
美 [kæst]英 [kɑːst]
  • n.(一出戏剧或一部电影的)全体演员;铸件;铸造品;模子
  • v.向…投以(视线、笑容等);投射(光、影子等);使人怀疑;造谣中伤
  • 网络扔;投掷;演员表

第三人称单数:casts 现在分词:casting

cast shadow,cast vote,cast spell,lot cast


v. n.

瞧;瞥;笑a look/glance/smile

1.[t]~ (sb) sth向…投以(视线、笑容等)to look, smile, etc. in a particular direction

光;影子light/a shadow

2.[t]~ sth (over sth)投射(光、影子等)to make light, a shadow, etc. appear in a particular place


3.[t]~ doubt/aspersions (on/upon sth)使人怀疑;造谣中伤to say, do or suggest sth that makes people doubt sth or think that sb is less honest, good, etc.


5.[t]~ sb/sth扔;掷;抛to throw sb/sth somewhere, especially using force


8.[t]分配角色;选派角色to choose actors to play the different parts in a film/movie, play, etc.; to choose an actor to play a particular role


9.[t]把某人描写成;把某人表现为to describe or present sb/yourself in a particular way

模铸金属shape metal

11.[t]~ sth (in sth)浇铸;铸造to shape hot liquid metal, etc. by pouring it into a hollow container (called a mould )


cast your mind back (to sth)

回顾;回想to make yourself think about sth that happened in the past

cast your net wide

撒开大网(搜寻时考虑面要宽)to consider a lot of different people, activities, possibilities, etc. when you are looking for sth

cast a spell (on sb/sth)

(对…)施魔法,念咒语to use words that are thought to be magic and have the power to change or influence sb/sth


新东方GRE词汇 - 豆丁网 ... carve ? v . 切雕刻 cast ? n. 演员,演员阵容 castigate ? v. 强烈反对,苛责 ...

淡淡的英文单词怎么写?-外语-天涯问答 ... caprice n. 怪想法 cast vt. ,扔,抛 chide v. 责备,骂 ...

字典中 掠 字的解释 ... (10) 梳理[ comb] (14) ;抛[ cast] (2) 同本义[ plunder; seize] ...


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... prevalent a. 流行的,普通的 cast vt. 投,扔;投射;铸造 n.投,掷;模具 weld vt./n. 焊接 ...


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... prevalent a. 流行的,普通的 cast vt. 投,扔;投射;铸造 n.投,掷;模具 weld vt./n. 焊接 ...


C+侦探_百度百科 ... 编剧 Writer: 演员表 Cast: 制作人 Produced by: ...

字典中 掠 字的解释 ... (10) 梳理[ comb] (14) 扔;[ cast] (2) 同本义[ plunder; seize] ...


掷字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同本义〖 throw〗 投射cast〗 ...

