come to me

  • 网络到我这里来;来到我身边;奔向我

come to mecome to me

come to me


旅程试听下载, 简英材专辑旅程 - 一听音乐网 ... Prayer( 祈祷) Come to me( 到我这里来) Mimi( 咪咪) ...


PHAROS Dynamic&nbs... ... 07 Hold Me Till The Morning Comes 陪我直到明天的来临 09 Come To Me 来到我身边 10 H…


一个欧美男明星_百度知道 ... 7. That Was Then 错误的曾经 8. Come To Me 奔向我 9. What's Your Name 请问芳名 ...


萝拉詹森:恋人铃声_百度百科 ... 07 Use Somebody 爱上别人 08 Come To Me 靠近我 09 Elijah 先知 ...


网友评论_Various... ... 6. Who Am I? 我是谁? 7. Fantine's Death:Come To Me 到我这来 9. Castle On A Cloud 云中城堡 ...


... Here I stand in the shadows 我就在这里站着,在阴暗里 Come to me,Come to me 来吧,来吧 Can't you see that 你还不明 …


... Here I stand in the shadows 现在我处于阴暗中 Come to me,Come to me 来我这,来我这 Can't you see that 难道你看不到 ...

16And when any controversy wallet out among them, they come to me to judge between them, and to shew the precepts of God, and his laws. 他们有诉讼的事,就来到我跟前,我便在两造之间施行审判,讲明天主的典章和法律。
And he said to David: Come to me, and I will give thy flesh to the birds of the air, and to the beasts of the earth. 且对达味说:「你到我这里来,我要把你的肉,给空中的飞鸟和田野的走兽吃。」
I acquit you of any intention to wrong me, yet you are the door through which wrong has come to me. 我谅解你并没有害我的意思,可是你却成了害我的媒介。
come to me with hugs and thank you's for making a difference in her life. 来给与我深深的拥抱并感谢我使她们的生活与众不同。
No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up in the last day. 若不是差我来的父吸引人,就没有人能到我这里来;到我这里来的,在末日我要叫他复活。
They seem to think that they have to come to me with the "right" set of symptoms, and not having those symptoms is their fault. 他们似乎认为他们要到我这里,要有“正确”的症状,而没有这些症状是他们的错。
If you had come to me for justice those scum who ruined your daughter would be weeping bitter tears this day. 如果你来我这儿寻求公正,那些糟蹋你女儿的渣滓今天就在哭着痛苦的泪。
B: Lily, you know how highly I think of your work, you should have come to me earlier, so we could talk about it. 莉莉,你知道我非常看重你的工作,你该早点和我谈谈这件事。
I love him. Everyone loves him, but more than one of my family members has come to me to express doubts about him. 我爱他,大家也都爱他,可是不止一个家人来跟我谈起对他的顾虑。
All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and him who comes to Me I shall by no means cast out. 凡父所赐给我的人,必到我这里来;到我这里来的,我绝不把他丢在外面。
The cricket's chirp and the patter of rain come to me through the dark, like the rustle of dreams from my past youth. 蟋蟀的唧唧,夜雨的淅沥,从黑暗中传到我的耳边,好似我已逝的少年时代沙沙地来到我梦境中。
XII Come to me, as you come Softly to the rose bud of coals Of my fireplace Glowing through the night-bound forest. 来吧,当你来到,轻轻地抵达,我炉火中热碳的玫瑰蓓蕾,在入夜的森林熠熠生辉。
"Once I made a couple of shots, I felt a little more comfortable, " Kidd said. "I tried to let the game come to me. " “有一次我连中了两个,我觉得有点舒服。”基德说“我试着去控制比赛。”
When I was just a boy, younger than you, it began to come to me. 当我还是个小孩,比你小的时候,那种感觉开始到我身上。
'I don't quite like my children going away from home, ' said the haggler. 'As the head of the family, the rest ought to come to me. ' “我可不太喜欢我的孩子们离开家,”做小买卖的丈夫说,“我作为一个家族的大房,别人应该到我这儿来。”
He held out his arms and said, "Come to me my son, and I will take good care of you. " 他伸出双臂说:“到我这儿来吧,我的儿子,我会好好照顾你的。”
From a boss bulletin board : come to me with your ideas , not your problems . 总裁告示部下:你有问题先别来找我,你有点子速来敲门。
"Nobody has come to me with such talk, " She said decidedly. “没有人来这里跟我谈起这件事阿,”她肯定地说。
They almost always come to me at my weakest points, the parts of my life that are most out of alignment with my inner guidance. 它们总在我最脆弱的时候出现,那时我的生活基本上脱离我内心的指引。
And He said, For this reason I have told you that no one can come to Me unless it has been given to him from the Father. 耶稣又说,所以我对你们说过,若不是蒙父所赐,没有人能到我这里来。
My guess would be that if you're anything like the people that come to me for life coaching the answers are hardly ever and always. 我的猜测是,如果你是什么样的人来找我的生活教练,答案几乎始终。
And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. 然而你们不肯到我这里来得生命。
I find many people who are fired come to me for consultation, and I'd like to ask them how they could find happiness in their job. 我发现很多员工被解雇了来我这咨询,我想问你怎么在工作中找快乐。
Now they come to me without conditions and I am beginning to consider making investments in Europe again. 现在他们不带任何条件来到我这里,我再次开始考虑在欧洲投资。
I haven't got a clue what I'll do when I retire but I guess something will come to me in the next few years. 我还不知道退休后做什么,但我猜过几年就会有答案。
And she said to Elijah, What have I done to you, O man of God, that you have come to me to recall my iniquity and kill my son? 妇人对以利亚说,神人哪,我与你何干?你竟到我这里来,使神想起我的罪孽,叫我的儿子死呢?
You come to me quietly with gorgeous clothes and a smile, like a tree in the wind washing away my years with deep or shallow footsteps. 你一身华丽,面含微笑,从我眼眸里静静的走来,如临风的玉树,深深浅浅的足声洗净了我岁月的张扬。
You come to me tenderly. You take my soul places it's never been before. You give me more than I ever knew anyone could give. 你来到我的世界,你带我去从来都没有去过的地方,你给我以前从未有过的感觉。
Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark were the devil be. 走进噩梦,走近我,掉入魔鬼所在的黑暗。
Sometimes I said the words out of context to see if by deflection, some quirk of physics, the meaning would suddenly come to me. 有时,我割裂地来说这些词,看看会不会通过偏离,通过某种物理的突然扭曲,我会突然想出其中的意义。