carry on

  • adj.(飞机乘客的行李)可随身携带的
  • n.(飞机乘客的)随身行李
  • 网络继续;继续下去;进行

第三人称单数:carries on 现在分词:carrying on 过去式:carried on

carry oncarry on

carry on


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... insist on 坚持 carry on 继续,进行 keep/go on 继续 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... carry off 夺去 carry on 继续下去;从事,经营 carry out 贯彻,执行;实现 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... insist on 坚持 carry on 继续,进行 keep/go on 继续 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... carry off 拿走,夺去…的生命 carry on 继续开展,坚持下去 carry out 进行(到底),开展 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... carry off 拿走,夺去…的生命 carry on 继续开展,坚持下去 carry out 进行(到底),开展 ...


英语三级短语_百度文库 ... care for 照管,关心,喜欢 carry on 继续,坚持下去,从事 catch up with 追上,赶上 ...


a few_百度文库 ... carry off= 夺去 carry on= 继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营 carry out= 贯彻,执行,实现 ...

This desire led me to carry on this work, I tried to to explain the concept of the East of the battle, and create a one-Tousen-style hero. 这个想法促使我将这项工作进行下去,我力图以东方化的概念去解释这场战斗,并塑造一个一骑当千式的英雄。
Is a man of carry on a clandestine love affair with a woman not to steal? 难道男人偷情不是在跟女人偷吗?
Remember there is a limit to how much baggage. You may carry on a plane, and the same rule should apply to life. 记住,搭乘飞机所携带行李的重量是有限制的,运用到生活中,道理也一样。
How much luggage can I carry on? 我可以随身带多少行李?
Therefore to from guard to turn to offend of launch quality to carry on research and then seem to be is importance. 因此对由守转攻的发动特征与质量进行研究就显得尤为重要。
I told the manager I wanted to carry on and he said 'we're on the same lines' but I'd like it to be done before the end of the season. ‘我对温格说我想继续踢下去,他说’我们的意见是一致的‘,但是我想在本赛季结束前确定这件事情。’
She needs is to carry on around the house, she should be like our ancestors to accept the reality as a strong challenge. 她需要的是把家支撑下去,她要像先辈们一样坚强地接受现实的挑战。
The inability to carry on a conversation using vocabulary appropriate for her age has left feeling isolated and alone. 不能够使用适合她这个年纪的词汇去和别人对话使她感到自闭和孤独。
Have several times almost to suffocate, or to be forced to continue to carry on. 有几度差一点快窒息,还是强迫着要继续支撑下去。
I feel be you of friend, I should make it a rule to carry on the exchanges by you. 我觉得作为你的朋友,我应该习惯于以你的方式进行交流。
So, to be told that I must be high to paint like this, well, it hurt. You all have helped me feel much better, and to carry on! 所以,被告知我肯定是喝醉了才能画出这些画,真是令人伤心。你们大家让我觉得好多了,也让我努力前进!
Therefore, the roof made use of building carry on green turn to seem to be very is importance. 因此,利用建筑物的屋顶进行绿化十分显得尤为重要。
So they'll let me carry on seeing him, and like everything else, he'll be an escape for me, he'll stand for what I'd like to be. 因此他们会让我继续与他见面,象其它东西一样,他会是我回避现实的一种方法,他代表了我所希望成为的那种人。
The site makes it easy to carry on a casual conversation or ask group questions. 朋友们可以在Facebook上轻松交谈或者展开小组讨论。
No doubt, the iPad will dislodge some laptops from coffee tables and boot some e-book readers out of carry-on luggage. 毫无疑问,iPad将驱逐掉一些咖啡桌上的笔记本电脑、从手提行李中催生一些电子书读者。
Posts like this make it difficult for me to try and carry on a conversation with players. 这种帖子让我很困扰,我会觉得和玩家交流很困难。咱能不这么极端,好不?
This text has drafted the result of this aspect to carry on discuss, and to existence of the problem put forward viewpoint. 本文拟就这方面的成果进行论述,并对存在的问题提出看法。
It needs to carry on the attention centralized training to help the children. 它需要进行注意力集中培训以帮助孩子们。
Afterwards, summarized through the case analysis has lured to go on the market the company to carry on the financialcheat the agent. 随后,通过案例分析总结了诱使上市公司进行财务欺诈的动因。
television program hosts carry on a dissemination with "one by one" form, while network video hosts with the form of "a pais of polys" s. 电视节目主持人以“一对一”的形式进行传播,网络视频主持人以“一对多”的形式进行传播。
Has not been able to carry on the cervix of the uterus cell smear inspection also to cause the risk markup regularly. 未能定期进行宫颈细胞涂片检查也会使危险性增高。
When they move home they will carry on a project that has been a passion for the couple ever since Shadow first came into their lives. 当他们搬家时,他们会继续这个令他们充满激情的项目,激情一如当初Shadow到来时带给他们的那样。
But if markets can inflict pain, the harm from trying to tame them is often worse, argue those who would let the invisible hand carry on. 但是如果市场可以施加痛苦,那么试图驯服市场带来的伤害往往更严重,愿意让“看不见的手”继续发挥作用的人士如此声辩。
In a district of Shansi a magistrate wanted to arouse, the people to carry on land reform, but did not know just how to go about it. 在山西的一个专区,有个县长想要发动人民搞土改,又不知道如何着手。
But why not: the company can carry on, in the short run, at least until the bonuses are doled out. 但为什么不这么试试呢:从短期看,公司继续经营下去直到至少能发放少量红包为止。
I take a small carry-on bag for long trips, and nothing but a large purse for anything under a week. 仅仅带着够用一周的大钱包,我挎个随身小包就去长途旅行了。
Malone did not seem prepared to carry on briskly a conversation of this sort; he began to knock the heels of his boots together, and yawn. 马龙似乎不准备精神抖擞地将这种交谈继续下去,他开始叩击自己两只靴后跟,打起呵欠来。
I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak, And need HIS strength to carry on. 我不是试着坚强。我坦白自己的软弱,需要祂的力量来前行。
Here, let me help you with that cart. I think you're having trouble steering it-your carry-on luggage seems to weigh a ton already! 你那行李重得要命,放手推车上到处走也不好控制,你就把手推车放我这,我帮你保管吧。
And now she was gone and he was supposed to be King? He was to carry on the rebellion on his own? 现在随著母亲逝去,照理他是国王了吧?照理他要独自一人带领反抗军吧?。