
美 [ˈʃoʊldər]英 [ˈʃəʊldə(r)]
  • n.肩;肩膀;肩胛;…肩膀的
  • v.承担;担负;挑;挤
  • adj.峰肩的(指航空客运量开始由高峰回落时期等)
  • 网络肩宽;肩部;路肩

复数:shoulders 现在分词:shouldering 过去式:shouldered

left shoulder
shoulder responsibility,shoulder burden,shoulder blame


n. v.

身体部位part of body

1.[c]肩;肩膀;肩胛either of the two parts of the body between the top of each arm and the neck


2.…肩膀的having the type of shoulders mentioned


3.[c](衣服的)肩部the part of a piece of clothing that covers the shoulder

山、瓶子等of mountain/bottle, etc.

5.[c]~ (of sth)山肩;瓶肩a part of sth, such as a bottle or mountain, that is shaped like a shoulder

公路边side of road

6.[c]路肩(公路两侧供车辆紧急停靠的地带)an area of ground at the side of a road where vehicles can stop in an emergency


be looking over your shoulder

惴惴不安;小心提防to be anxious and have the feeling that sb is going to do sth unpleasant or harmful to you

on sbs shoulders

由某人承担if blame, guilt , etc. ison sb's shoulders , they must take responsibility for it

put your shoulder to the wheel

着手大干起来;全力以赴to start working very hard at a particular task

a shoulder to cry on

倾诉的对象used to describe a person who listens to your problems and gives you sympathy

shoulder to shoulder (with sb)

肩并肩地;紧挨着physically close to sb


幼儿英语单词大全 ... tooth 牙齿 shoulder 肩膀 knee 膝盖 ...


服装部位英文名称(对照)_服装百事通 ... Bottom opening 下摆 Shoulder 肩宽 Shoulder Slope 肩斜 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Pete 皮特(男子名) shoulder n 肩; 肩部 whisper n 耳语;私语 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... v. aux. 会,应该 shoulder n. 肩膀;(道路的)路肩 show n. 展示,展览(会);演出 ...


单词记忆 - topkathycheng的日志 - 网易博客 ... 7. rare a. 稀有的,难得的 8. shoulder vt. 肩负,承担 9. tenant n. 房客 ...


字典中 负 字的解释 ... (10) 抱有;具有[ cherish] (11) 承担,担当[ shoulder] (13) 背弃,违背[ betray] ...


汽车英语词汇 - 老梦的日志 - 网易博客 ... 气密层 innerliner 胎肩 shoulder 胎肩区 shoulder area ...

