
美 [hæt]英 [hæt]
  • n.礼帽;红衣主教的红帽;红衣主教的职权[地位]
  • v.〈口〉给…戴上帽子
  • 网络转换终端应用程序(Host Access Transformation Services);组蛋白乙酰转移酶;净化海港计划(Harbour Area Treatment Scheme)

复数:hats 过去式:hatted




Dave Bella官方旗舰店 --京东商城 ... 连衣裙 dresses 帽子 hats 围巾 scarfs ...

转换终端应用程序(Host Access Transformation Services)

快速启动 WebSphere Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) Web 项目 关于转换 Web 主机应用程序的指导和提示 作 …


该进程受组蛋白乙酰转移酶HATs)和组蛋白去乙酰(HDACs)的控制。有趣的是,DNA甲基化和组蛋白脱乙酰通过转移酶 …

净化海港计划(Harbour Area Treatment Scheme)

香港政府推行的净化海港计划(HATS) ,透过收集和处理维港两岸排出的污水,改善海水水质。计划的第一期在2001年完成,包 …


首页-咔丝。 咖啡麻布袋定做 DIY手工布料... ... ┊.. 收纳盒子 Box ┊.. 圣诞帽子 hats ┊.. 拼贴小件 small pieces ...


... >包类_ Bags >帽类_ Hats >鞋类_ Shoes ...

Once a year, we celebrate with stupid hats and plastic plates the fact that you were able to make another trip around the sun. 每年一次,我们戴着愚蠢的帽子和用塑料盘子庆祝你能够再绕太阳转一圈。
Hats off to the Nerazzurri and a particular thank you to the hordes of fans who made the journey to see us play today. 对于今天赶到球场特意为我们鼓劲的球迷们,我们用一个帽子戏法作为回报,以次来感谢你们的热情。
She had a blacksmith forge seven pairs of iron shoes, seven iron mantles , and seven iron hats for her, then departed. 她找到一个铁匠,让他打好了七双铁鞋、七件铁衣和七顶铁帽,出发了。
When Wendy started selling 100 hats a week, she convinced her husband to quit his job as a full-time truck driver and work for her. 当每周能售出100顶帽子的时候,温迪说服了自己的丈夫辞去了卡车司机的工作,过来给她帮忙。
Visitors can dress up in jumpsuits and hard hats and descend in a creaking elevator to the coalface 300 metres below the surface. 参观人员穿上工作服和安全帽,乘坐吱嘎直响的升降梯下降到地面300米以下的产煤面。
Harry had to admit that she was getting better; it was now almost always possible to distinguish between the hats and the socks. 哈利不得不承认她的手艺越来越好,现在几乎可以分得出那些是帽子,哪些是袜子了。
I thought when the drums started it would keep up forever. I expected to see people fall out of the boxes or throw their hats away. 我以为鼓一旦敲响便会一直响下去,我期望看到人们从包厢里跳下来,或是把帽子扔掉。
The next November, she went door-to-door asking for used coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, then handed them out with the baskets. 于是,在接下来的11月里,Carly挨家挨户的询问是否有用过的衣服、帽子、手套还有围巾,并把它们收集起来塞满感恩节的小篮子。
White hats are the good guys who are hacking for the craic of it, a fun pastime for bored teenagers and creative computer-literate minds. 所谓的正派骇客是好的,他们为只了好玩,没事做的青少年们和电脑天才们靠这个来打发时间。
When you modify one of the style sheets or templates shipped with HATS, copy that file into a new file specifically for your own use. 当您修改一个由HATS提供的样式表或模板时,请复制该文件,创建一个专门供您使用的新文件。
He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of hats, swallowing fire, and other similar tricks. 能从帽子里拉出兔子、吞火和玩其他类似的把戏的人不就是变戏法的人吗?
All those campaign stops on the factory floor, posing beside muscular men in overalls and hard hats, seem to have paid off. 所有竞选活动在工厂地板上进行,身穿罩袍头戴安全帽的肌肉发达的汉子站在旁边,看来他们已经发完工资了。
The men milked with their hats low over their eyes and did not see her. 男人挤奶时压低帽子遮住了眼晴,没有注意到她。
Caroling is often associated with the long skirts, capes and top hats of 19th-century England. 颂歌时常会联想到十九世纪英格兰的长裙、披肩和高帽。
Alongside the usual badges, hats, flags and placards, you could get your picture taken and superimposed on to a picture of him. 除了常见的徽章、帽子、旗帜和布告,你还可以现场拍照,再印在奥巴马的照片上。
Papa loved his hats, and he cared for them in a special way. He never threw them down on a chair someone might sit on them. 爸爸喜欢他的帽子,把它们照顾得无微不至,从不把帽子随便椅子上,免得别人坐在上面。
Hmm, a giant statue of me. That could have a lot of uses. . . People could tip their hats to it, fear it, that kind of thing. Ill allow it! 恩…一尊我的伟大塑像。这可以有很多用处…人们会对它脱帽行礼,存有畏惧之心,什么的。我同意了!
Do not be discouraged by set backs and delay tactics used by the dark hats, as their days in power are numbered at this late stage. 不要因为挫折沮丧,最后一段时间黑暗势力的日子屈指可数,他们用延迟作为一项战术。
Christmas hats cartoon version was first used to be a pair of large red socks, size, informality. 圣诞帽卡通版最早以前是一对红色的大袜子,大小不拘。
The HATS display terminal allows you to see host screens as they are navigated while running the HATS project. 通过这个HATS显示终端,可以看到主机屏幕,因为这些主机屏幕在运行这个HATS项目时就被导航了。
"I find it beautiful, " I said. "A man can never have too many ties. " "And a woman can't have too many hats, " she answered. “这条领带很漂亮,”我说道。“男人的领带愈多愈好。”“女人的帽子也是愈多愈好啊,”她答道。
This one here is based on a circular stairway in an old building in London. It uses three pillbox hats one on top of the other. 这个是按伦敦的一个环行楼梯做的。用了三个药盒再加上其他。
Similar hats with a C-crown (with an indentation for the head in the top of the crown) are occasionally called fedoras. 类似的帽子与一架C-冠(与压痕的头部上方的冠)有时也称为帽子。
While all the other hopefuls turned up to audition in sloppy T-shirts and baseball hats, Haley appeared in a button-down shirt and jacket. 其他的候选人穿著拉塌的T-Shirt和棒球帽就来试镜了,但是Haley出现时,穿著扣得整整齐齐的衬衫和西装外套。
Imei Hats is always with you together walking before fashion forever! 维明帽子与你总是一起走在时尚永远!
All weekend, the children had been involved in workshops, making hats to puppets and masks. 整个周末,小孩子们都在各种各样的作坊里,亲手制作自己的帽子,木偶或是面具。
Plus I picked up a little something extra for myself - not really my style in hats, but the gold it's made of should be worth a fair bit. 加上我为我自己找到的一点东西——不是我喜欢的样式的帽子,但是上面的金子倒是值点钱。
HATS will check each screen in the host application to see if the screen matches the screen recognition criteria for your customizations. HATS将检查主机应用程序中的每个屏幕,以确定屏幕是否与您的自定义屏幕识别条件匹配。
Her hats are always fashionable, but they do not always suit her. 她的帽子总是很时髦,可并不都适合她。
She told him point-blank, 'Johnny, you get those hats out of here or when you're gone, I'm going to throw them all in the trash. 她直接表示,‘Johnny,把你的帽子清理出去,不然你不在的时候我就全都给你扔进垃圾堆。