steve jobs

  • 网络乔布斯;贾伯斯;史蒂夫乔布斯

steve jobssteve jobs

steve jobs


乔布斯(StEVE Jobs)的言论未必全对——至少现在不对。PC远未消亡,而偏重信息和娱乐的平板电脑也远未在工作领域取代PC…


贾伯斯(Steve JobS)带给我们的启发 卖辣椒的女人 ~ 大智慧 如何”惹人爱”? 灵粮:度量决定力量 铅笔 & 橡皮擦 (网路文章) 请 …


史蒂夫乔布斯(Steve Jobs)回归苹果之后不久,他曾考虑从3Com手中收购Palm。有消息称,乔布斯当时考虑拓展苹果的产品 …


苹果执行长贾伯斯 (Steve Jobs) 1997 年重返苹果之后,他便在苹果服务且是 Mac 作业系统的主要建构者。50 岁的 Serlet 是 …


看看苹果创办人贾伯斯Steve Jobs)的做法。1983年,苹果总裁麦克.马库拉(Mike Markula)离职后,贾伯斯想为公司寻 …


苹果公司创办人贾伯斯Steve Jobs)于2011年10月病逝,除了相关书籍热销全球,好莱坞更计画为他拍摄传记电影。本片是 …

If this was not music to the ears of advocates of the humanities, they quickly found a soulmate in Steve Jobs. 如果人文学科的拥护者觉得这不中听,他们很快发现斯蒂夫·乔布斯是知音。
Life hasn't always been easy for Steve Jobs. But, Jobs shook off the letdown and he went on to found the NeXT Corporation and Pixar. 史蒂夫.乔布斯的人生从来不凡,他很快就摆脱阴影,创办了NeXT公司,还与人和办了皮克斯动画。
Few details of Steve Jobs ' health have ever been made public, but experts speculate that his cancer may have been a case of late diagnosis. 乔布斯的健康状况细节很少向外界透露。但是专家推测,他的病症可能是在晚期被确诊的。
At the end of June, the company's co-founder and chief executive Steve Jobs made headlines when he returned to work after medical leave. 苹果公司行政长官同时也是公司创始人之一的史蒂文.乔布斯,在他六月底从病假返回工作时,引起了不小的震动。
Tim Cook promised that Apple Inc. wouldn't change when he took over the company's helm from Steve Jobs in August. 8月份提姆库克承诺他从史蒂夫乔布斯手中接管苹果后公司将不会有所改变。
WHEN it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs. 当要举行一场展览会时,计算机行业或任何其他行业在对待这件事情上没人可以和史蒂夫•乔布斯相提并论。
Yunus , the founder of the bank, is an entrepreneurial figure cut from the same cloth as Steve Jobs , the founder of Apple . 作为格莱珉银行的创始人,尤努斯就象苹果公司的斯蒂芬•乔布斯一样,极具创业精神。
Waiting for call to begin. Share are up in after-hours trading, and have made up for the dip earlier today on the Steve Jobs health news. 00等待电话会议开始。股票在交易几个小时后开始上涨,已经改变了今天早些时候公布史蒂夫健康状况时的低迷走势。
Steve Jobs' products have touched so many lives. So sad to see such an innovator pass away at such a young age. Yet, he will live on. 史蒂夫-乔布斯的产品感动了如此之多的生命。非常悲哀地看到如此的发明家如此年轻就离世了。然而,他会一直活着。
Steve Jobs, on a conference call with analysts, recently referred to this as a "nascent" market that Apple was watching. 在一个名为分析师的会议上,史蒂夫、乔布斯称这个应用是一个正在萌生的,也是苹果公司正在关注的市场。
He added that he has 'no doubt' Apple's late leader Steve Jobs also was working on changing the traditional TV set. 他还说,他毫不怀疑苹果已故首席执行长乔布斯(SteveJobs)生前也曾为改造传统电视机做出过努力。
Though Steve Jobs might get his way in China over the issue of shared technology, he would be one of few. 虽然斯蒂夫乔布斯也许会从分享技术开辟出自己在中国的道路,但他只是少数人之一。
Of course, trying to get Manny to cut off his dreads is like telling Steve Jobs that the iPhone needs to have a keypad. 当然,想让Manny剪掉他那满头的麦穗就如同告诉SteveJobs他的iphone需要加一个键区。
