falling down

  • na.(向下游)流下;〔美俚〕失败;跌倒;同“fall”
  • 网络城市英雄;怒火风暴;坠落

第三人称单数:falls down 现在分词:falling down 过去式:fell down 过去分词:fallen down

falling downfalling down

falling down


看过,叫《城市英雄》(falling down),拿个棒球棒打人,后来升级了···评论| 毛毛熊兄 |五级采纳率14% 擅长:电影 《杀手联 …


例如电影怒火风暴(Falling Down)故事中,主角刚刚经历完痛苦的劳狱生涯,当他出狱时,他一心想见回自己的妻子,重过正常 …


老虎鱼精选第4辑 ... NO.15 Light wave 光波 NO.16 Falling down 坠落 NO.17 Children's song 16 童谣16 ...


游戏王伤自己血的卡有哪些?_百度知道 ... 中文名:打赌胜负 Ante 中文名:堕落 Falling Down 中文名:通天塔 Tower of Babel ...


译言精选... ... 【34】玻璃陈列柜( Vitrine) 【35】跌倒Falling Down) 【37】傻布欧( buu) ...


...、[想著你(Thinking of You)]、[倒下(Falling Down)]、[欧斯达帕兹雅冈马戏团(Osterpaziergang-Soleil)]、[歌谣(Ballad)] 与及 [ …


英语复习资料库-... ... 15. who can help me / 谁能帮我 19. /falling down / 落下 22. / the phone is ringing 电话响了 ...


36V/10AH电动车电池四大部件供应电动车在线 ... 4.2 连续充电 Continuous charging 4.3 跌落 Falling down 4.4 加热 Heating ...

Raising her head, she looked up at the dense rain drops from sky, whirlingly and flurry, falling down to her eyes by gravity. 她抬头看着从天而降的密集的雨,它们纷纷扬扬,被地心吸引着落在她的眼里。
She was falling down and down into a very deep hole. 她摔倒了掉进一个很深的洞里。
"I tried to get to her myself, but it all started falling down and I couldn't carry on, " he said. “我试图自己把她救出来,但是塌陷却突然开始了。我却什么都做不了。”他说。
But now, slowly the slab is falling down on my head and I could start again. I miss our fans, the concerts and all around it. 但现在,当重担逐渐落下,我又能重新开始了,我想念我们的粉丝、演唱会和这一切。
When I was gasping out of breath suddenly there was a red apple falling down the front hillside. 就在我累得气喘吁吁、上气不接下气的时候,前面的高坡上,忽然滚下来一颗红苹果。
fasten the belt and get ready to drive, an autumn leave quietly falling down from my dress, i had no idea where or when it came to me . . . 坐进驾驶室,系好安全带,不知不觉间衣襟上飘落一片秋叶,不知道它来自何方,也不知道它何时而来…
Yet, who can think of, it actually changes to a piece of intelligence light falling down to my painting desk? 就像我在书房原本是想写点什么,灵感没有来,可是谁料它竟然化做一块灵性的光降临到我的画案上?
I think those springals of field department might feel funny to see a short girl could't stop falling down in the grass and disappeared. 野外部那些高大的小伙子肯定觉得挺有趣,那中国来的小矮个儿不停地摔倒,然后就不见人影了。
I was not quite four when he passed away. But I still remember moments with him. Falling down a curly slide into his arms. 父亲去世时我才不到四岁,但我依然还记得与他在一起的时光:东倒西歪地向前挪着步子倒在他的臂弯里;
After the explosions the rocks were falling down and I thought they would block the door to my cave! ! 在爆炸发生后石头落了,我以为他们会阻止我的大门洞穴!
How wonderful it was that You came to me, it was a miracle. You stretched Your miraculous hand to catch me from falling down into the abyss. 但奇妙的事发生了,您奇迹般地来到我身旁,伸出神奇的双手将我抱住,使我免于坠落深渊之中。
Another woman participates in a bicycle race and is chased by her husband and family, berating her for falling down on her wifely duties. 另一个女人参加了自行车比赛被她的丈夫和家庭追逐,责斥她要尽家庭职责。
It is possible that this event may have been the inspiration for the nursery rhyme "London Bridge is falling down" . 这个事件也许就是童谣《伦敦桥的倒塌(LondonBridgeisfallingdown)》的灵感之源。
Do you think it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? 你看到有人被香蕉皮滑倒,或看到有人在拐角处撞到另外一个人,或看到有人掉进路边一个坑里时,觉得滑稽可笑吗?
Be there, a leaf, "Su Su" to falling down, as if life is like the end there. 可那儿,一片片树叶“簌簌”地往下飘落,好似生命就终结在那里似的。
Why is the yellow goal keeper falling down and not getting up himself , is him in pain? 黄色衣服的守门员为什么倒下了不自己起来,他很疼吗?
"There, people were killed not by schools falling down, but by a lack of schools and other buildings to shelter in, " he said. 他说:“在那里,人们不是因学校倒塌死亡,而是没有学校和其他可以躲避洪水的建筑物。”
When you think about it, that's an extraordinary amount of stuff falling down to the Earth's surface. It's a train's worth of stuff. 你想想看,这相当于一列火车那么多的东西落到地球,数量相当惊人。
However, Kua Fu is too tired too thirsty, when he reached halfway, the body will no longer Zhichibuzhu, slowly falling down, dead. 可是,夸父实在太累太渴了,当他走到中途时,身体就再也支持不住了,慢慢地倒下去,死了。
However, in all of the legend, those who are flying like a bird's flight, but in the end like a stone falling down in general. 但在所有的传说中,飞行者都象鸟一样的飞行,但最后却像石头一般坠落下来。
Meanwhile, he was stepped into the garden and shook the tree with much strength as the golden and red leaves falling down. 说着,他步入园中,用力摇动一棵树,抖落一地金色、红色的树叶。
When the leaves are falling down in autumn, the nests begin to be exposed. 秋末树叶落了的时候,这些鹊巢便暴露出来,特别引人注目。
"I awoke to my bed shaking and heard some pictures from the walls falling down, " he said. “床在摇动,我醒了,听到画框从墙上向下跌落的声音。”他说。
You may make a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down. 你可以选择某个时刻从头开始,因为我们所说的“失败”不是倒下,而是屈身蹲下。
A woman and a girl falling down after the fire escape collapses. 1975年,一位妇女和一个女孩在消防梯坍塌后掉下来。
An entire class are girls, so training will not be severe, one would begin with a girl falling down, so we better instructors. 一整班都是女生,所以训练不会很严厉,一开始就有一个女生倒下去了,所以教官对我们更好了。
They had some of them long hair, some hair that slowly and gradually falling down, then head into a three "Peacock hair. " 原来它们的身上长着一些毛,慢慢地这一些毛逐步脱落下来,后来变成头上竖着三根“孔雀毛”。
She looked up to the starry sky to stop the tears falling down when she wants to cry. 让我们一直仰望星空,不要看太阳,对眼睛不好。而且眼泪更容易落下。
I'm painting a smile on your face with my eyes. Then waiting for you falling down. . . . . . 用我的眼睛在你的脸上画一个微笑。然后等待你的降落……
Tianming the not bright, moderate rain in the absence of wind freely falling down, and the sky is gray is the rain soak the ground in vain. 天明了却不亮,中雨在无风的夏晨无拘无束地垂降着,天空是雨幕灰灰,地面上是雨泡白白。