She felt that if I were completely remiss in religious conformity it would cast doubt upon the staunchness of her faith. 她认为如果我在遵奉宗教上完全疏忽大意的话,那会使别人对她那坚定不移的信仰产生怀疑。
He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast upon his eyes, but said nothing. 他耸耸肩,摇摇头,两眼看天,一句话不说。
And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and ye shall find. 耶稣说:「你们把网撒在船的右边,就必得着。」
A cloak made of those materials, with a structure designed down to the submicroscopic scale, would neither reflect light nor cast a shadow. 在亚显微层面上设计出隐身斗篷制造材料,既不会反射光线,也不会产生投影。
'Go, get thee after thy legs, ' said the lad to the head, and he cast the head up the chimney, too. “去,跟你的腿作个伴吧,”小伙子对巨人的头说,然后把巨人的头也扔到烟囱上了。
But that breaks the jar, but he didn't like the skinny, as the head also don't torsional moment, looking at the jug, as usual cast his way. 可是那个摔破罐子的人,却像没这么回事一样,头也不扭一下,看都不看那罐子一眼,照旧赶他的路。
Flow process of human society for thousands of years of evolution through concisely cast made of a mode of production. 流水作业是人类社会经过几千年的演化凝炼铸就而成的一种生产方式。
The lady trembled, and cast her eyes upward to the verge of the basin, as if meditating to return with her purpose unaccomplished. 姑娘颤抖着,抬头望了望山谷边缘,想着是否要无果而返。
There was no difference between the two treatments groups in reported pain or cast problems. 两组在石膏并发症和疼痛方面没有明显差异。
The jailbird cast about him for a way of escape. 囚犯在他周围寻找逃跑的途径。
I told her if she was able to get a print either paw or nose, I would be able to make the piece and cast it for her. 我告诉她如果能给我个狗鼻子印或者爪子印的模板,我就可以帮她制作。
roy: six months? ? geez, why not just Cast a few divinations to determine their guilt and call it a day. 六个月?天呐,干嘛不用一些预言系的法术来定他们的罪然后就收工呢。
If you broke your leg, you wouldn't expect to wake up the next day, whip off the cast and start running. 如果摔断了腿,你就不能指望明天早上醒来,你就能驱散阴影开始跑步。
March stopped, and began to cast about him. 马奇停下来,向四周打量了一下。
Composed and invested by Shaanxi Tourism Corporation Group, the drama features impressive performance and a fine cast of actors. 该剧由陕西旅游集团公司出品打造,演出阵容强大,演出气势恢宏。
She sat down on the sofa next to me, tore the petals from the rose, cast them up in the air above us and called out "Three! " 她挨着我在沙发上坐下,扯下玫瑰花瓣,并扔向空中,嘴里喊出“三!”
But Maddie was still recovering from foot surgery and had been out of a cast for only a week. 但是玛迪的脚做了手术,拆了石膏才一个星期,正处于恢复阶段。
The little boy in rags cast his eyes on a cake in the shop window and his mouth was watering. 这个衣衫褴褛的小男孩把目光投向橱窗里的一块蛋糕,嘴里流着口水。
For Villas-Boas to say otherwise would cast doubt on the championship credentials of his own side, who have themselves fallen behind City. 对于别墅,博厄斯说,否则会让人怀疑自己的一面冠军凭据,谁也下跌背后市。
The resulting hybrid LED gives off a warm white light with a slightly yellow cast, similar to that of the incandescent lamp. 这种合二为一的发光二极管发出带有轻微黄色的柔柔的白光,效果和白炽灯一样。
If any fight, we are the hands of a cast of American treasury bonds, old enough to drink a pot of the United States. 真要是打起来,我们就是把手里的美国国债一抛,就够老美喝一壶的。
She agreed and was freed, then quickly cast off the frock and made her way back to the rebel army, where she was promptly promoted. 她同意了,就获释了,紧接着扔掉了连衣裙,重回叛军队伍;很快,她就获得了提升。
The advantage of the British system with its fewer opportunities to cast vetoes is clear when it comes to passing budgets. 英国政治体制中较少用到“否决票”的优势在通过预算法案时表现得尤为明显。
The next day, in order to curb the spreading of the war and out of the thinking of trial, America cast the first bomb on Hiroshima. 于是在8月6日,一方面为了阻止战争的继续蔓延,一方面出于试验的心理,美国向广岛投放了第一颗原子弹。
Increases the speed with which you cast spells, allowing you to cast more often for greater overall effect. 强化此特技会提升施法速度,允许您使用更多强大的法术。
The sweating allows for the toxins to leave via the pores of the skin that are being cast off in the biological transmutation process. 流汗允许毒素通过皮肤毛孔而离开,那是在生物转化过程中正不断被丢弃的。
The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie. 主席应当负责主持所有的董事会会议,并且应当在票数相同的情况下,投出具有决定性质的一票。
(1) Say, buddy, not to cast aspersions on your survival instincts or nothing, but haven't mammoths pretty much gone extinct? 老兄,我不是怀疑你求生的本能,但是,猛犸象似乎快绝种了吧?
It has been used to force belief systems, instill fear, cast damnation, and to commit cold blooded murder. 被用于形成简要的体系,灌输恐惧和诅咒,造成冷血谋杀。
The woman was a Greek, of Syrophoenician origin. She asked him to cast the demon out of her daughter. 这妇人是一个希腊人,源于叙利非尼基人。她问求他为她的女儿驱赶恶鬼。