cross over

  • na.横越;〔美国〕死;【生物学】(染色体的)交杂
  • 网络交叉;跨界;跳线

第三人称单数:crosses over 现在分词:crossing over 过去式:crossed over

cross overcross over

cross over


高中英语动词短语汇编-如皋市城西中学 ... cross one’s mind 想起 cross over 横贯,穿过,交叉 a short cut 近路,捷径 ...


跨界cross over)这个从汽车业演变而来的字眼在现在竞争越来越激烈的商业环境中,越来越适合在管理工作中被高层管理者 …


所谓跳线(Cross Over)就是一端EIA/TIA-568B另一端是EIA/TIA-568A,跳线使用情况为两台pc对接、HUB对接。目前网路设备 …


高中英语动词短语汇编-如皋市城西中学 ... cross one’s mind 想起 cross over 横贯,穿过,交叉 a short cut 近路,捷径 ...


染色体的交换(cross over)是在「减数分裂」时发生。如果两个基因间交换的次数为偶数,则等于没 交换,只有交换次数为奇数 …


高中英语动词短语汇编-如皋市城西中学 ... cross one’s mind 想起 cross over 横贯,穿过,交叉 a short cut 近路,捷径 ...


英语高手速进!!!_百度知道 ... killer 杀手;凶手 cross over 穿过;跨越 killer cross over 凶手穿过!? ...


电子工程专业词汇英语翻译(D) ... cross magnetization 正交磁化 cross over 交叉点 cross product 叉积 ...

A cross over at the front of the stroke tends to cause your elbow to drop, also damaging your catch and hurting your propulsion. 身前的划水过中线易于使你的肘部下沉,而且破坏你的抓水和损害你的动力。
He made a cross over his head. 他在他头上画了一个十字。杂交品种;混合物
"The Straw Bale House" is one of those rare reference books that cross over to provide us with a healthy dose of inspiration. “稻草屋”是罕见的参考书跨越提供一个健康的剂量我们的启示之一。
And I saw two winds, by reason of the snow, the one cross over the other, as it had been two high ways. 借着飘雪,我看见两股风流,交叉重叠,就像是在两条大路上似的。
It shall be for the Children of Light To cross over the Eternal River unto the hidden place Where standeth the Tree of Life. 它是光明之子的路,越过永恒之河到隐蔽处,那里有着生命之树。
For you are to cross over the Jordan to go in to take possession of the land that the LORD your God is giving you. 你们要过约但河,进去得耶和华你们神所赐你们为业之地,在那地居住。
They [soldiers guarding the gate] said the regional commander ordered them not to allow any vehicles to cross over. 守卫检查站的缅军士兵表示,地区指挥官命令他们不要让任何车辆跨越。
As she showed this to nature, nature chose to follow suit and amalgamate light and dark and cross over with her. 当她将此示范给大自然时,大自然选择跟随这一情形,融合光明与黑暗而和她一起横渡。
But if they do not cross over with you armed, they must accept their possession with you in Canaan. 倘若他们不带兵器和你们一同过去,就要在迦南地你们中间得产业。
The idea was that anything that pure would refuse to cross over a grave inhabited by some kind of evil pollutant. 这是因为所有纯洁的东西,都会拒绝跨越由于被邪恶的生命居住而污染的坟墓。
Dewey, you might say, is eager to cross over, a desire represented by his dream of seeing Petey on "The Tonight Show" with Johnny Carson. 杜威,你可能会说,是渴望跨过,渴望代表他的梦想珀泰“今晚秀”,与约翰尼卡森。
And a little ways down the freeway there is a gap in the center barrier, and I calmly turn the wheel and cross over. 沿着高速公路开了一小段路后,在中间路障处有一个洞,我平静地转动方向盘,穿了过去。
I discovered that there was no way to cross over six lanes of swiftly moving traffic on foot without putting myself in danger . 我发现根本没有路可以步行穿过个车道的公路,公路上汽车快速穿行,非常危险。
But some of the examples in the article seem to cross over into "selfish" territory. 但是,文章中的一些例子看上去却越界,属于“自私”范畴。
Romanov elbowed me in the side and whispered: 'No way! Have the swine decided to cross over to our bank? ' 罗曼诺夫用肘部推了我一下,低语道:“这群猪难道想淌水过河?没门!”
you shall not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to go in and possess. 在你过约但河、进去得为业的地上,你的日子必不长久。
So they followed him down and, taking possession of the fords of the Jordan that led to Moab, they allowed no one to cross over. 于是他们跟着他下去,把守约旦河的渡口,不容摩押一人过去。
In a randomized cross-over design the patients received oxygen therapy by the Hudson face-mask and a nasal cannula. 在随机交叉设计的患者接受氧气治疗的哈德逊面面具和鼻腔插管。
Even if you are the most sinful of all sinners; yet you will cross over all sins and miseries by the boat of transcendental knowledge. 即使你是所有罪人之中,罪孽最深重的人,超然智慧之船,仍然可以将你渡过所有的罪恶和苦难之海。
I will die in this land; I will not cross the Jordan; but you are about to cross over and take possession of that good land. 我只得死在这地,不能过约旦河。但你们必过去得那美地。
For muscle control, the lines of command cross over. Each hemisphere handles one side of the body, from feet and legs to hands and eyes. 控制肌肉的指令线路是交叉的,每个半脑掌管身体的一个半边,包括脚、腿、手、眼等。
Mr. Spacey is one of the biggest Hollywood actors to cross over into the booming Chinese film industry. 斯派西是涉水蓬勃发展的中国电影产业的好莱坞大牌男星之一。
Someone pointed out that when it's for 5 days it may cross over from "asleep" 2 "a coma" in which case, "welcome back" might be appropriate. 有人指出当一个人不省人事5天的话,描述就应该从“睡眠状态”变成“昏死状态”,这样的话,“欢迎回来”倒是满合适的。
The place for rebar pile-up shall be flat. Rebars must be moved gently with fastening buckles added to rebar cross-over points. 钢筋堆放场地要平整,搬运过程要轻拿轻放,增加绑扣的钢筋交点。
On the basis of soya_bean and milk, producing technology and prescription of clabber were investigated in terms of cross_over experiment. 以黄豆、牛乳为主要原料,按照正交试验方案,研究了发酵奶的制作工艺和配方。
As I drew closer to it, I saw it start to cross over the roadway. It was unlike anything I have ever seen before. 当我开近它时,我看到它开始横越道路。那不可能是我之前曾看到过的任何东西。
Motor and sensory nerve fibres from each hemisphere cross over in the medulla to control the opposite side of the Body. 大脑半球的运动和感觉神经纤维在延髓交叉,分别控制的另一侧的身体。
After many months of hard work, he managed to send a picture of a cross over a distance of three yards. 经过好多个月的艰苦工作,他设法将一张有一个十字形的图象传送了三码远。
This was an open, randomised balance cross-over study in 12 healthy male volunteers. 这是一个开放的,随机,交叉研究了平衡,在12名健康男性志愿者。
But your servants, every man armed for battle, will cross over to fight before the LORD, just as our lord says. 但你的仆人,凡带兵器的,都要照我主所说的话,在耶和华面前过去打仗。