
美 [ʃaɪn]英 [ʃaɪn]
  • v.发光;反光;照耀;把…照向
  • adj.明亮的;灿烂的;出色的
  • n.光亮;光泽
  • 网络闪亮的风采;闪耀;阳光

过去式:shined 过去式:shone 现在分词:shining 第三人称单数:shines

light shine


v. n.

1.[i]发光;反光;照耀to produce or reflect light; to be bright

2.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)把…照向;使…光投向to aim or point the light of a lamp, etc. in a particular direction

3.[t]~ sth擦亮;擦光to polish sth; to make sth smooth and bright

4.[i]出色;出类拔萃to be very good at sth


字典中 光 字的解释 ... (5) 裸露[ naked;bare] (1) 照耀[ shine;illuminate] (3) 增辉,发扬光大[ glorify] ...


同问闪亮的风采shine)电影英语原版,加字幕,迅雷! 2010-04-16 08:30 提问者: 飞沫横飞 当然,无毒,无插件!


英文字根_百度百科 ... 466、spin = thorn 刺 468、splend = shine 发光 471、stall = place 放 ...


字典中 艳 字的解释 ... (1) 美女[ beauty] (1) 照耀;闪耀[ shine] (3) 羡慕[ admire;envy] ...


莽荒记吧_百度贴吧 ... 坑了玫瑰 love 00:35 阳光 shine1 流离一 shi 00:32 ...


发字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 发利市〖 firstdeal〗 发亮shine〗 发聋振聩〖 deafeningnoise〗 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... shelter n. 掩蔽;隐蔽处 shine n. 光泽;光彩;阳光;晴天;光(亮) ship n. 船,轮船 ...

When the sun began to shine warmly again, the duckling was in a marsh, lying among the rushes. 当太阳又开始温暖地照着的时候,他正躺在沼泽地的芦苇里。
Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. 那时,义人在他们父的国里,要发光如同太阳。有耳可听的,就应当听。
I knew that if she could just get into a good college, she would shine, but she wasn't going to get in. 我知道如果他可以进一个好大学,她可以很有成就,但是她进不去。
If you target the right job opportunities, you'll find it easy to let your strengths shine through. 如果你抓住了合适的机会,你会发现在工作中发挥你的优点是件很容易的事情。
I your hostess am bidding you to find your love and shine your light for I shall be rising- WITH OR WITHOUT YOU. 我,你们的女主人,祝你们找到你们的爱,散发出你们的光,因为我会升起—带着或不带着你们。
"If I shine shoes on Broadway, " Mr. Abraham said he told him, "he'll be shining shoes next to me. " 亚伯拉罕对大卫说“我会像兄弟一样对待他,和他同进退。”
It takes just six hours for the sun to shine down on deserts the same amount of energy all humanity uses in a year. 太阳只需要照耀沙漠六小时就可以产生全人类一年所用的能源数量。
Life never tells any of us where the overwhelming emotions of love would shine , nor will it tell us when it is going to be a last goodbye. 命运从不告诉我们生命中的感情会在何时何地出现,正如同它不会告诉我们某年某月某日的“再见”意味着无法再见。
Lewis Booth, Ford's chief financial officer, is said to have taken a shine to Mr Li, seeing in him a real passion for the car business. 福特首席财政官刘易斯布思非常赞赏李先生,在他身上看到对汽车产业真正的激情。
Christmas is willing to shine the light of your every day, the sun is ready to flower Saman your life journey. 愿圣诞之光普照你的每壹个日子,愿阳光鲜花洒满你的人生旅程。
Positive people, like the sun, where the light shine where, negative people, like the moon, not the same as the beginning of 15. 积极的人,象太阳,走到哪里照到哪里,消极的人,象月亮,不同于十五的开始。
Lamps were already beginning to shine out, with passenger cars all about and the train moving at a snail's pace. 灯火已经亮了起来,到处都有客车,火车在慢慢地行动。
So, open your doors and let the sun shine through and make it a day for all your dreams to come true! 所以,今天就敞开你的门吧,让梦想照进现实!
The knowing of it all will humble you to its power yet let the brightness of you shine everywhere it needs to. 知道这个会让你在它的能量前变得谦逊并让你在任何它需要的地方发光发热。
"The Lyons sighed tone, put to put a hand and said: " Now that your friend also say so, let's shine on what she said to do. 里昂叹了口气,摆了摆手,PiuminoMoncler,说道:“既然你朋友也这么说,我们就照她说的做吧。”
Should this beautiful window cause just a little extra colour to shine down upon this ancient place, I should gladly settle for that. 如果这扇漂亮的窗户能为这个古老的地方增添色彩,我将为此感到高兴。
It' s easier said than done, but comes with a sense of freedom and liberation that allows you to truly shine. 但是随之而来的自由和解放的感觉允许你真实的散发自我的光彩。
But, enter shine to keep hard disk market and do not mean this tycoon to be able to abandon area of traditional hard disk. 可是,进入闪存硬盘市场并不料味着这家巨子会抛却传统硬盘区域。
Then the Sun began to shine. He drove away the clouds and warmed the air. 然后太阳开始照耀大地了,他驱散了所有的乌云并且把空气加热了。
And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb. 那城内又不用日月光照,因有神的荣耀光照,又有羔羊为城的灯。
He'd been crouching down, the better to shine light on to the body, but he rose to his feet again. 他刚才蹲下身,以便在手电光下查验尸体清楚些,但现在又站了起来。
Took so long to get me here. But I won't live in fear, of you trying' to steal my shine. 我花了很久才到今天这一步。但是我不会在畏惧中生存,(不会)害怕你试图抢我的风头。
Just a week ago, the sun 5 (shine) and the weather 6 (be) pleasant. 就在一个礼拜前,阳光普照,非常舒服的天气。
"As you go up in elevation, sky shine becomes more of a problem, " says Schmieman. “当你所处的高度越高,天空回散照射问题就越严重,”斯切米尔曼说。
The top of the mountain was covered with a dark cloud, which took shine off the front view of the mountain. 一片乌云遮住山顶,使山前的景物黯然失色。
The sun may leave us a legacy of darkness, but our God never ceases to shine upon his children with beams of love. 太阳尚可能留下黑影,但上帝永不停止以爱的光芒照射在祂儿女身上。
In his time its founder, Derek Browne, who did not shine at school, has been an international athlete and an investment banker. 组织者德瑞克·布郎(DerekBrowne)是国际著名运动员和投资银行家,可他在读书时并不是很出色。
But darkness is there to help the light to shine in darkness so that you know it. 黑暗在那里是为了让光明把黑暗照亮,从而让我们了解光明。
A rightness of black shine eyes just curiously stare by the face of Zhuo Er, left see right to see. 一对黑亮的眼睛只是好奇地盯着卓尔的脸,左看右看。
Will: Probably right. But, um, in hindsight. . . you were right to shine the spotlight on the fact that those kids are minorities. 或许是正确的。但是,在一方面…事实上你使那些有潜力的孩子发光是正确的。