


Cats eat mice. No matter how much we talk it over, cats and mice will always be enemies. Now, any other suggestions? 猫吃老鼠,无论我们怎样的周详讨论,老鼠和猫始终是敌人。好啦,现在还有没有其它的高见?
I see a poster above saying, the topic of Chinese people eating cats, seems to have little to do with saving the environment. 看到网友讨论说,关注中国人吃猫的话题,似乎与拯救环境没有太大的关系。
The reason that cats can alleviate negative moods is often attributed to attachment - the emotional bond between cat and owner. 猫能够改善人们负性情绪的原因往往都归于他们对人的依恋——猫与主人间的感情粘合剂。
Exposure to cats may raise a question of cat-scratch fever in a patient who presents with unilateral lymphadenopathy of an extremity. 和猫有过接触肢体单侧淋巴结病的病人可能和猫爪热有关。
Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want. 猫猫似乎坚信这个原则:想要什么就向主人要,没什么不对的!
"We do not believe any of the cats that go in there survive, " she said. “我们不相信任何一个猫进,在有生存,”她说。
He deeply in love with a small plaque cats are willing to do anything for her strong love. 他深深地爱上了小斑猫,愿意做任何事情来向她表达强烈的爱意。
Jumping spiders like this one are often seen grooming their claws and wiping their eyes, as though they were little cats. 像这只蜘蛛一样的跳蛛经常被看到梳理它们爪上的毛发并擦视它们的眼睛,就像小猫咪一样。
I hate to see fat cats showing off all their money, but I would sure love to be one myself. 我不喜欢那些有钱人眩耀他们的钱,可是我自己也确实很想成为一个有钱人。
As if I would talk on such a subject! Our family always hated cats: nasty, low, vulgar things! 我们整个家族都恨猫,这种肮脏的、下贱的、粗俗的东西!
Then the lean Nith remarked that no one had seen the old man or his wife since the night the cats were away. 之后瘦削的尼斯注意到自从猫儿消失那晚开始没人见过老农民和他的妻子了。
They fought like Kilkenny cats-and the only result of their quarrel was that they both lost the respect of those who had supported them. 他们互相攻击,斗得你死我活,而这场争斗惟一的结果是他们都失去了原来支持者对他们的尊敬。
From the beginning, Jake made his feelings clear about the subject of cats: they were best served on a plate, with a side order of fries! 从一开始,杰克就明确了对猫的看法:猫最适合做成一道菜盛在盘子里,再配上炸土豆条!
I carried the cats ashore on the raft, but as for the dog he swam ashore himself, and was a trusty servant to me for many years. 我抱着猫在木筏上岸,但他的狗自己游上岸,并且是值得信赖的仆人多年给我。
She even thought of killing herself, but her cats have helped her to get through the difficult time. 她甚至想过自杀,但她的猫帮着她克服了这段艰难的时光。
Dogs look up to you; cats look down on you; pigs treat you as an equal. 狗对人敬仰,猫对人鄙视,猪把人当作平辈。
At the beginning, cats may hate this kind of petting. But day after day when they get use to it, petting can be very much welcomed by cats. 一开始猫眯可能会讨厌这种抚摸,但只要每天循序渐进,形成习惯,猫眯也就会乐于此道了。
Do not care the children or the old men's health and we go on to feed many cats, dogs or some others. 不顾小孩和老人的健康,继续喂养许多猫,狗和其他动物。
They say cats need less care than dogs. And cats do not seem to suffer as much as dogs from being alone if the owners are away. 他们指出猫必须的照顾比狗少。当主人不在时,独自在家的猫似乎比狗所受的痛苦要少些。
Since the departure of her boyfriend, xu was fatally stricken down in spirit and teared cats and dogs without eating the least. 男友与她分手,许玉萌在精神上受了很大的打击,回到家后不吃不喝,整天以泪洗面。
They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them as he loved the boy. He never dreamed about the boy. 狮子们像小猫似地在暮霭中嬉戏,他喜爱它们,正如他喜爱那男孩一样,但他却从来没有梦见过男孩。
Calico is one of at least three cafes that have opened up in Tokyo this year where visitors can mingle with cats as they enjoy a cup of tea. Calico咖啡馆是今年东京新开的至少三家猫咪咖啡馆之一。在这里,顾客能一边喝茶一边和小猫们玩耍。
This morning my sister saw the same two cats on the bird cage ready to get a bird, and a black and white cat sitting on our fence waiting! 今天早上妹妹发现那两只猫都在鸟笼子上守着,还有一只黑白的猫在篱笆上守着呢!
He's angry with me 'cause I yelled at him for beating up the other cats. 因为我吆喝它,叫它不要和别的猫打架,它在生我的气
CATs, also referred to as positive affirmations or helpful self-talk, are like a coach motivating you to keep going, to be the best you can. CATs也被称作积极肯定或有益的自言自语,就像教练激励你不断努力,做到最好。
She described elaborate images of black dogs, red cats, yellow birds and a "black man" who wanted her to sign his book. 她绘声绘色地讲述了黑色的狗、红色老鼠、黄色的鸟和一个要她签名的“黑人”。
Recently, we have the courtyard of the stray cats do not know where, and why I cared so much about? 最近,我们院里的流浪猫都不知去哪里了,我为什么这么关心?
And a lot of people, for some reason, seem to - to think skunks and cats are closely related, but really, they're not. 而很多人,因为某些原因,看起来认为臭鼬和猫是近亲,但实际上它们不是。
From there, it was just a matter of time before you could watch YouTube clips of cats falling off doors on your mobile phone. 从那时起,你能用手机上YouTube看猫从门上摔下来的视频只是时间问题了。
That Toxo-infected rats approach cats has long been a well-known example of a parasite manipulating the behavior of its mammalian host. 弓形体原虫感染的老鼠与猫“亲近”的现象一直被当做寄生虫操纵宿主行为的典型例子。