
美 [ˈævɪd]英 ['ævɪd]
  • adj.热衷的;酷爱的;渴望的;渴求的
  • 网络贪婪的;爱维德;热心的

avid reader,avid Fan


1.[ubn]热衷的;酷爱的very enthusiastic about sth (often a hobby)

2.~ for sth渴望的;渴求的wanting to get sth very much


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... inaudible 听不见的 avid 渴望的,贪婪的 avidity 贪婪 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... inaudible 听不见的 avid 渴望的,贪婪的 avidity 贪婪 ...


爱维德AVID) Mbox Pro+Protools9 八进八出火线专业声卡+Protools软件带硬件ilok您好!


GRE 词汇表(红宝书) - 豆丁网 ... aviary n. 大鸟笼,鸟舍 avid adj. 渴望的,热心的 avocation n. 副业,嗜好 ...


新东方GRE词汇 - 豆丁网 ... aversion ?n. 嫌恶,憎恨,反感 avid ? adj. 热切的 avulse ? vt. 撕脱 ...

通过个人进步的决心(Advancement Via Individual Determination)

Chilliwack 是第一个实施AVIDAdvancement Via Individual Determination)的学区。学生在这个课程中采取进阶级的课程, …

Gates is also known as an avid reader and the ceiling of his large, home library is engraved with a quotation from The Great Gatsby. 众所周知,盖茨是个手不释卷的人。他的家里有很多藏书,在他的书房的屋顶上有一段引自《伟大的盖茨比》的文字。
Thora is an avid feminist so I decided to soft pedal the issue of women's rights while she was at the meeting. 索拉是个热心的女权运动提倡者,所以我决定她在场时不谈妇女权利的问题。
I confess that I was a huge fan of the Hardy Boys, and then used them to entice my own kids into becoming avid readers as well. 我承认我是《哈代兄弟》的书迷,我用它们也引诱我的孩子成为充满热情的阅读者。
Most avid skiers know that March is often the snowiest month of the season, but April is no snow slouch, either. 最狂热的滑雪爱好者知道,三月往往是本赛季snowiest一个月,但昨天没有雪懈怠,无论是。
He devoured books, often working his way through several at the same time, and was an avid consumer of crossword puzzles. 他非常热爱书籍,常常在同一时间能将几本书从头看到尾,也特别热衷于拼字游戏。
Avid to examine this find, he did not wait for the elevator but hurried up the stairs. 他迫不及待地想看看这一新发现,不等电梯下来,就匆匆从楼梯上去;
I may not know baseball scores, but as an avid indoors man, I've been highly regarded for my skill at video games and computer programming. 我可能对棒球比赛结果不太了解,但是作为一个专业“宅男”,我在视频。
Insatiably avid For the dark and the uncertain, I shall not whimper like Ovid Chased from his Latin paradise. 我对黑暗和不确定的事物贪得无厌,但是不会像被逐出其拉丁乐园的奥维德那样啜泣。
Emperor Akihito, an avid scientist, said he sometimes wishes he had more time to do research or "to take long walks. " 渴望成为一名科学家的明仁天皇说,有时候他希望自己能有更多的时间做做研究或“散散步”。
Because she had always been such an avid and appreciative reader, her dream when she started college was to become an imaginative writer. 由于她一贯喜欢读书,又有鉴赏力,她刚上大学时的梦想是当一位想象力丰富的作家。
He was not surprised because he recognized Yechen as a seeker and avid learner and was sure this was a good path for him to travel. 这位教授对叶琛决定出家并不感到意外,因为他知道叶琛勤学好思,他相信出家是叶琛的一个正确选择。
I'm an avid dinosaur and pinball machine collector. I'm a bit of a pack rat. 我喜欢收集恐龙和弹球机。我喜欢收集各类玩意。
I may not know baseball scores, but as an avid indoorsman, I've been highly regarded for my skill at video games and computer programming. 我可能对棒球比赛结果不太了解,但是作为一个专业“宅男”,我在视频游戏和电脑程序方面的技能可是一直备受推崇的。
Benton Mackaye was an avid mountain climber and a land-use planner from Shirley Center, Massachusetts. 本顿·麦凯不仅是一位狂热的登山爱好者,而且是马萨诸塞州雪莉中心的土地使用规划师。
In her avid reading, she found Protestant theologians superior to Catholic ones, though she was pleased to discover Teilhard de Chardin. 她如饥似渴的阅读,虽然欣喜地发现了德日进(TeilharddeChardin),但是她认为新教的神学家比天主教的神学家更胜一筹。
You'll feel great and if you're an avid TV watcher I'm pretty confident your flexibility will improve in a matter of a few weeks. 如果你是一个电视迷,那么我可以保证你的灵活性在几周内就会得到很大的提高。
D avid Brown, 24, says he woke up one morning after a night out with friends with a telephone number constantly running through his he ad. 24岁的大卫布朗说,一天晚上他和朋友出去玩,第二天早上醒来后脑子里就不停地出现一个电话号码。
The company is famous for attracting an avid audience with its innovative performances. 霹雳以其具有创意的演出吸引热情的观众而出名。
And it didn't take long for her to become an avid Bible student. 不久她便成了一名如饥似渴的圣经学生。
Although I'm an avid user and fan of Twitter now, when it first came out, I was a bit nonplussed by it. 尽管我现在是Twitter的忠实用户和追随者,但是在它最初出现时,我对它是有点迷惑的。
And even avid music lovers in urban areas can see only a few shows a week. 即使是城市地区狂热的音乐爱好者,一周也只能看几场演出。
Whether for ornamental use or for avid players of the game , the chess set has long been a gift standin for intelligence and erudition . 无论作为装饰或满足棋艺者的渴望,西洋棋套装一直以来都是象征着智慧与博学的礼品。
He was also an opera buff and an avid chess fan who never had the profile of a swashbuckling war correspondent. 他还是一位狂热的歌剧爱好者和象棋迷,但绝不是一名恃强凌弱的战地记者。
Anyone with a small collection of quality wines or with an avid interest in wine should consider building a wine cellar in their home. 如果你是一个热衷于收藏美酒的人,你可以考虑在家中建一个私人酒窖。
Growing up the son of avid churchgoers in Georgia, Harold was a soccer star and won a scholarship to American University in Washington, D. 他出生在乔治亚洲的一个宗教世家GALE曾是一个足球明星,他曾获得奖学金到华盛顿D。
Twitter has struggled a great deal with scaling to meet the needs of its avid user base. Twitter已经做出了很大的努力来满足热切用户的需求。
He was a painter influenced by the Hudson River School, and an avid music lover, especially of the music of Beethoven. 他的画作深受胡德森·里弗画派影响,他同时还是个音乐迷,尤其喜爱贝多芬。
Tom Shi, who works in the computer industry and is an avid Internet user, says he would rather put his money in stocks. 汤姆石在电脑行业工作,而且经常上网。他说,他更愿意把他的钱投入到股市。
The avid writer is even considering to publish a book with a compilation of his travel experiences. 这个贪心的小作家居然还想要出一本结集他旅行经历的书!
Bush has become an avid biker in the last couple of years, after a knee injury forced him to give up his jogging routine. 几年前,一次膝盖受伤后,布什总统不得不放弃了例行的慢跑锻炼,转而练习骑山地车,并从此一发不可收拾。