
美 [ɪˈstæblɪʃ]英 [ɪ'stæblɪʃ]
  • v.建立;确立;设立;确定
  • 网络创办;创建;使开业

第三人称单数:establishes 现在分词:establishing 过去式:established

establish system,establish connection,establish relationship,need establish,establish policy



1.~ sth建立;创立;设立to start or create an organization, a system, etc. that is meant to last for a long time

2.~ sth建立(尤指正式关系)to start having a relationship, especially a formal one, with another person, group or country

3.~ sb/sth/yourself (in sth) (as sth)确立;使立足;使稳固to hold a position for long enough or succeed in sth well enough to make people accept and respect you

4.~ sth使…获得接受;使…得到认可to make people accept a belief, claim, custom etc.

5.查实;确定;证实to discover or prove the facts of a situation


九年级英语单词表 ... set up 创建;开办 establish 建立 think up 想出 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... nourish 滋养,养育 establish 设立,建造 flourish 繁荣,兴旺 ...


确字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 确乎〖 really;indeed〗 确立establish〗 确论〖 appropriateviewsonpolitics〗 ...


新视野大学英语1-4册单词表 - 豆丁网 ... illustrate vt. 说明 establish vt. 建立, 创办 buster n. 克星 ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... equal a. 相等的;胜任的n.同等的人 establish vt. 建立;确定;安置 even a. 均匀的,均等的;平的 ...


(D-F)英语四级词汇表下载 ... essential a. 必要的,本质的 establish vt. 建立,设立;确立 establishment n. 建立,设立,确立 ...


字典中 肇 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ strike] (3) 创建[ create; establish; found; originate] (5) 矫正[ correct; ratify] ...


个人品质描述_百度文库 ... enliven 搞活 establish 设立(公司等);使开业 uation 估价,评价 ...

Thus, it was evident that mere nonuse of the property as a road did not establish that the condition had been broken. 所以,很明显,仅仅没有将土地用于道路,不能认为条件被打破。
Perhaps the only surprising feature is that it has taken so long to establish itself on the British side of the Atlantic. 唯一不同寻常之处是,它花了如此之久的时间方在大西洋英国这一边扎了根。
Spain continued to pile on the pressure and streaked away to establish what turned out to be an unassailable 52-29 lead at the midway point. 西班牙继续施加压力,并且持续到确立了压倒性的52比29的优势,在半场结束时!
The Delegation referred to and supported the proposal by Costa Rica to establish a working group or some form of analysis of the subject. 该代表团提到并支持哥斯达黎加建立一个工作组的提案或对该主题展开多种形式的分析。
We take this opportunity to contact you, and look forward to working with you to establish trade relations with China. 我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。
Part of the aim was to establish a standard that all the factions had a stake in, and thus suppress the RSS wars. 部分目的是建立一个顾及各种派别的标准,从而平息RSS纷争。
Whenever I visit or see anyone in her family, I make a special effort to try to establish or build upon a strong relationship with them. 无论何时,我都会特别努力的去与在她家所见到的任何一个人建立稳定的关系。
We are one of the largest importers of Electric Goods in this city, prada bikinis, and we wish to establish business relationship with you. 我们是此地最大的电器入口商之一,乐意与你们建立业务关系。
"The skirmishes that are going on are in part related to trying to establish credibility for the son, " Panetta said. “这些正在进行的小冲突是他要建立儿子信誉中的相关部分”,帕内塔说。
He said that he was ready to establish a good working relationship with the Chinese side. 他表示愿同中方建立良好的工作关系。
Mr Li Su is the general manager of an advisory company of Beijing, he ever gave counsel for a few enterprises, establish company image. 李肃先生是北京一家咨询公司的总经理,他曾为一些企业出谋划策,树立企业形象。
A probe may be initiated to establish how the news agency obtained the video, he said. 他说,有关机构将着手调查新闻机构是如何获得这段视频的。
In the late 1960s, around the time that the group split up, Terry began to establish himself as a writer and producer for other artists. 在60年代后期,各地,该集团分裂时,特里开始建立作为一个作家和其他艺术家生产者自己。
Try to establish the value of the company. Remember that a share of stock represents a part of a business and is not just a piece of paper. 要建立企业价值的理念,股票即股权,一份股票代表的是公司的一份股权,而不仅仅是一张纸。
After all an axioms wants to establish to to satisfy numerous precondition, impossible assurance each words is all certainly right. 毕竟一个定理要成立要满足众多的先决条件,不可能保证每句话都一定正确。
A few of enterprises have been trying to construct new relation between labor and capital to establish employer brand. 一些企业正在进行构建新型劳资关系的新尝试,即创立雇主品牌。
Trying to establish social norms via lawsuits is part of what's cramping liberty in everyday American life. 通过法律诉讼建立社会准则是也是限制美国日常生活自由的一方面。
separate international agreement, does not establish that there has been a breach of this Article. 独立的国际协议,并不能确定发生了违反本条。
The Mayo Clinic Diet has two phases that together help you establish healthy habits that you'll be able to follow for a lifetime. Mayo临床节食法包括两个阶段,帮助你建立终身适用的健康习惯。
She saw that she would first need to get work and establish herself on a paying basis before she could think of having company of any sort. 她明白,在考虑找个伴侣之前,她首先必须要找份工作,这样才能为自己搭建起一个经济支付平台。
Establish control of the airwaves and you don't just create a tool, but you potentially rob the enemy of one as well. 掌握对广播频道的控制,不仅是为自己创建了一种手段,也可能会使敌方无法使用无线通信。
Establish the credibility of the child rather than to be afraid of you, but must comply with the request. 树立威信不是让幼儿怕你,而是提出的要求必须遵守。
The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. 你就有了所有权。如同你买了服装和家具一样。但这样的行为仅是拥有书籍的开端。
Establish a few reasonable rules for your kindergartner and, when appropriate, ask for her input when you make or update the rules. 当你建立和修改这些准则的时候,适当的时候,问问她的看法。
For instance, trying to establish a habit of seeing things in a more positive and optimistic light can be quite useful. 举例来说,你可以尝试着培养一下凡事从更为积极和乐观的角度思考的习惯,这会对你大有帮助。
The bird loyalty Xi finally realizes that this is the gold farmland one Geng to help to establish the next trap intentionally. 飞鸟忠熙终于察觉到这是金田一耕助刻意设下的陷阱。
However, limitations of the previous data did not clearly establish the degree to which Anzemet may cause QT prolongation. 不过,由于以往数据的有限性,故不能明确地确定该药可能引起QT延长的程度。
But until now researchers have been unable to establish whether it had happened and, if so, how. 但是直到今天,研究人员还不能确定是否发生了这样的事,也不知道果真如此的话,它是如何传递的。
I could now see whAT the detective was driving AT: he was trying to establish my whereabouts on the night of the crime. 我现在能够明白侦探的意思了:他那时正试图确定案发那天夜晚我的行踪。
Communism seeks to establish government ownership over the means of production through a revolution of the working class. 共产主义旨在通过工人阶级革命建立生产资料的政府所有制。