
美 [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ]英 [ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ]
  • n.交换;交流;交易所;兑换
  • v.交换;交流;交易;兑换
  • 网络调换;互换

第三人称单数:exchanges 现在分词:exchanging 过去式:exchanged

exchange information,exchange word,greeting exchange


n. v.

交换giving and receiving

1.[c][u]交换;互换;交流;掉换an act of giving sth to sb or doing sth for sb and receiving sth in return


2.[c]交谈;对话;争论a conversation or an argument

金钱of money

3.[u]兑换;汇兑the process of changing an amount of one currency (= the money used in one country) for an equal value of another

两国之间between two countries

4.[c](不同国家人或团体之间的)交流,互访an arrangement when two people or groups from different countries visit each other's homes or do each other's jobs for a short time


5.[c]交易所a building where business people met in the past to buy and sell a particular type of goods


易字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 通“埸”。边界〖 border〗 换,交换exchange〗 改变,更改〖 change〗 ...


首页-++无限不循环++原创品牌男装-- 淘宝网 ... 套装 Suit 交流 Exchange 收藏 Mark ...


字典中 解 字的解释 ... (4) 押送财物或犯人[ send under escort] (7) 兑换[零钱][ exchange] (1) 兽名[ beast’s name] ...


沪深300指数_百度百科 ... 成分券名称 Constituent Name 交易所 Exchange 平安银行 Ping An Bank Co.,Ltd. ...


《动物乐园》_互动百科 ... 移动 Move 调换 Exchange 购买 Purchase ...


互字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 互感〖 mutualinductance〗 互换exchange〗 互惠〖 reciprocity;bemutuallybeneficial〗 ...

But I had not set out on this journey to exchange a home beyond the seas for the one on this side. 但是我出来旅行并不是为把海那边的家换成这边的家。
Not to be forgotten too, he said, was the fact that many of these countries, China in particular, had huge foreign exchange reserves. 他说,不能忘记的是,事实上其中许多国家,尤其是中国,拥有大量的外汇储备。
How much in foreign exchange certificate can I get for a fifty-pound note? 一张五十镑钞票可以兑换多少兑换券?
He said China will watch developments while continuing to diversify and strengthen risk management of its foreign-exchange reserves. 周小川说,中国将关注事态发展,同时继续坚持外储管理多元化投资原则,加强风险管理。
University, insisted upon seeing the person you are mother, in exchange for your virtual volume, afraid of her to lose face. 上大学了,硬要送你的那个人是母亲,换来的是你的虚容,怕她给丢面子。
In addition, investment-related flows also added to a country's supply of foreign exchange or to its need for additional foreign funds. 此外,与投资相关的流动也加大了一个国家的外汇供给或其对额外外国资金的需求。
Back in June, Timothy Geithner, the Treasury secretary, praised China's announcement that it would move to a more flexible exchange rate. 早在六月,美国财长蒂莫西-盖特纳赞扬中国的公告,称其将转向更灵活的汇率。
'China is not the only country with a predatory exchange rate policy, ' Mr. Levin said. He called Japan's move 'deeply disturbing. ' 日本在9月15日采取干预措施后不久,列文就说,中国并不是唯一一个实施掠夺性汇率政策的国家,日本此举“让人深感不安”。
Already proved to promotes the Chinese people and between the world other provincial's exchange, this was one of best ways. 已经证明对促进中国人民和世界其它地方人民之间的交流来说,这是最好的途径之一。
Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will meet and exchange views with him on the situation in Libya. 吉卜里勒访华期间,杨洁篪外长将与其会见,双方将就利比亚局势交换意见。
She was an exchange student for a year in Norway, which is why she finished secondary school one year later than normal. 她有一年时间作为交流学生到了挪威,所以她中学毕业比普通学生晚了一年。
This is often done through the medium of a Documentary Bill of Exchange, which is drawn up by the exporter and handed to his bank. 这常常是通过出口商开出并递交给银行的“跟单汇票”这一媒介来实现。
Whatever the quality of the information exchange, our intelligence collaboration with that country was more than justified. 不管情报交换的质量如何,我们和该国的情报合作是完全有理由的。
Suffice it to say that XML is a standard for data exchange (not just a file format). 只要说XML是数据交换的标准(不仅是文件格式)就够了。
He said mooted exemptions for foreign exchange trades from the OTC market reforms being considered by US Congress would not be adopted. 弗兰克表示,有关从国会正在考虑的OTC市场改革措施中豁免外汇交易的提议,不会被采纳。
Such talks will no doubt result in a renewed series of concessions to North Korea in exchange for promises of good behaviour. 毫无疑问,这样的谈话将标志着韩国对朝鲜做出一系列新的退让,以换得朝鲜循规蹈矩的承诺。
When forced to separation as the conditions in exchange for a child, his wife resolutely, "fiercely" to turn "I agree! " 当不得不以分居为条件来换回孩子时,妻子毅然“恶狠狠”地转身“Iagree!”
Mr Woodford said the meeting had been "a constructive and honest exchange" . 伍德福德说,会议是“建设性的和坦诚交流”。
For more information about what needs to be backed up in Exchange 2007, see What Needs to Be Protected in an Exchange Environment. 有关Exchange2007中需要备份的内容的详细信息,请参阅在Exchange环境中需要保护哪些内容。
A company whose stock is listed on a stock exchange and is usually owned by a large number of individual shareholders. 股票在证交所上市的公司,通常有大量私人股东。
The foreign exchange market is not a physical place but a network of telephones and telex systems connecting large banks all over the world. 外汇市场不是一个有形场所,而是一个连接世界各大银行的电话和电传网。
One of the activities supported is in a remote area of Vietnam near the Lao border, where "peer educators" run a needle exchange program. 项目资助的内容之一是支持在靠近老挝边境的一个偏远地区由教育人员实施针头交换项目。
Last month, when the union announced it had negotiated a 12% pay cut in exchange for a promise of no lay-offs, there was applause. 然而上个月,当工会宣布经协商决定用12%的减薪来确保没有人被炒鱿鱼时,迎来的却是掌声。“我当时很震惊。”
To be sure, I was on something of a luxury trip for journalists, carefully choreographed by the China-U. S. Exchange Foundation. 当然,我是参加由中美交流基金会,为记者精心准备的一个豪华旅行团。
Mail contacts are ideal for representing people external to your Exchange organization who do not need access to any internal resources. 邮件联系人是表示Exchange组织外部、不需要访问任何内部资源的人员的理想方式。
Also corresponding to each braid is a very complicated matrix, the result of combining all the individual matrices of every anyon exchange. 此外,每条绞辫还会对应到一个非常复杂的矩阵,这个矩阵是每次任意子交换所对应的矩阵的总和。
And his majordomo of quality said that he would exchange a new pair of shoes and send to me as long as I sent the shoes to them. 他的技术总监说只要我把鞋寄回厂家,他会给我寄双新鞋,他们希望这件事尽快结束。
By law it must report twice a year on which countries fiddle their exchange rates at the world's expense. 依据法律,美国财政部必须每年两次报告那些操纵汇率损害世界利益的国家。
WinCE running in a very slow, but I have several parameters it had not quite understand, and the exchange of line with what. 在WinCE上运行很慢,同时我有几个参数弄的不太明白,发上来和大家交流一下。
The officer sent him to parley with the enemy for an exchange of prisoners. 指挥官派他去与敌人谈判交换战俘事宜。