
美 [ˈsʌmwer]英 [ˈsʌmweə(r)]
  • adv.在某处;到某处
  • 网络某个地方;某地;天国某处



1.在某处;到某处in, at or to a place that you do not know or do not mention by name


get somewhere

有进展to make progress in what you are doing

somewhere around, between, etc. sth

大约…;…左右approximately the number or amount mentioned


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 492 Erhu 二胡 493 somewhere 某处,在某处 3 won't =will not 将不 ...


初一英语下册单词表(外研版) - 豆丁网 ... back adv. 回(原处);向后 somewhere n. 某处;某个地方 unfriendly adj. 不友好的 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... somewhat 稍微,有点 somewhere 某地 son 儿子 ...


人教版•八年级英语词汇表(上册) 附音标 - 豆丁网 ... dream 梦;梦想;幻想 somewhere 到某处,在某处 exhibition 展览;展览 …


高中... ... song n. 歌唱,(虫、鸟等)鸣声;歌曲,歌词 somewhere ad. 某地,在某处;在附近,前后,大约 sometimes ad. 不时…


...,两人合作无间,写出「今夜」(Tonight)、「天国某处」(Somewhere)、「美国」(America)、「玛丽亚」(Maria) …


英语单词立体记忆 ... → somewhat 稍微,有点 → somewhere 在某个地方,在某处 soft 软的,温和的 ...

We just found out who my mother is, and we've found out that she's alive, and somewhere out there, but she doesn't want me to look for her. 我们刚刚发现我的母亲是谁,我们已经发现她还活着,并在那里的某个地方,但她不想让我去寻找她。
Well, it's fun to hear her gabble . And it'll be somewhere to hide out till Ma has gone to bed. 那么,去听听她的那套胡扯也挺有趣呀。况且那也是个藏身之地,可以让我们等妈妈上床睡了再回家去。
When you're ready to move on, you can stroll to your destination, and hop aboard the train whenever you want a lift somewhere. 准备好之后,你就可以闲逛着去你想去的地方;若想搭个便车,你也可以随时随地跳上观光车。
Seek out a monastery and apprentice yourself to one of the enlightened souls within, preferably somewhere in Asia. 寻找一间修道院,在那当学徒,以启发灵魂深处。最好选择亚洲的某个地方。
Often life feels like it's going in slow-motion, as though you're trying to get somewhere, but you're walking in glue. 生活经常会让我们感觉进展缓慢,就好象你尝试前进,但是脚却被粘住一样。
I could tell she was wondering if I was the right man, or if there was a better man, a different life, waiting out there somewhere. 我可以了解她正在考虑我是不是就是那个独一无二的男子,或者有没有一个更好的男人,一种完全不同的人生,正在某处等着她。
If I had a list of all people who might come to visit me, your name would be at the bottom, somewhere between Jesus Christ and Scooby Doo . 要我有一张探视人员名单的话,你绝对会在最底下的,夹在主耶稣和史酷比之间。
Other times they simply run out of steam trying to get somewhere, but getting nowhere. 另一些时候,他们只是没有到达目标的气力而迷失方向。
But I was annoyed by her bad temper, and I wanted be somewhere else, at the pool, away with my classmates, swept up in the exuberance. 但我厌烦了她那坏脾气,我想逃避开,到泳池那里去,和我的同学们在一起,沉浸在欢乐的气氛中。
If it gets stolen or accidentally left somewhere, it can be accessed if it has no sort of encryption or locking device. 如果万一硬盘被盗或是被偶然落在别处,里面的数据就一览无余。
A well of light? There must be an opening somewhere up above? It must be in the garden of the observatory! 发光的井?肯定哪儿有个朝上的开口?一定在天文台的花园里!
Right from the beginning, pedestrian A had always been keeping his head low, while rushing somewhere. 一开始路人甲就只是低着头,匆匆赶路。
Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. 罗宾逊先生因为出差时间紧迫,他选择了乘坐飞机。
The Queen took from somewhere among her wrappings a very small bottle which looked as if it were made of copper. 女王从身边掏出一个很小的瓶子,它看上去是铜做的。
From my accent, he took me for a man from somewhere else instead of Beijing. 从我的口音判断,他认为我来自外地而不是北京。
I said that it was somewhere in the discourse of the master, as supposed in the subject. 我说,它在主人真理论述的某个地方,在被认为是生命主体的某个地方。
Her defence was that she was somewhere completely different at the time of the crime. 她辩护说案发时她根本就不在现场。
At that I ground my teeth in disgust. I f only they wouldn't use the word "hurt" I might be able to get somewhere. 此时我已经厌恶地咬牙切齿,要不是他们使用“伤害”这个词,我可能早就采取行动了。
By taking up such questions anew, at their origin, as if they had not already been settled somewhere, one makes the pleasure last! 当我们重新从事这样的问题,在它们的起源处,好像它们在某个地方,还没有稳定下了,我们使得这种乐趣一直延续下去!
He was a tall, soldierly -looking man, and I could not rid myself of the impression that somewhere or other I had seen him before. 他看起来很高,是很英武的男人,我不能摆脱在别的地方见过他的印象。
If you have a small solid somewhere, the curl will just measure how much your solid starts spinning if you leave it in this force field. 假如力场中某处有一小块固体,旋度度量的是固体在力场中的旋转程度,在力场里来观察。
Somewhere along the way, fellas began to believe that putting women on pedestals was the only way to get their attention. 不知什么时候,有些家伙开始相信把女人放上神坛才能吸引他们的注意。
The best plan will be for you to be sent somewhere by me, to make a real thing of the excuse. 顶好我把你支使到一个地方去,以真作假才好。
So after learning a new skill it's already on your bar ready to be used, and it's placed somewhere that makes sense to how it's used. 所以说,当你学完一个技能后它马上就会出现在快捷栏中,而且是比较方便你使用的键位上。
This was it. This was the most beautiful spot in the world to me, somewhere to call home for me and my son. 对我来说这就是世界上最美的地方,一个可以让我和我至亲的儿子称为家的地方。
It's not the sort of thing where he's sitting around somewhere looking at his watch and saying, oh man, I got an achy knee. 他不会无所事事的在某处呆著,一边看著表一边说,哦,我膝盖疼,(我老了)。
But when she came back, she was frightened to find that there was no trace of him in the house. He had resigned and gone somewhere else. 当她回来时,她惊惧地发现,房间里已经没有了他的痕迹。他已辞职,去了外地。
And as he watched, somewhere in the back of his head, he was also watching himself with their eyes. 在脑海的某个地方,他也在透过他们的眼睛望着自己。
I've a strange feeling with regard to you, as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you. 我对你有一种奇怪的感觉,仿佛在我左边的肋骨有一根弦,跟你小小身躯里同一个部位的弦维系着。
If they were polished in-country, then Sierra Leone might have seen somewhere near the real value of this incredible natural resource. 假如钻石是在国内打磨,那么塞拉利昂就可以得到钻石这种神奇自然资源大部分的价值。