
美 [lɪft]英 [lɪft]
  • n.电梯;举;抬;提
  • v.举起;提高;解除;消散
  • 网络升降机;升力;提升

第三人称单数:lifts 现在分词:lifting 过去式:lifted

lift finger,lift head,lift ban,lift embargo,lift lid
carefully lift,gently lift


v. n.


1.[t][i](被)提起,举起,抬高,吊起to raise sb/sth or be raised to a higher position or level

挪动某人╱某物move sb/sth

2.[t]~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)移开;移动to take hold of sb/sth and move them/it to a different position

3.[t]~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)空运to transport people or things by air

撤销法律╱规则remove law/rule

4.[t]~ sth解除,撤销,停止(限制)to remove or end restrictions


5.[i][t]高兴起来;使更愉快to become or make sb more cheerful

雾;云of mist/clouds

6.[i]消散;消失to rise and disappear


7.[t](informal)~ sth (from sb/sth)偷盗;盗窃to steal sth

剽窃观点╱言语copy ideas/words

8.[t]~ sth (from sth)剽窃;盗用;抄袭to use sb's ideas or words without asking permission or without saying where they come from


9.[t]~ sth挖出,刨出,拔起(蔬菜或植物)to dig up vegetables or plants from the ground


10.[t][i]~ (sth)提高;增加;(使)增长to make the amount or level of sth greater; to become greater in amount or level


not lift/raise a finger/hand (to do sth)

一点忙也不帮;油瓶倒了都不扶to do nothing to help sb


雅思听力场景词汇(剑桥4-8)_百度文库 ... car park 停车场 lift 电梯 fire gate/exit 紧急出口 ...


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... finger 手指 lift 举起 stone 石头 ...


饭桶精英 ... Lid 盖 Lift 扬程,升降机,升力 Lifting hook 吊钩,起重钩 ...


升是什么意思_百度知道 ... 13. 升空[ levitate] 14. 升力[ lift] 15. 升幂[ ascending power] ...


九年级英语单词MP3下载 人教版_百度知道 ... finger 手指 lift 举起;提升 stone 石头;石块 ...


扬字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 扬场〖 winnowing〗 扬程lift〗 扬帆〖 hoistthesails;setsail〗 ...


上海教育出版社七年级《英语》上册单词表_百度文库 ... button n. 按键 lift v. 抬起 downstairs adv. 往楼下;在楼下 ...


跪求1000个最简单常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 电视机 TV 电梯;(云雾)消散 lift 电影 film ...

