脑癌的风险与他的兄弟姐妹数目没有关联性。
chronic atrophic gastritis is clinically common diseases, illness secretive, long-term repeated attacks easy to cause cancer. 慢性萎缩性胃炎是临床上常见病,病情潜匿,长期反复发作容易导致癌变。
Erma Bombeck is known for her humorous books, but she wrote one that covered a more serious topic: cancer in children. 爱码白科以她的幽默书籍而闻名,但是她曾经写过一本包含更多严肃话题的书:患有癌症的孩子们!。
A family friend said he died due to problems resulting from his long fight with pancreatic cancer. 一位家族朋友说,他是死于长期对抗的胰脏癌所衍伸的问题。
Cancer and Pisces are very soothing to one another and have the advantage of not needing to put everything into words. 巨蟹座和双鱼座是很舒缓彼此的优势,不需要投入所有文字,。
His body is lifeless, having finally succumbed to the lung cancer that ate away at him the last two years. 他的身体是冷冰冰的,终于敌不过肺癌,侵蚀他的最后两年。
Romantically, Mars will be in Cancer as you begin the month, a good place for you, for it engenders creativity and romance. 在爱情方面,火星将会在月初的时候移动到巨蟹宫,对你来说是个好位置,因为它会产生创造力和浪漫。