
美 [ˈsɜrvɪs]英 [ˈsɜː(r)vɪs]
  • n.服务;使用;维修;发球
  • v.维修;维护;检修;保养
  • adj.服务性的;为提供后勤[资料等]服务的;武装部队的;服现役用的
  • 网络售后服务;客服中心;服务项目

复数:services 现在分词:servicing 过去式:serviced

provide service,use service,offer service,run service,improve service
public service,good service,excellent service,professional service,same service


n. v.

提供providing sth

1.[c]公共服务系统;公共事业a system that provides sth that the public needs, organized by the government or a private company

2.[c]公共事业机构(或公司)an organization or a company that provides sth for the public or does sth for the government

3.[c][u]服务性企业(或行业、业务)a business whose work involves doing sth for customers but not producing goods; the work that such a business does

旅馆;商店;餐馆in hotel/shop/restaurant

4.[u](对顾客的)接待,服务the serving of customers in hotels, restaurants, and shops/stores

为机构工作work for organization

5.[u]~ (to sth)(尤指长期、受到敬重的)工作,效劳,服务the work that sb does for an organization, etc., especially when it continues for a long time or is admired very much

交通工具;机器of vehicle/machine

6.[u]使用;使用状况the use that you can get from a vehicle or machine; the state of being used

7.[c][u]检修;维护;维修;保养an examination of a vehicle or machine followed by any work that is necessary to keep it operating well


8.[usupl](提供技术或帮助的)服务the particular skills or help that a person is able to offer

陆军;海军;空军army/navy/air force

9.[c][usupl][u]海陆空三军;兵役the army, the navy and the air force ; the work done by people in them

宗教礼仪religious ceremony

10.[c]宗教礼仪;礼拜仪式a religious ceremony


11.[c][ususing]班车;车次a bus, train, etc. that goes regularly to a particular place at a particular time

高速公路on motorway

12.[singspv](可加油、用餐、上厕所等的)服务站a place beside a motorway where you can stop for petrol, a meal, the toilets, etc.

网球in tennis

13.[c]发球;发球方式an act of hitting the ball in order to start playing; the way that you hit it

整套餐具等set of plates, etc.

14.[c]整套餐具a complete set of plates, dishes, etc. that match each other

当仆人being servant

15.[u]仆人地位(或身份)the state or position of being a servant

正式文件of official document

16.[u]送达the formal giving of an official document, etc. to sb


at the service of sb/sth|at sbs service

随时可供使用(或可以帮助)completely available for sb to use or to help sb

be of service (to sb)

