champions league

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champions leaguechampions league

champions league


欧洲冠军杯(champions league)的参赛资格是三大联赛(英超/西甲/义甲)的前两名直接晋级32强,而三四名要先打过附加赛才来决 …


冠军联赛(Champions League)中取得小组第三的利物浦队(Liverpool),将投入欧洲联赛(League)(前身为欧洲联盟杯(League C…


记者在欧洲冠军盃Champions League)分组赛抽签仪式上现场投票,伊涅斯塔(Andres Iniesta)的票数比去年荣获首届UEF…


上个月,德罗巴在欧洲冠军联赛(Champions League)决赛中为东家切尔西队(Chelsea)罚入制胜点球,这是俱乐部有史以来夺得 …


去年拿下欧冠杯Champions League)冠军的巴塞隆纳(Barcelona),本季13场欧冠赛事维持不败,而且已连续28场都有进 …


曼联接下来将於21日於欧洲冠军杯联赛Champions League)决赛再战切尔西,寻求在英超及欧洲的双料冠军。艾佛顿队(Ev…


...真值得同情。没错,两支德甲(Bundesliga)球队将在本月的欧冠联赛(Champions League)决赛中相遇,德国Dax股指本周创下 …

"Domestic titles are very important but to win the Champions League you are saying we are the best team in Europe, " he said. “联赛冠军非常重要,但是只有获得欧冠你才能说我们是欧洲最好的球队,”他说。
Champions League, we could not win, but there, as I said, deciding trivia, trivia, and sometimes those of others recorded more than you. 我们没有拿下冠军杯,但是,就像我说过的,细节决定一切!细节!而有些时候,其他人比你更有本事。在意大利,我们已经清白。
If it had gone in, I think it would have been the best goal in the Champions League, but I still haven't managed to score one like that yet. 如果那个球进了,我想会是冠军联赛中的最佳进球,但是我还没能打进一个像那样的进球。
Our objectives are the Coppa Italia and at least the fourth place in the league to qualify for the Champions League. 我们的目标是意大利杯和至少联赛第四名的位置以便得到冠军联赛的参赛资格。
He has won the Champions League and the FA Cup, got to another Champions League final and just missed out on the title. 他已经赢得了欧洲冠军杯冠军和足总杯冠军,而另一次欧冠决赛也只是惜败而已。
Dortmund was a very hard game and a point away from home in the Champions League is always a very good result. 多特蒙德是一个难缠的对手,从他们主场带走一分对于欧冠比赛是个很好的结果。
The club have appreciated that we have fought right to the end of the championship and got to the Champions League final. 俱乐部一直很欣赏我们在冠军联赛中坚持奋斗并进入决赛的精神。
You all know how much we want to qualify for the Champions League without the preliminary round. 你们都知道,米兰不希望打附加赛,而直接进入冠军联赛。
If I could set a target for this season, it would without doubt be the Champions League Final, especially as it is to be played in Rome. 如果让我挑选一个赛季目标的话,毫无疑问,我会选择欧冠冠军,还因为这届欧冠的决赛将在罗马进行。
He was all set to join after Liverpool won the Champions League in 2005 but he took up Anfield's offer of a one-year contract extension. 在2005年利物浦获得冠军杯后他已经准备好了加盟(博尔顿),但是最后他选择了留在安菲尔德,续约一年。
Who wants to see him lift that Champions League trophy high above his head wearing our Blue kit? 谁想看到他穿着切尔西的蓝衫,高举起欧冠的奖杯?
Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard insists revenge was not on his mind after seeing his side knock Chelsea out of the UEFA Champions League. 巴萨主教练里杰卡尔德在看到他的球队在冠军联赛淘汰切尔西队之后坦言,击溃切尔西并非是在报仇。
The German to Tuttosport: "I say yes to Italy. " The Werder Bremen striker has no problems with missing out on the Champions League. 这名德国人对都灵体育报说道:“我答应了意大利方面,”这名云达。不莱梅射手不会因为不能参加欧冠而遗憾。
Coach Carlo Ancelotti made a number of changes to the side that lined-up in the Champions League final on Wednesday. 主教练卡洛。安切洛蒂排出了与周三欧洲冠军联赛决赛大为不同的阵容。
"Playing Champions League football is one of my biggest challenges, " said the midfielder. “参加足球杯冠军联赛是我遇到的最大的挑战之一,”这位中场球员说道。
I made a bid on the day Sevilla played in the Champions League, so he did not play as he was waiting for the transfer. 我是在塞维利亚参加欧冠那天出价的,所以他没有打比赛,因为他正在等待这次交易达成。
But a chance to go to Chelsea - or any other Champions League team in England or Spain - would be hard to turn down. 有机会转会去切尔西或者其他英格兰、西班牙联赛的任何一家欧冠球队都是一名球员很难拒绝的美差。
"Since they went out of the Champions League, the Rossoneri have been giving everything and seem to be fighting back, " Nedved stressed. 内德甚至米兰人会绝地反击,他说:自从米兰人被冠军杯淘汰,他们表现得很好,并且恢复了状态。
My one big frustration at Feyenoord was that I never got a chance in the Champions' League. 在费耶诺德我无法获得参加欧冠的机会,这让我沮丧。
Nani was unfortunate not to be picked for the Champions League final, but he is still young and he is maturing all the time. 很不幸纳尼没有能打上欧冠决赛,但他还年轻。越来越成熟了。
Maybe it's lost a bit of charm, with the Champions League becoming more important, but it's still a massive cup. 也许它失去了一点吸引力,在欧冠杯变得更重要的时候,但它仍然是一个很重要的奖杯。
However, the fact isn't lost on Andriy that Liverpool stand between us and a place in the Champions League final in Rome. 然而,安德烈亦很清楚利物浦将会在罗马和我们争夺的一个冠军联赛决赛的席位。
However, it may prove difficult as the Gunners would not be willing to sell their man to potential Champions League rivals for next season. 但是,这似乎比较困难,因为枪手将不会愿意将他们的球员卖给他们下赛季可能的冠军杯对手。
I was unlucky and did not play much; but the previous season we won the Champions League, and I made a great contribution to Milan. 我不太走运,没有打几场比赛,但是前一个赛季我们赢得了欧洲冠军杯,我为米兰做出了很大的贡献。
People still talk about that Champions League victory and that's the sort of night Liverpool should be experiencing more regularly. 人们仍在谈论那场欧冠的胜利,那才是利物浦应该经常经历的夜晚。
The Champions League, FA Cup, league - it's not easy to keep this level if you do not have the money that maybe other teams have. 冠军杯、足总杯、联赛,如果你没有像其他球队足够的资金话,你根本保持不了竞技水平。
He made up for it, however, by nabbing the only goal in United's Champions League opener against Besiktas on Tuesday. 但是在周中的欧冠他用全场唯一的进球击败了贝西克塔斯,做出了补偿。
The last time I saw you, Mr Benitez, was at the 2005 Champions' League final, and your, erm, silhouette seems to have changed since then. 上次我见到你,贝尼特斯先生,是在2005年冠军联赛决赛的时候,为什么你的~恩~身材似乎和那时不一样了?
Are you pleased to have avoided Liverpool in the Champions League draw and how much are you looking forward to facing Roma again? 你很高兴在冠军杯中避开了利物浦,那你如何展望和罗马的比赛?
I consider Milan the best team in Europe and the Champions League has always been our primary target, just as it will be this year. 我认为米兰是欧洲最好的俱乐部,冠军杯一直是我们的首要目标,今年也是如此。