A prison fight had left him with a limp, and he looked over his shoulder so often it was like he had a tic. 监狱的一次斗殴让他的一条腿跛了,他还频繁地回头看,仿佛是患上了抽搐症。
I was a little angry and I pulled his right shoulder once to get him to tell me what happened. 我有点生气,扯了一下他肩膀,让他告诉我到底怎么回事。
Noni did not drink after a few days, Buteng the knee, ribs and shoulder pain also reduced, pain is now a thoroughly good. 喝诺丽后没几天,膝盖不疼了,肋骨和肩膀的疼痛也减轻了,现在疼痛彻底好了。
The collision threw him on to the pavement, where he hit his head and left shoulder. 碰撞把他抛到人行道上,他的头部和左肩落地。
But I found I had no strength to carry him on my shoulder, so I borrowed a horse to carry him down the hill. 后来发现我扛不动他,就去借了一匹马,驼着他下山。
In a third condition, one tester held a bucket near the shoulder, while the other put the bucket over her head, blocking her eyes. 在第三个情景中,一名测试员举着一只水桶放在肩膀附近,另一人则把水桶戴在头上,遮挡住自己的眼睛。
My first impression of Trang was that she always had a happy smiling face, and her long, black, straight hair covered her shoulder. 给我的第一印象庄,她始终有一个幸福的笑脸,她的长,黑色,直发涵盖她的肩上。
For instance, If I can buy a motorcycle with the help of my family; for sport, i would shoulder it when going to work or coming home. 比如我家里帮我买了一台摩托车,为了运动,我每天扛着它上班
When I sleep on my right shoulder with my back leaning tightly on it, it seems to be much warmer. 睡觉的时候,我面向右侧,背紧紧地靠着它,感觉温暖许多。
Made of genuine leather, this easy-to-carry shoulder bag never goes out of style. 这种女士肩包系真皮制作,携带方便,永不过时。
In order not to bring more economic burden on her mother's shoulder, she drew paintings or made festival cards and then sold them. 为了不给母亲带来更多的经济负担,她“自产自销”画的画或制作的贺年片。
His left hand reached up to his shoulder, fingertips just brushing the barrel of the rifle strapped to his shoulder. 他把左手举到肩膀处,指尖轻拂过肩上挎着的步枪枪管。
Even Silver, eating away, with Captain Flint upon his shoulder, had not a word of blame for their recklessness. 西尔弗独自坐在一边吃,让鹦鹉弗林特船长蹲在他肩上。
Media should shoulder some of the responsibility by not presenting material that would entice them to smoke, she said. 她还指出,媒体也应该承担一些职责,禁止刊登引诱青少年吸烟的内容。
A bloodied man next to her was hanging by his hands, his right shoulder severed so deeply the bone was visible. 在她旁边的是一个浑身是血的男子,双手吊挂在桥上,他的右肩膀被刀切得很深,可以看到骨头。
Tom had a tough time growing up, so he's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder. 汤姆小时成长经历坎坷,所以他脾气有点不太好。
Faced with huge fees, parents insist teeth, and put the burden of any of their livelihood on the shoulder bending, no complaints. 面对巨额的学费,父母咬牙坚持着,任生活的重担把他们的肩膀压弯,毫无怨言。
But Robert has a knot on his shoulder that's about the size of your yo-yo. His mother is very upset. She's taken him to the doctor. 但是罗伯特的肩上肿了一块和你溜溜球一般大小的疙瘩,他妈妈很气愤,已经带他去看医生了。
A feather light touch on his shoulder roused him from his stupor and he tiredly raised his head to look at Estra. 好像羽毛轻触他的肩膀,把他从昏迷中唤醒,他支起脑袋看着艾丝特拉。
She did not realize that the little boy lived shoulder to shoulder with terror too great for an adult to comprehend. 她不明白,这孩子怎么经常生活在一种大人无法理解的恐怖气氛中。
A traffic sign marks the beginning of a hard shoulder and a thick solid white line marks the edge. 路肩的起点有交通标志说明,路肩边缘同时髹有粗白。
He thought the old system, whereby the Lord Chancellor tapped you on the shoulder and invited you to apply, had worked pretty well. 他认为以前的任命方式,即大法官拍拍你的肩膀邀请你申请法官这一职位,一直成效显著。
When finally he got up to open a can of soup, the rat came with him, awake now and discovering its natural perch on his shoulder. 最后他起来打开一个汤罐时,他才发现自己身上还带着老鼠,它现在醒过来了并安然自得地栖息在他的肩头。
It was like watching over the shoulder of the world's greatest painter as he sketched without ever repeating a theme or pattern. 那就像在世上最伟大的画家身后观看他进行一次没有重复主题和图像的速写一样。
But Hercules appeared to him, and said, "Man, don't kneel there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel. " 大力神出现了,并对他说:“伙计,不要跪在那儿,起来,用你肩膀推车轮。”
'No, no, Tess, ' said he quickly. And almost before she was aware she was seated in his arms and resting against his shoulder. “不,不,苔丝,”克莱尔急忙说。苔丝几乎在不知不觉当中倒进了他的怀里,靠在了他的肩上。
Like your fairy godmother, consider us on your shoulder for that first date, reminding you not to step into the usual bachelor potholes. 因为是第一次约会,我们认为该像你的圣母玛利亚一样,把手搭在你的肩上,提醒你不要轻易跳入平凡单身汉的坑中。
He put his hand on her shoulder gently as if to tell her he understood what she was going through. 他轻轻地把他的手放在她的肩膀上,好像在告诉她他明白她正在经历着什么。
A cloth covered the lower arm up to the shoulder to obscure which hand might actually be connected to the body. 一件衣服盖在前臂直到肩膀上,来遮掩哪只手是真的和身体连接的。
As he settled into me, resting his head on my shoulder, I looked up to see Randy and Crista watching me. 当他贴着我,将头靠着我肩膀,我看到兰迪和克莉丝汀在注视着我。