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new chapter


首页-Moon海外代购-淘宝网 ... Puritan's Pride/ 普瑞登 New Chapter/ 新章 Rayban/ 雷朋 ...


最后一个是N,代表新篇章New Chapter)。十五岁,是从青年逐渐步入成年的重要节点。


...士顿市议会的盛况中宣誓就任,要为他本人及市议会展开新的篇章(new chapter)。


美国亚马逊----海淘城 ... Infantino 爬爬毯 New Chapter 新章男士有机维生素矿物质 Disney 迪士尼宝宝四件套 ...


首页-流芸霓彩美国代购-淘宝网 ... Neocell 骨胶原第一 NEW CHAPTER 奢华有机 OPC3 美国美安 ...


分享海淘各品牌保健品的看家明... ... New Chapter 全食物提取,他家的维生素矿物质不错 New Chapter 的孕宝 Rainbow Light …


美国亚马逊----海淘城 ... Dahlia 娇琴纱耳环 New Chapter 新章有机冬虫夏草精华 New Chapter 新章维生素C膳食补充剂 ...

We've borne witness to the beginning of a new chapter in the history of a great country, and a long-time partner of the United States. 在这个伟大国家的历史上,我们曾经亲眼目睹了一部新宪法的诞生,亲眼见证了埃及与美国长期存在的伙伴关系。
It is, sadly and inevitably, the beginning of a new chapter in an epic saga of death, destruction, deception and degeneration in Pakistan. 而是令人悲哀、不可避免地成为巴基斯坦一场充满着死亡、毁灭、欺诈、堕落的史诗传奇新篇章的开始。
Recently, she told him she was ready for a new chapter in her life. 最近,她向他表示自己已准备好展开人生的新篇章。
"People expected me to cave in, but once I held my ground, it was the beginning of a whole new chapter, " he says. 他说:“人们以为我会放弃,但是,当我一旦坚持下来,一个完全崭新的篇章就开始了。”
At the moment, the important thing is for me to leave Spain and start a new chapter in my life. 西班牙人解释道。现在重要的是我将离开西班牙进而揭开我生活的新篇章。
So come and celebrate the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of two of our pinkest comrades! 所以周四快来兰棠,为我们最亮丽的两个同志翻开生活的新一页!
Best-selling international author Isabel Allende is calling on her readers to help write a new chapter in the fight against hunger. 国际畅销作家伊莎贝尔•阿连德呼吁她的读者为战胜饥饿书写新篇章。
So far this year just one new chapter, on food-safety standards, has been opened. Next year it may prove impossible to open any at all. 今年以来,仅有关于食品安全标准的新的一章谈判开始启动,而明年则可能连一章都启动不了。
In this new edition, the presentation will be brought up to date throughout, and a new chapter on open quantum systems will be added. 在这新版内,赠送将带来最新全部,一新章在易受到量系统上将被增加。
In less than one minute, the peaceful transfer of power was complete, and a new chapter in U. S. history had begun. 在不到一分钟的时间里,权力的和平移交就完成了,开始了美国历史的新篇章。
The traditional role models are getting mixed up, and it looks like this is just the beginning of a new chapter. 传统的角色模式正在融合,似乎正翻开新的一章。
beginning For each of you, this moment is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. 对你们每个人而言,这一时刻意味着人生翻开了新的篇章。
A person's life, psychologically there will be a little lost, but this is not failure, is the beginning of a new chapter in his life. 一个人生活,心理上会有一点失落,但这不是失败,是自己人生新一页的开始。
All building blocks will be available for some of you to start a new chapter, a new season, a new SPIRITUAL dawn. 所有的砌块将为你们中的一些人提供,去开始一个新的篇章,一个新的时节,一个新的灵性拂晓。
Those invited were asked to bring some thoughts to share that would help him in this new chapter of life. 每位被邀出席的人,都要求和约珥分享一些心里的话,这些经验能在他进入生命中的新阶段时,给予他一些帮助。
With her divorce finalized and a hit TV series behind her, actress begins new chapter in career. 随著离婚定案与电视影集结束,女名星在工作上展开新页。
Georgia's emergence as a young democracy has been part of an inspiring and hopeful new chapter in Europe's history. 年轻的民主国家发生的紧急事情已经成为欧洲历史上振奋人心和充满希望的新篇章的一部分。
He deserves thanks for that from me, the club and the fans and good luck in a new chapter for his career. 他值得我、俱乐部和球迷的对他尊敬,祝愿他在职业生涯的新篇章中好运。
They are ready to drop what they're doing and open a new chapter in their lives. 他们已经做足了准备抛下旧业,然后开启人生的另一个新章节。
Stories, however, can be rewritten, and the moment you get curious, you begin a new chapter and start learning the real story. 而故事是可以改写的,当好奇心升起的那一刻起,你已开启一页新的篇章,着手领会真正的故事。
In Malaysia, a pair of senior citizens is proving that you are never too old to start a new chapter in your life. 在马来西亚,一对长者向世人证明没有人会老到无法开创人生第二春。
But the outcome of the Brussels meeting is much more likely to end up as a footnote in the history books than a bold new chapter. 然而布鲁塞尔峰会的结果在历史书中,更可能成为一个脚注,而非崭新的篇章。
Ms Merkel said a "new chapter" had been opened in bilateral ties with the introduction of regular intergovernmental meetings. 默克尔表示,定期政府间会谈的启动,标志着双边关系翻开“新篇章”。
I became rational, it helped me find my way. Today, I stand on a new start-line, and open a new chapter of my life, being a prosecutor. 今天,我又站在了新的起点,准备扬帆远航,开启人生崭新的篇章,那就是成为渝北区检察院的一名职侦干警。
Stern, who will accompany Clinton, said last week that it was time to open a new chapter on climate change talks. 这次将会跟随出访的斯特恩上周说,现在正是为气候变化问题对谈开启新篇章的时候了。
His Russian counterpart, Mr. Medvedev, hailed the signing as a historic event that would launch a new chapter of bilateral cooperation. 梅德韦杰夫赞扬这项条约的签署是一次历史性的事件,将为双边合作展开新的篇章。
A beaming Odinga said: "We have opened a new chapter in our history, from the era of confrontation to the beginning of cooperation. " 奥廷加欣喜地表示:“我国历史翻开了崭新的一页,从双方对峙变为了合作。”
May and June mark an exciting time for students as they graduate from high school and college and embark on a new chapter in their lives. 六月份对于高中毕业、大学毕业将要翻开人生新的一页的同学们来说,标志着一个激动的时刻。
A new chapter to be people of this generation Songjiang Hui denounced Writing! 新的篇章,有待这一代松江人挥斥抒写!
Henceforth. this was situated has lifted the human modern communication history new chapter in US's blue bonnets. 从此。这位居住于美国的苏格兰人掀开了人类现代通讯历史的新篇章。