If you feel woozy, you might consider bringing some candy with you to give you a little lift, or some water to drink. 如果感到头晕,可以吃些糖果提提神,或者喝一些水。
At the moment when he had stooped to lift Gavroche, a bullet had grazed his head; he had not noticed it. 他正弯腰抱伽弗洛什时,一颗子弹擦伤了他的头盖骨,他并没有觉察到。
The gyroplane also is different from the airplane. It depends on the rotors to produce lift. It has no fixed wings, or has assistant wings. 旋翼机与飞机也不同,它主要靠旋翼产生升力,而没有固定机翼或只有辅助的机翼。
Then try to lift me up, but no, I did not stand up on the straight Han Teng, he tried to carry me home. 然后试着扶我起来,可是不行,我还没站起来,就直喊疼,他又试着背我回家。
If China is patient and just waits a few more months or a year, we will have done it to ourselves and they won't have to lift a finger. 如果中国有耐心,只需要多等待几个月或一年,他们就不费举手之劳,我们自己将会已经按照(他们设想的)那样做了。
Please stay in touch and let me know how you are doing and if I can lift you up in prayer. 请与我保持联系,让我知道你情况如何,以及我的祈祷是否对于有所帮助(??
because the lift he took before was out of service, but he believe that he was going to find his own car sooner or later. 5、因为他之前乘搭的电梯停用了,不过他相信他迟早会找到自己的车的。
When using a "Y" cylinder, do not remove from its transportation skid. Never attempt to lift a cylinder by its cap. 当使用“Y”钢瓶时,不要把它从它的运输刹车上移下来。
It was at the exact moment he took a deep breath that he began to lift off the ground. He would begin soaring like an eagle. 就在他深深吸上一口气的瞬间,他开始从地面一跃而起,就像一头雄鹰那样开始翱翔。
Squeezing the ball, lift your knees off the floor as high as you can, keeping your legs as straight as possible. 夹住球,膝盖抬离地面,能抬多高抬多高,大腿保持平直。
Kazakhstan is ready to work with China to lift the level of bilateral cooperation and further develop all-round strategic partnership. 哈方将同中方一道,不断提高两国合作水平,进一步发展全方位的战略伙伴关系。
France has always been supportive on the lift of the European Union's arms embargo on China, he said. 法国始终支持解除欧盟对华军售禁运。
You often have to wait ages to be squeezed into the lift to be whisked up to your floor high in the sky. 你经常要等很久排队进入电梯,飞快地到达你高高的那层。
Lift him on the horse, Scarlett, and face his head toward its tail. 史考烈特,将他抬上马,头面对着尾巴。
Unlike the Soviet Union, it appears to have found a way to lift millions out of poverty while still locking up its dissidents. 与苏联不同,中国似乎已找到一条道路,能够在继续关押持不同政见者的同时,让数百万人摆脱贫困。
The wire ropes which support the car are fixed to a heavy counterweight which moves up and down the lift shaft on separate guide rails. 支撑电梯厢的钢丝绳另一端固定在一个平衡配重上。平衡配重在升降井里沿着单独的导轨上下移动。
To use it, loop the scale's strap around the suitcase handle and lift the scale and bag off the ground for a few seconds. 使用它,让称带圈住手提箱的把手,提起称,使行李离地几秒钟。
Getting that coffee or tea stain out your rug may seem impossible, but you can literally lift it out by pouring a bit of beer right on top. 将地毯上的咖啡渍或茶渍去掉看似不可能,但如果你倒一些啤酒在污渍上面确实能够起效。
Perhaps no other thing has such power : to lift the poor out of his poverty , to make a man forget his burden , as book . 或许没有别的东西像书籍那样具有这种力量:使穷人摆脱贫困,使一个人忘掉他的负担。
The sky's the limit in Georgia where the state Board of Education has voted to lift all limits on class sizes over the next year. 佐治亚州没有上限。该州教育委员会已经投票取消了明年对班级规模的所有限制。
village seemed deserted, the only sign of lift being an ugly-looking black goat tied to a tree on a short length of rope in a field nearby. 这个村庄似乎人烟稀疏,唯一有生命迹象的是一头丑陋的黑山羊,它被一根短绳拴在附近田头的一棵树上。
The number of days you lift will depend on how much time you have to devote to exercise. 你举重的天数取决于你必须完成的练习时间。
(lift)Paul got off his car, lifting the child and putting him on the front seat of the car. Paul下了车,抱起那孩子,把他放在了自己的汽车前座上。
He had seen her lift her eyes, and waved his hand urbanely to her, while he blew her a kiss. 他看见她抬起头来,向她送过来一个飞吻,有礼貌地向她挥着手。
Heart trouble bothered him, and he once found the little paint-pot almost too heavy to lift, but he never considered stopping. 心脏问题困扰着他,有时甚至举起那小小的颜料罐他都觉得沉重,即便如此,他也从未想过停下来。
I lent him his bus fare and then he had the brass neck to ask me for a lift home. 我借给了他乘公共汽车的车票钱,然而他却厚着脸皮要搭我的车回家。
Hold one section of a ripe orange in your hand. Lift it up to the light. Try to look through it. 在手里拿一片成熟的橘子,把它举到光线下,争取把这片橘子看透。
The Hotel Il San Pietro is built into the side of a seaside cliff, and the lobby lift takes guests directly to a private beach. 圣彼得罗酒店(HotelIlSanPietro)建造在海边岩壁上,大堂电梯可以将客人直接送往私人海滩。
Anyone who has watched a speed-boat will know how the bows of the boat lift out of the water when it is travelling at speed. 看过快艇的人会注意到:当快速航行时船首翘起离开水面。
When you see a man at the gym struggling to lift a heavy weight, do you jump in and say, ; Here… let me help you with that. 当你看到一个男人在健身房里使劲浑身力气举起沉重的杠铃时,你会过去跟他说;