new one

  • 网络新一;新一机;换一个

new onenew one

new one


新一(new one)检测 (第1页) - HTC (Android) - Mobile01小弟第一次将要使用智慧手机(被同事笑原始人好久了)..今日一早就去预 …


...边微微渗出来,不过我有包膜所以不是大问题,最近爱上新一机(NEW ONE)要把白蝴蝶过给我姐,就打客服0800,宅配周二来 …


换一个(New One) 国务院拟立法禁止为恐怖活动提供资金 意见稿 彭丽媛入选福布斯杂志全球最具权力女性榜(图) 昆明市长:决 …


不是说蝴蝶不好, 而是有更新的新一君(new one)大家目前都把注意力放在新机身上私人讯息 引用连结 载入图片 by2fans wrote: …


追求高分 , 软体优化还是有限度 , 除非买新的硬体吧 ( New One )7 主题191 文章Registered Member UID : 3244 积分: 152 已经 …

And no wonder, considering its awkwardness and limitations; a new one was one of the features promised for Vista and dropped. 这并不奇怪,考虑到命令行的笨拙与限制;这里有一个例子就是Vista允诺提供后来又放弃的那个命令行。
Ms Lynch has just moved from her daughter's crowded house into a new one of her own. Lynch女士刚刚从她女儿拥挤的房子搬到自己的新房子里。
One would replace the flimsy "fair comment" defence (which easily gets tied up in questions of fact) with a new one of "honest opinion" . 其中之一就是把软弱无力的“公允评论”辩护(这很容易被对真实性的质疑所束缚)替换成新的“坦诚意见”辩护。
Once or twice a week the changes can be incorporated into the document and a new one printed. 一周一次或两次将更改合并到文档中和新的印刷文档中。
After all three keys for a type of logon have been used, the Client Access server deletes the oldest key and creates a new one. 使用了某个登录类型的全部三个密钥之后,客户端访问服务器将删除最早的密钥并新建一个密钥。
Nowadays, getting out of a committed relationship and getting into a new one is much easier. 时下,抛弃老相好,投进新怀抱更是易如反掌。
Wax lyrical to your new colleague about how much more comfortable the new one is. 向你的新同事吹嘘新椅子是如何如何地更让人舒适。
He said the plan I made wasn't approved and asked me to do a new one as soon as possible. 他说上次我负责的那个策划案没通过,要我赶紧再弄一个新的出来。
In the long-term it may be necessary to try and replace the old habit with a new one. 长远来看,尝试着用一个新习惯代替旧习惯可能是必要的。
What are you waiting for? It seems to me that all of your computer problems would be solved if you spring for a new one. 干嘛不换?在我看来,只要您换台新电脑,您的一切问题都迎刃而解了。
For many, the whole concept of a PMO was a new one that they wanted to understand. 对大多数人来说,PMO的整个概念都是全新的,他们想要对其进行了解。
Then he said the new one, worth 1, 000 old bolivars, would be renamed the " bolivar fuerte, " or strong bolivar . 继而又宣布,币值相当于旧「玻利瓦尔」一千倍的新货币,将更名为「大玻利瓦尔」。
Even though, one of these days, I know I'll be gone and you have to replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. 即使如我所知,有一天我离你而去,也会有一块新橡皮来取代我继续我的工作。我为我的工作感到高兴,自豪。
She said her parents wouldn't buy her a new one, so she thought she could earn some fast money with paid sex. 她说父母不给买新手机于是就想通过性行为赚些外快。
The two astronauts disconnected an old empty ammonia tank and got a new one ready to put in its place. 两名宇航员切断了一个老液氨储罐,然后预备将一个新的替换到它的原位。
After Banks advised her to get a new one, she chose Mirena, a version that releases hormones and should last for five years. 自从Banks医院劝她选择一个新的,她选择了曼月乐,它可以释放激素,并可以持续使用5年。
He admitted that he took the recorder apart, and he agreed to replace the broken recorder with a new one. 他承认他把录音机拆开了他答应把破了的录音机换成新的
We explained that the garden had been one of the house's appealing points to us, and sought his agreement that we could plant a new one. 我们告诉他花园是最初吸引我们的原因之一,请求他能让我们自己再种一个。
Up in heaven, the Founding Parents looked down on the new, one-class America and pronounced it equal. 在天上的美国开国元勋们,看到下面成了一个阶级的情形,可以宣布实现了平等与和谐。
Chord progressions are free to use, even if you think you create a new one you're really just reusing one that someone else used. 弦进行式可以自由使用,即使你认为自己创造了一种新的进行式,你实际只是使用了别人用过的东西。
'Not many, only two including this new one. As you know we are in initial stage now. ' ‘没多少。算上这种,才两种。你也知道,这个厂还在创业阶段。’
He said many of his students rushed to take the last several written TOEFL exams to avoid the new one. 他说,为了避开新托福考试,很多学生争相参加最后几场托福纸笔考。
That will give you a clue that she's over her old boyfriend and ready to have a new one, maybe even you. 知道这一点能让你知道她跟她的前男友彻底了结了,并准备好了结交新的男朋友,而那个人可能就是你。
He has lost his job, and will have to be prepared to rough it for a time until he finds a new one. 他丢掉了工作,将不得不准备过一段艰苦的生活,直到找到新的工作为止。
She had a mechanic who built an air-conditioner compressor by hand at a substantial savings to buying a new one. 布兰迪本人认识的一个汽车维修工可以亲手制造一个空调压缩机这样可以为她省下一大笔钱。
We'll then disapprove your new application and work with you to close your original account and activate the new one. 然后,我们会拒绝您的新申请,并与您关闭原始帐户并激活新的。
Every time he thought he had run out of reasons to love her, a new one appeared. 每次他想到自己已经用光了爱她的理由时,总有一个新的会出现。
The old machine operates as if it were a new one. 这台旧机器操作起来就像新的一样。
Just a minute, madam. I'll change it for you right away. . . here's a new one. Please double-check it. 请稍等,夫人。我立即给你换一个……这是新的,请你再检查一下。
Now you know why women cheat. But we say, if you're thinking about cheating, just break up with the guy, before you move on to a new one. 现在你明白了为什么女性会出轨。但是如果你也正打算出轨,先去和另一半分手吧,然后再去找下一位。