(对某人)有用,有帮助to be useful or helpful

do sb a/no service

有助于(或无助于)某人to do sth that is helpful/not helpful to sb


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One robber escaped by jumping over a balcony . The other tried to run through a service entrance, said the club's president, Jester. 酒吧负责人杰斯特表示,其中一名抢匪从阳台跳出逃逸,另一名则试图冲过便门逃跑。
Plugs also make it easy to adjust the URI of the target service to specify the desired feature or processing options. Plugs也能轻易地通过调整目标服务的URI,指向特定的想用的Feature或可选的处理过程上。
The Business Process Execution Language, or BPEL, is an example of such a technology for defining a process as a set of service invocations. 业务流程执行语言(BusinessProcessExecutionLanguage,BPEL)就是这种将流程定义为一组服务调用的技术的例子。
However, in a typical web application, that service code is just a small part of the total code in the application. 但是,在一个典型web应用程序中,服务代码只是应用程序中的全部代码的一小部分。
God had spoken to her and called her to His service . 上帝已经诏谕于她,要她替天行道。
It's hard to imagine that until the late nineteenth century, there was no daily, year-round ship service along Norway's western coast. 很难想像,直到19世纪,挪威的西海岸都没有全年不断、每天一班的轮渡服务。
All of these make up to be the solid basis for the rapid development of service outsourcing industry of Changsha. 这一切,为长沙服务外包产业的高速发展打下了坚实的基础。
I would be happy to know if my suggestions have turned out to be useful in your constant improvement of your overall service. 我很希望知道自己的建议是否在你们不断提升整体服务的过程中派上了用场。
Pass the internet access, you can sit then at home, buying the product and enjoying on the net of is all to come the service. 通过上网,您便可以坐在家里,在网上采购物品且享受的都是上门服务。
Later, after Elvis had finished his army service, she came to live with him in Memphis. 后来,当普雷斯利服役完毕,她就跟着他来到孟菲斯居住。
As a result it is not always easy to classify a particular implementation as pure data or business service. 这导致通常不容易把一部分实现归为单纯的数据服务或者业务服务。
Even more important, the internet is an open platform, rather than one built for a specific service, like the telephone network. 互联网是一个开放平台,而非专为某一种特定服务而建(如电话网),这点更为关键。
This would be a more interesting option had the helloworldws been configured with a number of service references. 如果helloworldws配置了许多服务引用,这将是一个更有意义的选项。
He finished the book by writing at night during his two years of service in the United States Navy. 在为美国海军服务的两年里,他夜间写作,完成了这本书。
We clarified above that a mediation used for service exposure can only manipulate the non-semantic characteristics of an interaction. 正如前面指出的,用于服务公开的中介只能操纵交互的非语义特征。
To the best of my knowledge, none of the other large standardization bodies in Europe (BSI and AFNOR) offer this service. 据我所知,其它欧洲的大型标准化机构(BSI和AFNOR(法国标准化协会))尚未提供这项服务。
The transparent encapsulation of a human task as a Web service is not always desirable, though. 但将人工任务透明封装为Web服务并非总是适当的选择。
It means that the service approach really is trying to measure something useful, rather than confirming prejudices about what needs saving. 看起来就好比是这个服务只是为了衡量一些事物的价值,而不是实现不知何物需要节省的偏见。
Although the concept of this kind of video messaging is not new, Yahoo says its service will offer more features to accommodate users. 雅虎称,虽然这种可视短信在概念上并不是最新的,但雅虎还会提供更多的特色服务供用户们选择。
Cannot store up, cannot be probed, is unable to have, then finally is the service project and the service is cannot be divided for having. 不可储存,不可试探的,无法拥有的,然后最后就是服务项目和服务的供有者是不可分的。
But for Mr Jobs, it has always been about applying technology in service of a higher idea, not the pursuit of technology for its own sake. 但对乔布斯而言,技术永远要服务于一个更高层级的理念,不应“为了技术而技术”。
This focus has allowed DSC to establish a worldwide reputation for innovative security products that are easy to install, service and use. 这个追求使得DSC取得了提供容易安装、维护和使用的保安产品的世界性的声誉。
Ultimately, the concept of Object Lifecycle seems to emerge as a unifying concept for Data, Service and Business Processes. 最终,对象生命周期的概念似乎作为数据、服务和业务流程的统一概念浮现出来。
The address in the endpoint reference is hard-coded to be that of the BigEcho service, as shown in the WSDL file in Listing 1. 将端点引用中的地址硬编码为BigEcho服务,如清单1中的WSDL文件所示。
So far, U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service personnel had not received any reports of birds or fish being killed by the spill. 到目前为止,美国野生服务团队没有受到任何关于鸟类被流出物所杀的消息。
Provide FairShare with an RSS feed of your content and the service will compare it to billions of indexed pages around the web. 用户将网络内容的RSSfeed提供给FairShare,后者将其与网络中的大量索引页面进行比较。
It is a very handy service, and keeps the customer from trying to map benchmark results to the specific needs of their applications. 这是一项非常便利的服务,使得客户不必不断尝试将基准结构映射到其应用程序的特定需求。
His principal lesson from military service, though, was that insubordination was not to be tolerated. 然而,他在军队得到的最主要的经验是反抗是不能容忍的。
The Service Description tells the client what your services are, so be as clear and concise as you can with what you do as a freelancer. “服务说明”告诉客户你的服务范畴,尽可能简洁明了的介绍你作为自由职业者的工作内容。
He said that when he was a young man, he learned important values from his period of community service. 他说当他还是一个年轻人的时候,他从自己在社区服务的那段时间里学到了重要的价值观。