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音节、音序_百度文库 ... cuan( 窜) cui( ) cun( 村) ...

碘化亚铜(Cuprous iodide)

同问碘化亚铜CuI)和硫化亚铜(Cu2S)的禁带宽度(或者说是能带隙,energy band gap)分别是多少? 提问者采纳 2009-…

命令用户界面(Command User Interface)

除了基本存储单元外,DataFlash系列存储器内部还包括命令用户接口CUICommand User Interface)和状态机。CUI接收用 …

走字旁|走字旁的字|走字旁的字有哪些 - 字典通 ... 趗" cu4" " cui3" 趤" dang4" ...

His wife Cui Xin lives with him, but the lack of a Beijing registration means their 17-year-old daughter has to go high school in Henan. 他的妻子崔欣同他一起生活,但没有北京户口,也就意味着他们17岁的女儿不得不回河南读高中。
Back in Beijing, Mr. Cui said, he offered to help officials prepare exhibits on the craft. 崔永平说他回到北京后,主动提出协助政府人员筹备皮影展。
That Cui Qi received the 1998 Nobel Prize did not come as a surprise to physicists, but I was still elated by the news. 崔琦获得1998年诺贝尔奖的消息,虽然不出乎物理学界的意料,仍然给我带来了极大的欢欣。
The small Cui snake in a flash is 2 of its cerebellum bags, immediately after signal hint her to make that white big bird again to eat. 小翠蛇一晃它的两个小脑袋,接着又示意她弄那只白色大鸟来吃。
All that no one of the water, boil hot Cui urgent by the cold, slow of chestnut death. 凡没人出水,煮热毳急覆之,缓则寒栗死。
Also lined green bamboo Cui Liu, rural farmhouse, as if like a psychedelic wonderland Taoyuan. 又衬以绿竹翠柳、田园农舍,仿佛桃源仙境般迷幻。
In the beverage aisles of a Beijing supermarket, Cui Jixian said he noticed only that loaves of bread were smaller. 在北京一家超市的饮料区内,75岁的崔继贤(音)说他只注意到面包片变小了。
Three years later, Mr. Cui and his wife left the steel mill and exhumed the collection; the Beijing troupe's survivors reassembled. 三年后,崔永平和他的妻子离开炼钢厂并挖出藏品;北京皮影剧团幸存下来的人重聚一堂。
Cui Xiao was well indicated to leave. And he would no longer double the "fact" that I was living with Ran Jing. 崔晓知趣地选择了离开,这次他再也不怀疑我和冉静同居这个不是事实的事实了。
I will call Dr. Cui now to see if he can walk in sooner. But, please, at least keep the mask on to let your baby have enough oxygen. 我马上给崔大夫打电话看他能否尽快来。但请你至少让孩子接着吸氧。
Thus the enemy powder Cui air superiority, exposed the substance of the U. S. imperialists skymaster give the enemy a heavy blow. 从而粉粹了敌人的空中优势,揭穿了美帝国主义空中霸王的实质,给予敌人以沉重的打击。
"We need not to be so urgent, and let me show you somewhere else interesting first. " Cui Xiao didn't decline the proposal. “要去也不用这么急吧,我先带你玩玩。”崔晓对我的提议没有拒绝。
A Cui did not understand their new husband was saying, while watching A Tao, watching the blind date of these new Lang, myself have laughed. 阿翠不明白自己的新婚丈夫在说什么,一边看着阿涛,一边看着这些新来的相亲郎,自个儿也笑了起来。
No marvel that the little dragon is dissatisfied, also not equal to call Cui bloom, straight can ascend acid pickled cabbage. 难怪小龙不满意,还不如叫翠花呢,直接就可以上酸菜了。
Beijing made a body of literature dictionary, thousands of Baizhe back in the mountains looking for her eight-see Cui. 北京某机构编文学辞典,千回百折在深山找见崔八娃。
Cui Jian grew up with music; his mother was a dancer, his father a professional trumpet player. He trained in Western classical music. 崔健是伴随着音乐成长的,他的母亲是一个舞蹈家,父亲是一个专业的小号演奏家,他接受的是西洋古典音乐的教育。
Cui said the sector's profits would continue to grow rapidly this year as a result of bullish gold prices. 崔灵说,由于上扬的黄金价格,该部门的利润今年将继续快速增长。
If Ambassador Cui Tiankai is going to be the Vice Foreign Minister, who will succeed him as Chinese Ambassador to Japan? 崔天凯大使担任外交部副部长后,谁将担任中国驻日本大使?
Mayor Cui Jie is our charitable meeting honorary chairman, he arranges us with other leaderships certainly to come to see US ultra. 崔杰市长是我们慈善会的名誉会长,他和其他领导安排我们一定前来看望美超。
Later, Xiuxiu was too tried to walk, so Cui Ning took her to his home to have a rest. 逃跑的路上,秀秀走不动了,崔宁就把她带回自己家里去休息。
When Mr. cui got to know this, he was deeply moved by the girl's strength facing the fatal disease. 当崔永元得知这一消息后,被这个小姑娘的精神所感动。
Then, at a Paris lecture, Mr. Cui sought to present his views on puppetry, only to be mocked for his supposed lack of expertise. 随后,在巴黎的一场演讲中,崔永平想表达他对皮影戏的看法,却遭到挖苦,因为有人觉得他缺少专业背景。
Wild heart finally calm again attributed to a wife Cui Sting has had on the peace of a simple life. 狂放的心终又归于平静,娶妻生子崔斯汀又过上了安宁简单的生活。
Mr Cui, a retired soldier , was unable to find work in his native province and eked out a meagre living by baking sausages . 崔英杰是一位退伍军人,他无法在家乡找到工作,靠出售烤香肠勉强维持着贫苦的生活。
Carry on that day was set, I get a boat, owned Cui Yi fire, alone to the pavilion to see snow. 这一天初更以后,我划着一只小船,穿着毛皮衣,带着火炉,一个人去湖心亭欣赏雪景。
RBS's top China economist Li Cui writes in a research note published Wednesday that "evidence of China losing out is still absent. " 苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)首席中国经济学家崔历在周三发布的一份研究报告中写道,目前仍没有中国落败的迹象。
Since Cui Ning was judged by a trial, they were not afraid to be seen any longer. They still depended on carving jade. 因为崔宁是经过审理判决的,所以他们再也不怕有人看见了,依旧以雕刻玉石为生。
Now Cui and his colleagues have found a clue that may point the way to an actual cure. 现在,崔政和他的同事们发现了一条线索,有望通向临床治疗。
Then the singer's manager put her head around the changing room door and politely urged us to hurry up. Cui Jian had a rehearsal to get to. 崔健的经纪人在更衣室门口探了探头,然后礼貌的催促我们赶快结束采访。崔健还得继续排练。
Cui Jin says that if the company finds any violations, it will take action in accordance with the law. 崔瑾说,如果谷歌发现任何违法行为,将依照法律采取行动。