end of the summer

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end of the summer

All these Antarctic babies growing up on the ice must be ready to take the plunge by the end of the summer. 这些在冰上成长的南极宝宝必须在夏天结束前,能够独立下水游泳。
By the end of the summer I had my answer: I needed to leave him, even if it meant getting a --gasp --roommate. 在夏末,我有了答案:我得离开他,就算要有一个--啊--室友。当他回来时,我们好好地谈论了一番。
As it turns out, I never broke this rule, and by the end of the summer, I made it to five miles. 我一直遵守了这个原则,到了夏天结束时,我真的能跑5英里了。
But at the end of the summer, the CTO brought me into the corner office and closed the door. 但是在夏季即将结束时,CTO把我叫进经理办公室,并关上门。
On this blog we said we would update you on the company results at the end of the summer. 关于这个博客,我们说,我们将更新你对公司的结果,在夏季结束。
on't forget as well that the budget depends on us finishing by the end of the summer. 也不要忘了预算是取决于我们夏末的完成情况的。
By the end of the summer it had paying customers. 暑期结束时,已经有付费用户了。
By the end of the summer she could understand what everybody was saying, even if the vocabulary and grammar were far above her ability. 那个夏天快要结束的时候,她基本上能听懂任何人讲话了,就算说话人所用的词汇和语法远远超出了她的水平。
Marching south at the end of the summer fighting season he was led into unfamiliar territory by a trusted native lieutenant, Arminius. 夏末作战结束后,瓦卢斯率军南归,却被他所信任的一个来自当地的副官阿米纽斯(Arminius)引入了不熟悉的地域。
He wrote in April, and had strong hopes of settling everything to his entire satisfaction, and leaving Antigua before the end of the summer. 他是4月份写的信,满心指望能在夏季结束之前将一切事情办妥,离开安提瓜回国。
Expect to see it on shelves by the end of the summer. 期望这个夏季末时在购物架中找到它。
S. She had a teaching job in Italy to return to at the end of the summer. 在夏天结束时,她还要回意大利去从事教学工作。
By the end of the summer it will be running on eight campus networks around the country. 到夏天,这个网络将在美国各地的8个校园网运行。
By the end of the summer, people were trading thick gold rings for a biscuit. 到了夏末,一块饼干已值得上厚重的金戒指。
The rouble has fallen roughly 33 per cent against the dollar since the end of the summer. 自去年夏末以来,卢布兑美元汇率已下跌约33%。
At the end of the summer Wall Street worried that growth was grinding to a halt. 就在今年夏天要结束之时,华尔街还担心经济增长会趋于停滞。
Flights from Nice at the end of the summer holidays are always predictable. 那些暑假结束返回的航班完全能够猜出来。
Prices could head toward $800 as seasonal weakness sets in from mid-June to the end of the summer, said CPM Group analyst Carlos Sanchez. CPMGroup分析师桑切斯(CarlosSanchez)说,在6月中旬至夏季结束前的季节性疲弱期内,金价可能向800美元一线下探。
At the end of the summer camp, the 124 Sixth Former took photo with School of Business's faculty, staff and current BBA students. 夏令营结束前,124位中六参加者与浸大商学院的老师、职员及同学合照。
The end of the summer, the school day, a teacher , An farming failed to return home. One semester are not seen each other. 暑假结束,到了开学的日子,雨儿上了师范,安安落榜回家务农。一个学期彼此都没有再见过。
So for this year, I resolved to not put it off to the end of the Summer. 所以今年,我决心不再把事情推到活动结束的时候。
The end of the summer vacation came too quickly for Harry's liking. 哈利觉得暑假结束得太快了。
Before the end of the summer camp, the 118 Sixth Former took photo with teaching faculty and current BBA students. 夏令营结束前,一百一十八位中六参加者与浸大商学院的教职员及同学合照。
Don't put off your homework till the end of the summer holidays! 别把你的作业推迟到暑假最后的那几天!
When they meet up at the end of the summer, they will record their favourite adventures on the trouser legs. 当他们满足于今年夏季末,他们将自己喜爱的冒险的裤腿。
The unemployment rate is currently 9. 5% and virtually certain to cross 10% by the end of the summer. 失业率目前是9.5%,到夏末几乎肯定会超过10%。
For most Americans, it marks the end of the summer vacation season and the start of the school year. 对多数美国人而言,今天这个工作日标志着暑期休假的结束和新学年的开始。
Johnson said she might look for a job at the end of the summer to start after she completes the degree next year. 约翰逊说,夏季结束时,她可能会去找一份来年修完学业后入职的工作。
He sweated his guts out and bought himself a Car near the end of the summer. 他拼命地工作,在夏天决结束时给自己买了一辆车。
My mother and I left the island at the end of the summer. Soon after, I went to college. 夏末,我和我妈妈离开了那座岛。不久之后,我上了大学。