
美 [stɪk]英 [stɪk]
  • v.粘贴;刺;忍受;戳
  • n.条;枯枝;枝条;柴火棍儿
  • 网络棒;坚持;手杖

复数:sticks 过去式:stuck 现在分词:sticking

stick stamp,stick finger


v. n.

推入push sth in

1.[t][i]将…刺入(或插入);刺;戳;插入to push sth, usually a sharp object, into sth; to be pushed into sth


2.[t][i]粘贴;粘住to fix sth to sth else, usually with a sticky substance; to become fixed to sth in this way


3.[t](informal)~ sth + adv./prep.(尤指迅速或随手)放置to put sth in a place, especially quickly or carelessly

4.[t](informal)sb can stick sth(无礼或生气地表示)对…不感兴趣used to say in a rude and angry way that you are not interested in what sb has, offers, does, etc.

卡住become fixed

5.[i]~ (in sth)(在某物中)卡住,陷住,动不了to become fixed in one position and impossible to move

困境difficult situation

6.[t](informal)容忍;忍受to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation or person

被接受become accepted

7.[i]被接受;被证明成立to become accepted


stick in your mind

经久不忘;铭记在心to be remembered for a long time

stick in your throat/craw

难以启齿;说不出口to be difficult or impossible to say

stick your neck out

做不保险的事;说不保险的话;冒险to do or say sth when there is a risk that you may be wrong

stick to your guns

不听别人劝告;坚持己见;一意孤行to refuse to change your mind about sth even when other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong

棍_百度百科 ... 棍子[ stick] stick;wand; 棍1 gùn ㄍㄨㄣˋ ...

英文字根_百度百科 ... 37、bar = weight 重,压 38、barr = stick ,栏 40、bat = beat 打,击 ...


粘字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 粘连〖 adhesion〗 粘贴〖 affix;stick〗 粘缠〖 closelystickto〗 ...


常用形近词_百度文库 ... strike 打 stick 坚持 strict 严格的 70) ...


纺织染化知识 ... 假发 wig 手杖 stick;cane 折扇 folding fan ...

铎字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同本义〖 bigbell〗 ;啄〖 stick;peck〗 铎 duó ...


棍_百度百科 ... 棍术[ stick acrobatic play] 棍子[ stick] 棍 stick;wand; ...


woman secret - 博客大巴 ... sensation 感觉,知觉 stick 粘住 throat 咽喉 ...

Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. 每天都要练习,为自己订一个学习计划,决定每周花多少时间来学然后坚持学。
I signalled to Rene as he was giving me a bit of stick for not scoring. 我指向穆沦斯汀,他让我不要为进球担心,这次进了。
It's a target but I said a couple of weeks ago if he gets over 30 I'll be delighted and I'll stick to that. 这是个目标,但我几周前我说如果他能进30球的话我就很高兴了,现在也是一样。
Thanks for the suggestions, but I think I'll stick to a simple, uncluttered page. How long did it take you to do all of that? 谢谢你的建议,但我还是会坚持设计一个简洁,整洁的网页。设计这些花了你多长时间?
You've got to stick at it and then figure out a way to solve the problem, even if it's really, really hard. 你遇到了难题,就要去找方法解决它,即使这是个很难很难的问题。
in Uncovering sense, the truth is As the truth of existence, it makes no cover stick to its own most of this stuff. 在无蔽意义上,真理是作为存在本身的真理,它让无蔽固守其最本己的东西。
On the 41st day, a young man walked up to the giant with nothing but a stick and some rocks. 到了第四十一天,一位仅拿着棍子和一些石子的年轻人走到了巨人面前。
I mean can't we just kick this old school? You know, like I, I stick the baby in a basket and send it your way. Like Moses in the reeds. 我是说我们不能就像过去那样吗?就是,比如,我把孩子放在篮子里,送到你们那边去。就像摩西被放在芦苇丛中一样。
The shield that accompanies a stick is called a Farhi and is usually made from a soft padded material. 盾伴随棍子被称为Farhi通常是由一个软衬垫材料。
Part of its attraction was the tremendous racket you could make by scraping a stick along the corrugated sides as you went through. 当你穿过的时候,它的吸引部份是你藉由沿着缩成皱纹的边扔弃一根根可以制造的巨大球拍。
had not considered what she had been doing; whether he were man or woman, stick or stone, in her involuntary hold on him. 她先前并没有意识到她刚才干了些什么;在她不自觉地搂着他的时候,她并没有想到他是男人还是女人,是根子还是石头。
I had my stick with me, so I gave it a tap to send it round, and, unfortunately, it fell off the stake on to the grass. 我手中有棍,就碰了一下以让它再次动起来,不幸地是,它从树桩上掉下,落入草丛。
One day he became so annoyed at my grandfather that he hit him on the head with a heavy stick. 有一天,包工头对我的祖父非常恼怒,以至于用一个大棍子狠狠地击中了他的头部。
Sometimes it takes a storm to realize which plants just weren't going to make it or which were able to stick it out. 有时,他们反而需要一场这样的风暴来确定哪些植物不适合或者没法坚持下去。
And he said, "I had a truck, before I went over there, and it had a stick. You think I'll be able to drive it? " Sure. 接着他说,“我有一辆卡车,在我去那边之前,它有一个棍子。你觉得我还能再开它么?”当然。
Almost every morning Bartimaeus would probably pick up his walking stick to help him find his way to the Jericho city gate. 几乎每天早上,巴底买可能都拄著探路的拐杖,摸索来到耶利哥城门口。
I promised myself I'd stick with The Office Dietfor at least a year. 我向自己保证,我的“办公室节食”博客至少要坚持一年。
And measures that have the force of domestic law are more likely to stick than those signed up to in a treaty under diplomatic pressure. 相比迫于外交压力签订的条约上的规定,具有国内法律效力的措施更可能产生作用。
To talk just a little is better than to chatter non-stop all day long. Stick to the facts and speak briefly; don. 讲话不可太多,言多必失。要讲得恰当,要实事求是,不可花言巧语。
Over time, and perhaps even before, a pale was not just a stick, but a fence, and then it was the area within the fence. 一些年后,甚至在那之前,pale不仅仅是一根棍子,还有篱笆的意思,后来便指代篱笆之内的区域。
Preferring to stick to the status quo when faced with unexpected upheaval tends to lead to a sense of helplessness and distress. 当面临意想不到的剧变,你喜欢坚持现状,这往往会引起一种无助感、悲伤感。
The meaning , tongue diagnose used in clinic . stick out a smile . and the image of tongue is also be a impersonality proof . 中医舌诊的临床意义显而易见,同时舌象又是作为中医诊断辨证的不可缺少的客观依据。
Most of the characters have no mouths, dot eyes, and stick limbs; those with lips are unintelligent. 大多数的角色都没有嘴,点状的眼睛,木棒一样的肢体;这些和嘴唇加在一起就傻乎乎的。
If I ever catch any of y'all spray-paintin' on anybody's wall, I'll stick my foot so far up your behind that you'll have toes for teeth! 如果让我抓住你们任何一个人用喷漆在别人的墙上乱画,我就会从你们背后远远地伸出脚方在你们嘴里。
Add up your expenditures and figure out ways to cut back, then take a pledge to stick to that budget for at least for a month. 增加你的花费,并且计算出你的削减,然后保证坚持这个计划至少一个月。
The other day she had pineapple between her teeth and held her mouth open so I could floss it out with a stick. 前些时,她的牙缝里塞了点菠萝,她就一直张大嘴,这样我好帮她用牙签剔牙。
However , the company said it would stick to its overall business model centred on the keyword auctions . 然而,该公司称,总体上仍将沿用关键词竞价排名的商业模式。
Man on TV: You add a little bit of olive oil to a non-stick saute pan, and you want to cook with the olive oil in medium-high heat. 电视上的男子:你添加一点点的橄榄油到不沾锅里,你想要用橄榄油烹饪,用中高热度。
When however, the tomato garden has not been able to turn over a new leaf, the copyright big stick fell! 然而,还未等到番茄花园能够“重新做人”,版权的大棒就落下了!
and when it comes to the crunch, we probably do better trying to stick to that, than rushing off on individual impulse. 到了关键时刻,我们也应该尽量坚持这一准则,而不要凭个人一时的冲动行事。