
美 [ˈtʃæptər]英 [ˈtʃæptə(r)]
  • n.篇章;回;主教座堂全体教士;宗教团体的全体成员
  • 网络章节;一章;分会


previous chapter,final chapter,introductory chapter,local chapter
write chapter,close chapter,open chapter,end chapter,devote chapter



1.[c](书的)章,篇,回a separate section of a book, usually with a number or title

2.[c](人生或历史的)时期,时代,篇章a period of time in a person's life or in history

3.[cspv]主教座堂全体教士;宗教团体的全体成员all the priests of a cathedral or members of a religious community

4.[c](社团、俱乐部等的)地方分会a local branch of a society, club, etc.

C开头的单词_百度文库 ... channel n. 海峡;渠道;频道 chapter n. ,回,篇 character n. 性格;特性;角色 ...



C开头的单词_百度文库 ... channel n. 海峡;渠道;频道 chapter n. 章,,篇 character n. 性格;特性;角色 ...


一章(Chapter)名为「表层情绪兴办法」,我并不是写给通常的投注者观赏的,女生对汽车一无所知,即使她们自己开车。唯 …


分会Chapter)chapter secretary 分会秘书2010-05-05 Secretary是什么意思 11 2007-02-04 Chapter是什么意思? 35 2009-04 …


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... chapel 小礼拜堂 chapter 篇章;分会 character 性格 ...

Chapter One, in terms of narrative structure, analyzes the embedded structure and circular structure shown in the novel and their functions. 第一章“叙事结构”从嵌套结构和环形结构两方面分析小说的内在结构及其作用。
The chapter of life is so short , when you turn over a page , all things of that will disappears except for leaving love for ever. 人生的篇章苦短,每翻过一页,凡事都将消亡,唯有爱永生
"People expected me to cave in, but once I held my ground, it was the beginning of a whole new chapter, " he says. 他说:“人们以为我会放弃,但是,当我一旦坚持下来,一个完全崭新的篇章就开始了。”
the last chapter makes a summary about this paper, and proposes that the role of Yugur women should be played fully. 第五章是对本论文做一论文总结,主张充分发挥裕固族妇女的作用。
In this chapter, we are going to discuss the fate of a star with mass less than or about that of our Sun. 在这一章内,我们会讨论质量比太阳少或和太阳相若的恒星的命运。
Building upon the last chapter, we are now ready to explore and face the mistakes that nearly every beginning investor makes. 在上一章的基础上,我们现在准备看看几乎所有入门投资者都会犯的错误。
The invaluable exercises at the end of every chapter have been supplemented with drills and a number of graduate-level thesis problems. 无价的练习在每章的末端补充以训练和许多毕业生水准论文问题。
The third chapter of a sound social theory through the thorough research, trying to excavate the root of social theory ideas sound. 第四章经过对健全社会理论的深入研究,试图挖掘健全社会理论构想的根源。
A year ago Shyima, who was born in Alexandria, Egypt, closed a chapter in her life she wishes had never been written. Shyima出生在埃及的亚历山大,一年前她才刚刚翻过生命中的一个章节——她希望从来没存在过的一个章节。
While 'a chapter has ended' for al Qaeda with Mr. bin Laden's death, he said, the story is far from over. 他说,尽管随着本•拉登被击毙,基地组织的这一章划上了句号,但故事还远远没有结束。
After many years of search, the Tzu Chi Northern California Chapter has found a new home in San Jose. 经过许多年的寻找,北加州慈济分会在圣荷西找到新家;
The further reading suggested at the end of each chapter should help to put the issues discussed here into a broader historical context. 每一章后面建议的参考书目,应该有助于把这里讨论的问题置于更广的历史背景下。
Recently, she told him she was ready for a new chapter in her life. 最近,她向他表示自己已准备好展开人生的新篇章。
It is just at this point that the puzzle with which this chapter began rears its head. 这一章从在一开始的那个难题,关键就在这里。
The son said he would recite the third chapter of Bhagavad-gita until the time all the souls trapped in hell were freed . 儿子说他会一直朗诵博伽梵歌第三章直到所有陷在地狱中的灵魂全部得到解脱为止。
The river Wang? The chapter pure station felt suspicious, why is the wife of that king's butcher going to say that this encounters for them? 王江氏?章清亭纳闷了,那王屠户的老婆为什么要去帮他们说这一遭呢?
However, economists warned that it was still far too early to assume that the final chapter of this year's market turmoil is now over. 但经济学家警告称,认为今年的市场动荡已经结束还为时过早。
And with Mladic now in custody, Hala Gorani looks back at some of the reaction to what could be the end of this dark chapter in history. 现在姆拉迪奇也被关押,HalaGorani回顾人们对这一历史黑暗章节结束的反应。
Note to rabid Simon and Garfunkel fans: There is an entire chapter on her relationship with Paul. And a pic or two. 而且请西蒙和Garfunkel的粉丝注意:书中有一整章是关于她和保罗·西蒙的关系的,还有几张照片。
This chapter provides some preliminary remarks on this issue with a case study of a renowned designer company. 这一章提供一些关于这个问题的初步看法,通过一个案例来研究一个很有声望的设计公司。
It may not be accepted by all viewers as a fine piece of filmmaking, but to fans of the series it was a pretty satisfying end chapter. 也许对于制片商来说这不是一个老少通杀的段子,但是对于这一系列的老饕而言是最让人心满意足的最后一战。
Chapter two of this thesis deeply deciphers the essential issue of surrogacy, namely, the matter of the reproductive right and autonomy. 文章的第二章,深入地挖掘代孕的实质问题,即生育权问题和自主权问题。
Each of the eight weeks of Vanished comprises a chapter with its own activities, scientific content and another layer of a larger mystery. 绝迹的每次为期八周的游戏都会包括一系列自己的活动,科学方面的内容以及其他更深奥秘层面的东西。
Getting Started At the close of chapter 14 Jesus said, He who has ears to hear, let him hear. 入题:在第14章末尾,耶稣说道:“有耳可听的,就应当听”。
The beginning of the second chapter introduces the basic concept of a relational database, the focus on a few key definition of the concept. 第二章的开端引见了关系型数据库的根本概念,着重阐明了几个关键概念的定义。
Just a pie? It's downright expert. A thing of beauty. How each flavor opens itself, one by one, like a chapter in a book. 不过是个派?那可完全是个杰作,是充满美感的事物。每种味道一一呈现的过程,就想书中的一个个章节。
Through the point of semiotics, the third chapter explains the system of the apparel style, and how the symbol convey the meanings. 在第三章中,运用符号学理论具体阐释服装风格这一符号体系的结构,符号意指系统如何进行意义的传达。
I recommend taking a chapter at a time and making it a central part of your weekly team meetings or daily huddles. 我建议大家每次阅读一章,让它成为你们团队周会的一项中心内容。
At the end of the chapter, we briefly discuss how quantitative research can, and cannot, be used to help support this effort. 在本章的最后,我们会简单地讨论定性研究如何能,以及不能支持这样的目标。
This chapter is going to make a overall conclusion on this thesis, and the limitation of the thesis has been stated as well. 对全文的论述结论进行概括,并总结本文研究的不足及有待进一步深入探讨的相关论题。