Steve Jobs was a college dropout. He was adopted by a machinist and his wife, an accountant. 史蒂夫•乔布斯在读大学时辍学,他被一名机械师和他做会计的妻子收养。
Steve Jobs has never been a particularly good public speaker himself. 不过,史蒂夫•乔布斯本身也不是一位多么出色的公众演说者。
"Steve Jobs and Jack Welch have done more damage to ordinary businesses and business people than anyone else, " he said. 他说:“史蒂夫•乔布斯和杰克•韦尔奇给普通公司和商业人士带来的伤害远远超过其他任何人。”
I predict Apple will do fine without Steve Jobs, whether he comes back in June, later, or not at all. 在我看来,不管史蒂夫·乔布斯是六月回归,晚些回归,甚至永远离开苹果公司,苹果照样还是苹果。
Two months after Steve Jobs introduced the iPad, and a week before it went on sale, Fujitsu handed the trademark over to Apple. 在乔布期介绍iPad后的2个月,同时在其销售前的一周,富士通将商标交给了苹果。
Unless Rubin could come up with a breakthrough Android phone, and quick, he might have to concede the entire business to Steve Jobs. 除非鲁宾尽快用一款突破性的Android手机迎头赶上,他恐怕只能将整个产业拱手相让给斯蒂夫·乔布斯。
But that's basically the size of Apple's new building, proposed by CEO Steve Jobs, although a bit of a smaller footprint overall. 但是据乔布斯表示,苹果的新总部办公楼正是这个尺寸,尽管总体的实际办公区域更小了。
That makes him in many ways like Steve Jobs, who designed and marketed products better than already existing similar competing products. 这使他在某种程度上象乔布斯,这位在已经存在相似竟争产品的市场中,把自己设计的产品销售的更好。
I feel honored to have known Steve Jobs. He was the most innovative entrepreneur of our generation. His legacy will live on for the ages. 认识乔布斯是我的荣幸。他是我们这一代里最有创造力的企业家。他的影响将一直存在。
Apple's board of directors had been kicked out of the company Steve Jobs Godfather. 苹果教父乔布斯曾被董事会踢出公司。
Such an offer, he said, would endear Apple and its recently deceased chairman, Steve Jobs, to millions of Chinese. 他说这将令苹果公司及其最近刚离世的董事会主席史蒂夫·乔布斯受到数以百万计中国人的喜爱。
The biography, simply titled Steve Jobs, was at the top of the best-seller lists within hours of Apple's announcement of his death. 在苹果宣布乔布斯死亡后的几小时内,这本被简单题名为《史蒂夫•乔布斯》的传记登上了畅销书排行榜的榜首。
The book, titled simply "Steve Jobs, " also achieved the biggest week of sales for any book in the U. S. for almost a year. 这本书取名为“史蒂夫·乔布斯”,简单利索,却同时创造了美国近一年来最大的周销售纪录。
That emphasis on consilience, even if it came at the expense of convenience, has always been a defining trait of Steve Jobs. 强调步调一致,即便以便利为代价,这是史蒂夫·乔布斯一直以来最为典型的特质。
We celebrate somebody like a Steve Jobs, who has created two or three different revolutionary products. 我们赞美像史蒂夫•乔布斯那样的人,他创造出了两、三款革命性的产品。
Steve Jobs, the firm's iconic boss, is to quit the daily grind, at least for a while, to focus on his health. 公司的标志性老板,乔布斯,辞去了美日的工作,至少需要一段时间关注自己的健康。
No one has changed the world so much in these decades like Steve Jobs, who has no throne, no military force, no political title. 就是他,一个没有王冠、没有军权、没有政治头衔的人,在这几十年里,这样改变了我们的世界,没有人能像他一样。