
美 [ɪɡˈzɔst]英 [ɪɡˈzɔːst]
  • v.耗尽;使筋疲力尽;使疲惫不堪;用完
  • n.(车辆、发动机或机器排出的)废气;排气管
  • 网络用尽;排气装置

第三人称单数:exhausts 现在分词:exhausting 过去式:exhausted

exhaust strength,list exhaust


n. v.

1.[u](车辆、发动机或机器排出的)废气waste gases that come out of a vehicle, an engine or a machine

2.[c]排气管a pipe through which exhaust gases come out


关于汽车专业的英语单词_百度知道 ... exciter 激励器,激活剂 exhaust 排气 extremely 极端,极其,非常 ...


必修3英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... cabin n. 小屋;船舱 exhaust vt. 用尽;耗尽;使精疲力尽 Canadian n. 加拿大人 ...


字典中 拙 字的解释 ... (1) 不善于[ not good at] (3) 穷尽;用尽[ exhaust] (4) 屈抑;粗暴对待[ rude] ...


四级高频词汇附带MP3_百度文库 ... eventually ad. 终于 exhaust vt. 耗尽;使精疲力竭 n.排气管;废气 expectation n. 期待;希 …


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... profit n. 益处;利润 exhaust vt. 使筋疲力尽 waitress n. 女服务生 ...


TOYOTA的博客 - TOYOTA - 网易博客 ... | | |----Spoiler 尾翼 | | |----Exhaust 排气管 | |-----Performance 性能改装 ...


MBA词汇电子版 - MBA智库文档 ... HLJ exercise 练习;锻炼,运动 v.锻炼; exhaust 排气装置;废气 facility 灵巧,熟练; ...


机务英语基础 - 豆丁网 ... 水平安定面 Horizontal stabilizer 排出 Exhaust 设计 Design ...

