
美 [næp]英 [næp]
  • n.(日间的)小睡;(某些织物表面的)短绒毛;赛马情报;赛马结果预测
  • v.打盹
  • 网络网络访问保护(Network Access Protection);中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶(neutrophil alkaline phosphatase);午睡

复数:naps 过去式:napped 现在分词:napping

afternoon nap


n. v.

1.[c](日间的)小睡,打盹a short sleep, especially during the day

网络访问保护(Network Access Protection)

网络访问保护网络访问保护 (NAP) 可以防止不能正常运行的计算机访问组织网络和影响其安全性。NAP 用于配置和强制实现客 …


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... mug n. (有柄的)大茶杯 nap n. 小睡,打盹 new a. 新的,新近的;不熟悉的,没经验的 ...


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... mug n. (有柄的)大茶杯 nap n. 小睡,打盹 new a. 新的,新近的;不熟悉的,没经验的 ...

中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶(neutrophil alkaline phosphatase)



入学申请表/入学 - 幼艾儿童中心 ... 午睡时间 Nap time 午睡 Nap 特殊习惯 Habits ...


机场三字代码_百度百科 ... NAN 那迪 NAP 那不勒斯 NBO 内罗毕 ...

Experienced the whole night suffer from insomnia, the second day after the pain can do remedial work, must be trying to take a nap at noon. 经历了整晚失眠的痛苦之后,第二天能做的补救工作,就是一定要想方设法在中午打个盹。
He said he wanted to take a nap first. 他说他想先睡一下。
After eating the pancakes, overflowing with happiness, the old collector said he would take a nap. 老收藏家吃过烤薄饼,满心欢喜,又想打个盹。
The little girl woke up from her nap and her grandmother was nowhere to be found. 小女孩小睡醒来后找不到她奶奶。
He was feeling a little sleepy, despite the fact that he had only been up for 45 minutes, and a nap was surely in the offing. 他觉得有一点累了,尽管他才刚刚起床45分钟,小睡一会儿也不错。
letting you know it was his nap time, he would bump your legs with his nose until you picked him up. 地提醒你他到点休息了,而如果你没反应,他就会用鼻子撞你的脚,直到你把他抱起为止。
Steven: Before the baby was born, I used to work all day without feeling sleepy. I didn't use to take a nap at lunchtime. 史蒂文:孩子出生前,我整天地工作,从没觉得困过,中午也不打盹。
Habits you patted my back and said, the little girl to take a nap, going to work. 习惯你拍着我的背说,小丫头快点睡午觉,快要上班了。
After some time, the farmer stopped for a rest and found a place to take his meal and nap. 过一会儿,那个农夫停下来休息,找地方吃饭、睡觉去了,它才默默跑到那头牛旁边。
I was planning to take a nap on the flight but with him in the throes of death, it was kind of difficult. 我本来计划着在飞机上小睡一会,但现在因为他,看来很难睡着了。
I know if they saw me with my head on my desk they would know it was a nap, and not the effects of lunchtime drinking. 我知道,如果他们看见我趴在桌子上,他们会知道那是在打盹儿,而不是因为午餐时喝了酒。
and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race. 当野兔从小睡中醒来的嗣后他看到乌龟就快要超过终点了.它不能及时敢过去赢得比赛了。
Thank you! I take a nap too! Later to ask you do not understand it! Haha. 谢谢!我午睡呢!以后不明白就请教你呢!哈哈。
He left the donkey and went to take a nap. When he woke up, to his surprise and relief, he found the donkey standing in the same place. 陶工离开驴,去睡了一小会儿。他醒来后发现驴还站在原地,感到很吃惊,同时也松了一口气。
There was a little grey in the sky, now; so I stepped into the woods and lay down for a nap before breakfast. 这时候,天空已经有点发白,我走到树林里躺下,想在吃早饭之前先睡一下。
There was a sleeping room for those that needed to nap, mostly for Rich, and a refrigerator full of the best beer. 还有一个休息室,主要是理查用的,冰箱里面装满了最好的啤酒。
His eyes were closed, as if the king of this domain were taking a nap, stretched in the sun to soak up the long-awaited warmth of spring. 它闭着眼睛,神态安详,这片领地的“国王”仿佛只是睡着了一样,躺在阳光里享受着这漫长的等待之后温暖的春天。
He said that biologically, the body rests best at night or in the midafternoon, enhancing the value of a nap. 他说,从生物学角度来讲,人体在晚上和下午三点左右休息得最好,这能增强打盹的效果。
Before his shift at the teahouse, he would take a nap under a tree and look at the sea and think about the water in front of him. 去茶棚休息之前,他会在树下休息一会儿,看看海,思考一下面前的无垠水波。
The Rabbit treating the whole matter very lightly , said he would first take a little nap , and that she should soon overtake the tortoise . 兔子认为比赛太轻松了,他说他先打个盹,然后很快的可以追上乌龟。
BABS (V. O. ): After walking all day, the chap with the caps was ready to collapse. He needed a nap. 走了一天的路,戴帽子的小伙子几乎累的要倒下了,他需要睡上一觉。
Then we lay in bed for a while where she closed her eyes and took a little nap. 之后,我们在床上躺了一会儿。她闭上眼睛,小憩了一下。
I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue. 我决定打个盹,嘴巴大张着因为呼吸很困难。
Su Lin was full of energy after a short nap, playing with a burlap bag and carefully sniffing it all over. 苏琳小睡了一会之后精力充沛,拿着一只麻布袋玩得很开心,还把它翻来覆去嗅了个遍。
He was on a 36hour coding tear, so he took a nap for a couple of hours. 他连续编程了36个小时所以他去稍微休息一下
Because you knew that the child one will disturb you, will take a nap the time including the child will not read the book in circulation. 因为你知道孩子一会就会来打扰你,连孩子午睡的时候都看不成书。
Captain Nemo and his muscular companion were already stretched out in this clear crystal, setting us a fine nap time example. 尼摩船长和他的壮健同伴,早就躺在清澈的水晶体中,先给我们作出睡眠的榜样了。
"I feel pretty privileged to be able to nap with my head resting on a fully-grown polar bear, " said Mark. “能够躺在一只成年北极熊的怀里打个盹,我觉得很有优越感。”马克说。
Or if one of our cats comes up to say hello, rubs itself on my leg and settles down for a nap near me . . . yep: great day! 再或者,如果我们的某只猫走过来跟我打招呼,再拿身子在我腿上蹭,然后靠近我躺下来打个盹儿…没错:奇妙无比的又一天!
Take A caffeine nap - If you are on the edge of the zone, but sort of cloudy in the head, try a caffeine nap. 服用些咖啡因小睡一会儿---如果你感觉自己马上要进入状态,但脑袋总是闷闷的,试试这个方法。