
美 [sut]英 [suːt]
  • v.适合;合适;讨好(某人);使适宜
  • n.诉讼;花色;一套衣服;求婚
  • 网络套装;西装;西服

复数:suits 现在分词:suiting 过去式:suited

dark suit,blue suit,smart suit,tailor suit,lightweight suit
bring suit,file suit,suit purpose


n. v.

1.西服;西装;套装a set of clothes made of the same cloth, including a jacket and trousers/pants or a skirt

2.(从事特定活动时穿的)成套服装a set of clothing worn for a particular activity

3.(扑克牌中)所有同花色的牌any of the four sets that form a pack/deck of cards


首页-窈窕淑女精品女装店-淘宝网 ... 连衣裙( Dresses) 套装Suit) 连体裤( jumpsuits) ...


首页-【废墟】私家.Ruins。-淘宝网 ... 配饰 Deserve to 西装 SUIT 皮衣 FUR ...


KOOL 品质时尚 男装1963 ... 夹克/皮夹克 Jackets 西服 Suit 毛衣/针织衫 Knitwear ...


字典中 得 字的解释 ... (8) 成功;完成[ succeed] (10) 适,合[ fit;befit;suit] (11) 具备[ have;possess] ...


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... go skating 去滑冰 suit 一套衣服 able 能够 ...


新目标八年级下册英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... probably ad. 大概,或许 28 suit n. 套装,诉讼,请求; dress n. 女装,服装; ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Suitable 适当的 Suit 合适 Medical 医学的 ...

He dressed himself in a suit of uniform. Then he drives to the company. 他穿了一套工作服,然后开车去公司。
Although it was felt its forward and top armour did not suit the weapon'role, it was capable of such a conversion. 尽管有人认为它的前装甲和顶装甲不适合作为武器平台使用,但是它依然进行了这样的改进。
Dieter Zetsche, chief executive Daimler, told BBC News there was no demand for electric Maybachs so it would not follow suit. DieterZetsche,戴姆勒的首席执行官,他告诉BBC新闻记者(市场)并没有电动版迈巴赫的需求,因此他并不打算效仿跟进。
Kang said he made it out of his personal love for Iron Man. The suit, weighing 50 kg, took him more than three months to make. 王康说,制作钢铁侠套装是因为喜欢钢铁侠,这套装备重约50公斤,他用了三个多月时间制作完成。
I clothed him in a suit made of goatskins, and he seemed to be greatly pleased to be dressed like myself. 我穿的山羊皮做了适合他,他似乎非常高兴能像我自己打扮。
Two years later the families of the victims filed suit against the company that made the massively popular video game Grand Theft Auto. 两年以后受害者的家庭提起了对制造这一大为流行的游戏GrandTheftAuto(机车大盗?)公司的诉讼。
Forget sitting at a desk in a suit and tie. Get ready to venture out into the wild during your summer internship. 忘掉坐在书前西装革履的样子,准备好暑期大胆走出去参加户外实习吧。
These can be designed to suit the control requirements of every type of project in every area of project management application. 在每个项目管理应用的领域中,这四个阶段可以被设计成用来满足每种类型项目的控制需要。
On this point, population, resources, environment and economic development must be coordinated and suit one another. 因此,人口、资源、环境和发展必须互相协调、互相适应。本文为协调适应指出了三方面的解决途径。
That means you were not ready for Ascension, and indeed the higher vibrations would not suit you and would make you feel uncomfortable. 这意味着你们没有准备好扬升,更高的振动的确不适合你们,会让你们感觉不舒服。
The former Brazil and Portugal coach will have his track suit on this morning as the Chelsea players train with him for the first time. 前巴西及葡萄牙国家队主帅将在今天上午开始的首次训练当中穿上自己的训练服装。
As for his signature style of wearing a suit with sneakers, Timberlake said it was more a matter of practicality than design. 对于自己西装搭配运动鞋的标志性风格,贾斯汀称这更多考虑的是实用性而不仅仅是美观。
In an emailed statement, a Goldman Sachs representative said the company believes the suit is 'without merit. ' 高盛的代表在一份电子邮件声明中表示,公司认为这起诉讼毫无根据。
Trying to find a space suit to do this has lead me to an area of technology that I never really expected when I set about doing this. 为了找到合适的太空服,我进入了一个我从未预料过会进入的科技领域。
Orville Wright wore a suit and tie and a white shirt with starched collar when he made man's first powered flight in 1903. 1903年奥维尔·莱特进行人类第一次有动力飞行的时候穿的是打着领结的白色立领衬衣套装。
A: Back in the 'dress for success' 1980s, the interview suit -- dark and serious year round -- was a woman's trusty piece of armor. 答:在上世纪80年代“穿着得体”的风潮中,一年到头都是深色、严肃庄重的面试装就像女性可以信赖的一件盔甲。
She went to the shelf, picked up a tea tin, sat down next to me, and took a folded sheet of paper from her suit packet. 她走到书架,拾起茶筒,坐在我身边,从她上衣兜里掏出一张折叠的纸。
How much do they charge for the suit at the store? 这店内这件衣服他们索价多少?
Footage gathered of a wampa ice creature constantly falling over, while humorous, did not suit the story needs of The Empire Strikes Back. 万帕冰兽总是摔倒的胶片虽然滑稽,但并不符合《帝国反击战》的剧情需要。
Mentioning the design for the future, he said he was confident for his job-per suit. 谈到以后的打算,小张说,他对自己找工作充满了信心。
A well-dressed man in a suit sat on a bench in Central Park, his head bowed, his hands clasped between his knees. 一位穿着套装的衣着讲究的男士坐在中央公园的一个长凳上,他低着头,双手手指交叉放置在膝盖中间。
For an astronaut in space, the suit is all that stands between you and the deadly airless vacuum outside. 但是,对于宇航员来说,宇航服是将其与外界致命真空隔离开来的唯一物体。
The acts of the body reciprocate thoughts of the mind. Simply act as if you're not shy and your mind will follow suit. 身体的行为可以反过来影响心灵,只要你能在行为上表现得不害羞,你的心理就会跟着大胆起来。
But I've been trying to tell you about the suit? " Lonnie cried in alarm . " “可是我不是对你们说过那套衣服的事了吗?”隆尼吃惊地喊着说。
developerWorks: Now the next one seems to follow suit, not predictable. developerWorks:现在,下一个看起来只是跟着做,并不是可预言的。
So wear a nice suit or business-appropriate dress, even if you know the office to be a casual environment. 所以穿上漂亮的西装或企业装,即便是你知道办公室是一个随便的环境。
We like helping others frequently, but because sometimes did not understand the opposite party honest need, gives actually does not suit. 我们经常喜欢帮助别人,但有时因为不明白对方直正的需要,所给予的其实并不适合。
He gave the old man a suit of clothes and he gave his overcoat to a pregnant woman whose husband had been killed in a mining accident. 他给了这个老人一套衣服,给了一位孕妇一件外套,因为她的丈夫已在矿难中遇难。
Your cousins have occasionally attended them; but they would not altogether suit us now. The fatigue would be too much for your aunt. 你表哥表姐偶尔去参加过,不过那里的舞会现在并不完全适合我们,太累人了,你姨妈吃不消。
This leopard skirt has not been used yet, the day is cool, there have been with the long dress, but this is suit bounce at sea. 这条豹纹裙还没穿过,这天很凉爽,本来搭配的还有长裙,但在海上蹦蹦跳跳这样正合适。