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陈国明Chan)大星海公司负责人,中国籍军火商,中国人民解放军退役少将,实际上是受到中国政府管理的白手套机关,负 …

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Chan said the virus is likely to remain moderate at least in the early days of the pandemic, though she warned that the virus could change. 陈冯富珍说,病毒至少在流行初期很可能仍然是温和的,但她警告说,病毒可能会发生变异。
Mr. Chan's day-trading shop is one of many that have sprung up in and around China's major cities in recent years. 陈先生的即日交易公司是近年来活跃在中国的众多小投资公司之一。
But CNN found a woman who said she was a former comrade of Ta Chan -- and that she was still afraid of him all these years later. 但是CNN找到一名据称以前是TaChan的同事的妇女-而她在经过这么多年之后仍然害怕他。
Chan said the experts unanimously agreed there was a wider spread of swine flu than was being reported. 陈说,专家们一致同意猪流感的传播比报告的要广泛。
Speaking to the media at the NUH in the evening, Dr Su said Professor Chan might be discharged in a few days. 苏校长在晚上南大医院对媒体说马教授可能会离开几天。
The small town Chan brothers did not believe in haunted houses and could not pass on the great price for such a large building. 小镇里的常兄弟不相信房子闹鬼,他们不愿意将这幢房子转手卖给别人。
"It was just a hard-core action movie, " said Mr. Chan, who recalls going to his father's film set as a child. “那只是一部纯粹的武打片,”陈先生说,同时回忆起了童年进到父亲摄影棚时的情景。
Chan learned then that clarity of communication is of utmost importance, and that over-reassurance can be as bad as no reassurance at all. 陈在那个时候懂得了清晰沟通至关重要,过分的承诺可能会和没有任何陈诺一样有害。
A reference to director Peter Chan, in the mind of every person is out of his masterpiece, "The Warlords " ! 一提到陈可辛导演,在每个人脑海中浮现出来的就是他的力作《投名状》!
Liu Chan entourage think of the demise of native country, very sad, but Sima Zhao Liu Chan said: "The music here, do not think Shu. " 刘禅随从人员想到灭亡的故国,都非常难过,刘禅却对司马昭说:“此间乐,不思蜀。”
And, Chan says, repairs are far easier, because only a stair or two needs to be removed at a time. 并且,大卫.陈说,这种电梯修理更为容易,每次维修只需要拆开一级或者两级即可。
All the while, it appears, Mr. Chan had other things on his mind than to glance through his AmEx statements, which he seems to have paid. 在这期间,陈振聪脑子里似乎在想其他事情,无暇去看自己的美国运通卡账单,他似乎都已经付过账单了。
Gordon Chan said the mainland from the film " Cat and Mouse " when he began the ancient Chinese stories of interest to the notes. 陈嘉上说,从在内地拍《老鼠爱上猫》那一年起,他开始对中国古代的笔记小说感兴趣。
Their work could enable extra information to be added to a genetically modified crop in the form of a "bio barcode" , Chan said. 陈汀峰教授认为他们的工作可以使额外的信息可以以“生物条形码”的形式添加进转基因作物。
Ms. Chan said the company's measurement standards are 'very stringent in the industry. ' 她说,公司的计算标准“是业内最严格的”。
I've got to think. Word's getting out. If I can't keep them quiet, the entire chan's goanna be after me with their mouths open. 我得想想已经漏风声了,如果我不能让他们守口如瓶,整个家族都会跟在我的屁股后头要吃的。
Asked if he had anything to say to Mr Chan, Mr Kung said: "Look out for yourself, be a good person, be kind to others. " 当被问及想对陈振聪说点什么时,龚仁心说道:“好自为之,做个好人,善待他人。”
Two years later, Jackie Chan rigorous training and persistence to be a reward, he began a stunt actor, was upgraded to a special guidance. 两年后,成龙的苦练与执着得到了报答,他从一名特技替身演员,升为了特技指导。
Chan gave only a brief statement, saying that if Elaine Ng Yi-lei's child turned out to be his, he would act responsibly. 成龙只是发表了简短声明,说倘若吴绮莉怀有自己骨肉,他会负责任。
Testifying for the first time, Tony Chan Chun-chuen said he and the tycoon were lovers when his wife was pregnant. 陈振聪在他首次出庭作证时表示,在他妻子怀孕时,他和龚如心已是情人。
Mr. Chan said the company aims to expand service in cities where it already operates, before moving deeper into China's smaller cities. 曾启山说,麦当劳希望在已开设门店的城市中扩大其服务范围,然后再进一步深入中国中小型城市。
Tencent spokeswoman Catherine Chan said the company often receives central-government officials at its offices. 腾讯发言人陈慧芬(CatherineChan)说,公司常常在办公室接待中央政府官员。
Chiew Ah Chan said she was cleaning her house on Wednesday when she saw the toad trying to hop out of a drain. 陈女士说,她在居所打扫卫生时看见一只癞蛤蟆正试图从下水道里跳出来。
The hollow smiled into the back of her neck. ". . . not a hollow" It murmured. "Not really. And I'd never hurt you, Rukia-Chan. " 虚把脸埋在她的后颈,微微笑了。“……不是一只虚,”它喃喃的说,“不是。我不会伤害你的,亲爱的露琪亚。”
The message of his death-defying performances seems to be one of authenticity: When you practice true Chan Wu Yi, this is what is possible. 释德建对抗死神式的表演似乎传达了这样的信息:只要实践了真正的禅武医,你就能做到这些。
Jackie Chan has worked as both a star and a director, as shown here directing on the set of one of his early films. 如正在设备旁执导早期影片的照片所示:成龙既是影星又是导演。
And for that, it receives an honorable mention. So kids, don't try this at home or anywhere at all. This is Top 10 Jackie Chan Stunts. 为此,这个镜头非常值得提及。所以孩子们,绝不要在家中或任何地方尝试这样做。以下就是成龙的十大特技。
"I said to the animal trainer, 'I'm fine, ' and he said, 'Look at your arm, it's not fine' and all this blood is coming down, " said Chan. 成龙说,“我告诉动物训练师,‘我没事’,他说,‘看看你的胳膊,这个不叫没事’,血都流下来了。”
But Director-General Margaret Chan, as she opened the World Health Assembly, noted that the delegates are meeting at a time of tragedy. 但是,正如世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍在世界卫生大会开幕时所说的,与会代表在一个悲剧时刻参加了大会。
At an estate sale he bought a couple of Biggers's novels and was immediately hooked. He began renting all the Chan movies he could find. 在一笔房产买卖中他买下了一些比格斯的小说,并立刻被深深吸引。他开始租借能找到的所有的陈查理电影。