After the family eat out for a stroll, the early moon, the stars are all shy to hide among the car exhaust, how charming night ah! 一家人吃饱后出来散步,月光初现,所有的星光都害羞地躲在汽车的尾气之中,多么迷人的夜晚啊!
Air is drawn in at the front by a large fan, and pushed out the back. Exhaust gases are also ejected, at a higher speed. 一个大的鼓风机把空气从前面拉入,从后面推出。尾气高速喷出。
If the valves do not open and close at the right time or at all, air cannot get in and exhaust cannot get out, so the engine cannot run. 如果阀门不在正确的时间打开或关闭,空气就不能进入,废气也不能排除,引擎就无法工作。
Environmentally friendly. It's man-powered. Save the planet a little bit of exhaust. Hey, it might just be enough to save us all. 保护环境。骑自行车是人工动力的。少点废气可以拯救地球。嘿,这可能足以拯救我们所有人。
How much reduction can the booster achieve in exhaust emission? 按装汽车省油器之后会减低多少排放废气量?
"Data is becoming the exhaust product of daily life, " he said. "Yet much of the data we generate is inaccessible to us. " “数据已经成了我们日常生活的垃圾产物,”他说道,“然而,我们的行为所带来的太多数据却是无法被获取的。”
The larger the material humidity after its strength will be weak, and thus easy to draggle, or even unable to exhaust. 环境湿度越大,材料受潮后自身的强度就越弱,从而容易拉断,甚至无法排废。
A lot of the heat from this combustion goes right out the exhaust system, but some of it soaks into the engine, heating it up. 很多热量从燃烧室散发出来,直接进入废弃排气系统,一部分热量进入了发动机去预热发动机。
Nora called him exhaust pipe in her heart, but she had to execute his orders. 诺拉在心里骂他是排气管,但不得不执行他的命令。
But he says any exhaust from such a small test could be very difficult to detect, and North Korea says there was no such exhaust. 但他也指出,任何从这么小的一个试验中排放出的气体都是很难被探测到的,而朝鲜也声称此次实验没有排放这样的气体。
Driving it was very similar to any other automatic city car, except there was no exhaust system and no emissions. 感觉和其他自动挡轿车一样,只不过它没有排气系统以及任何废气排放。
Singapore is so small a country that you can exhaust all her scenic spots within a few days. 作为一个国家,新加坡很小,小到你只需几天就能游遍她所有的景点。
The exhaust fan is a piece of equipment that needs to be checked two or three times a year. 排风扇是整个设备的一部分,每年需要检查2至3次。
We were a bit worried about a problem with an exhaust and so we told the driver to be very careful at the second pit stop. 我们那时很担心轮胎衰竭的问题,所以我们告诉车手要在第二次进站的时候非常小心。
Some of the cost of these systems can be mitigated as they take the place of existing exhaust brake units. 因为取代了现有的排气制动,这些装置的成本有所降低。
If you put such a cell next to, say, an engine's exhaust pipe, you would have the ultimate form of recycling. 如果你把这样的电池放到发动机的尾气管,你就会实现能源的终极循环利用了。
It won't take long for you to exhaust all the money you inherited if you do not change your extravagant habits. 如果你不改变你奢侈浪费的习惯,用不了多长时间你就把你继承的钱全部花光了。
The spacecraft hovers near the asteroid, with its thrusters angled outwards so that the exhaust does not impinge on the surface. 太空船靠近小行星盘旋,它角度向外的使用它矫正舱身的火箭排气,不直接撞击小行星表面上。
A cloud of exhaust at a coal-fired steel factory in Shanxi Province. At a facility like this, smoke of any color other than white is toxic. 山西省一个钢厂的烟囱正喷出滚滚浓烟。像这样的烟囱,除了白烟以外其他颜色的烟都是有毒的。
Annoy people, and yet require them to die, to exhaust their strength, from antiquity till today has never been heard of. 给别人增添很多麻烦,而又要求人家为你效死尽力,是从古至今,没有听说过的。
Machine worked at VOLKSWAGEN and was used to produce a piece that fixed the exhaust pipe to the ground plate of the vehicle. 该机械闲置于德国大众汽车公司,又来生产汽车排气管道加紧固。
The final visual touches are a new rear wing and a pair of double-barreled exhaust tips peeking through the revised rear skirt. 最后是一个新的视觉接触尾翼和一双如今通过修订排气技巧就后方的裙子。
Sean the plastic inlet to the mouth of the bottle, with a hard hose in the bottom of the visco-connected to the exhaust pipe on the syringe. 把进水管胶塞安到瓶口,用硬胶管把粘在底部的抽气管连接到注射器上。
It was the kind of car that made you feel dirty like exhaust fumes, like you needed a shower after driving around in it. 这是什么样的车,使你感觉像肮脏的尾气一样,你需要一个淋浴后,驾驶转转。
MTM gets the extra performance out of the Continental GT with upgraded exhaust, an engine retune and a few secret tweaks. 获得额外的母语教学表现出大陆GT与升级排气,引擎retune和一些秘密的调整。
So she drove home and was in the garage with her lips wrapped around the exhaust pipe when her blonde neighbor came over to visit. 于是,她开车回家,并在车库与她的嘴唇包裹的排气管时,她的金发碧眼的邻居过来参观。
Well, now maybe all this exhaust is getting to me, but I'd swear that's Scott Bernard standing in the doorway. 咳,现在我大概能弄好这个排气装置了,但是,我发誓站在门口的一定是斯科特•伯纳德。
The invention relates to a device for controlling hydrogen discharged by an internal combustion engine by thermal exhaust recirculation. 本发明涉及一种热排气再循环控制氢内燃机排放的装置。
An optimal adaptation of the exhaust turbine is possible only for a limited range. 最佳的排气涡轮可能仅适有限的范围。
As on the front the center volume is flanked by large air exits extracting hot engine air as well as housing the exhaust and rear lights. 正如前脸的中心两侧大型空气出口,提取发动机排热,以及排气和尾灯。