
美 [flæt]英 [flæt]
  • n.公寓;单元房;平跟鞋;一套房间
  • adv.断然;(尤指贴着另一表面)平直地;直截了当地;低于标准音高
  • adj.水平的;平坦的;平滑的;扁平的
  • v.住公寓;合住公寓
  • 网络平面

比较级:flatter 最高级:flattest 复数:flats 过去式:flatted

flat panel,flat surface,flat roof,flat glass,flat rate
rent flat,furnish flat,decorate flat



1.水平的;平坦的having a level surface, not curved or sloping

2.平坦的without any slopes or hills

3.平滑的smooth and even; without lumps or holes

不高not high

4.扁平的broad but not very high


5.枯燥的;无趣的;缺乏热情的dull; lacking interest or enthusiasm


6.平淡的;单调的not showing much emotion; not changing much in tone


7.色彩单调的;无反差的;无景深的very smooth, with no contrast between light and dark, and giving no impression of depth


8.不景气的;萧条的;生意清淡的not very successful because very little is being sold


9.[obn]断然的;绝对的not allowing discussion or argument; definite

音乐in music

10.降音的;降半音的used after the name of a note to mean a note a semitone/half tone lower

11.低于标准音高的;偏低的below the correct pitch(= how high or low a note sounds)


12.走了气的;不新鲜的no longer having bubbles in it; not fresh


and thats flat!

这就是最后决定that is my final decision and I will not change my mind

as flat as a pancake

完全平的completely flat


日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... washroom 卫生间 flat 公寓 fruit stand 水果摊 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... harmful adj 有害的;伤害的 flat adj 平的;平坦的 n <英>公寓住宅;单元住宅 △ soda n 苏打;碳 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... harmful adj 有害的;伤害的 flat adj 平的;平坦的 n <英>公寓住宅;单元住宅 △ soda n 苏打;碳 …


所有形容人的形容词的英文拼写_百度知道 ... NOSE 鼻子 Flat 扁平的 High-bridged 高鼻梁的 ...


它从平面flat)文件或标准输入中读取 SQL 语句,动态地准备和描述语句,并返回性能基准测试信息,如 SQL 语句的准备时 …

He lives in the flat above it with his wife, who was an English major but cannot speak the language, and his son. 他与他的妻子(主修英文但不会说英语)和儿子一起居住商店上面的公寓里。
She lay flat on her back and put the large chisel in her mouth. She nodded at the first volunteer to swing the sledgehammer at the chisel. 她仰面平躺下来,把大凿子放进嘴里,朝第一位自愿者点了点头,示意他用大锤去砸凿子。
Spitz did not fully taper for the trials, because he thought that would leave him flat for the Olympics a few weeks later. 斯皮茨没有完全为选拔赛减量,因为他认为那样会使他在数周后的奥运会上失去战斗力。
At the age of 104, she was reportedly cooped up in an increasingly filthy flat suffering from Alzheimer's disease. 据传104岁的夫人被关在一间脏乱的房子中并忍受着老年痴呆症(Alzheimerdisease)的折磨。
If you give Partner Robot a shove, its sense of balance is good enough to stop it from falling flat on its expressionless face. 如果你狠狠的推它一下,它也能出色的保持平衡不使它那毫无表情的脸孔摔在地上。
He might have painted it flat, as though it had no depth. 他可以将所画的事务扁平化处理,尽管他画的对象可能并不深。
But does that insult to existence, that flat denial in which it is plunged come from the fact that it has no meaning? 但是,这对存在的侮辱,一股脑的完全否定,真的是因为生命没有意义吗?
As she left she heard a loud crash behind her. When she went back to see what had happens, he was sprawled flat on the floor. 当她走的时候,她听到身后传来巨大的声响,她回去看,只见他跌倒在地上。
The engineer started trying to lure her up to his flat. She refused the first two invitations, but accepted the third. 工程师开始劝诱她去他的住宅,前两次邀请她一一回绝,第三次却答应了。
She flat on her left arm to me, shrug torch-like glare out there in her palm, jump burning, never leave the potential field of her palm. 她向我平举左臂,摊开手掌,火炬状的眩光赫然出现在她掌心处,不住腾跳燃烧,始终不离开她掌心的势场。
Rural-based independent MPs now hold the balance of power and both leaders are "flat out like a lizard drinking" trying to win them over. 如今,来自农村地区的独立议员成了议会中举足轻重的人物,双方领导人都使出浑身解数,试图争取到他们。
It has a flat surface formed by two sticks tied into a cross and a tail that helps keep it stable. It flies nicely in light to medium winds. 只要一个平坦的表面将两根杆子交叉,用绳索绑牢交接处,再加上一个维持平稳的尾巴,它就可以利用合宜的风量,稳稳的在天空飞翔了。
"The answer was that the policeman had bought a flat for his mother in Bulgaria and he now needed money to do it up, " the businessmen said. “那是因为这个警察刚刚在保加利亚为他母亲买了一套房子,现在需要钱来装修。”这位商人解释说。
When the earth was still flat, and the clouds made of fire, and mountains wretched up to the sky, sometimes higher, folks roamed the earth. 当地球仍是平的、云彩由火构成并且山脉高高插入天空时,而且有时更高,人们在大地上游走。
Surface of the hydrophilic foil shall be clean and flat, folds and scratches are unacceptable. A slight mark on the surface is possible. 亲水铝箔表面洁净平整,不允许有皱折和碰伤。表面允许有轻微印痕存在。
His ears, which had been laid flat back on his skull, came into their proper position, and the fire went out of his eyes. 先前一直贴在脑袋上的耳朵现在恢复了正常的位置,眼睛也有了神。
You wouldn't be such a flat as to let three thousand a year go out of the family? 难道你愿意家里少三千磅一年的进款吗?你不能这么胡涂吧?
He has got a square face, a pair of small eyes and a flat nose. 他有一张方脸,一对小眼睛,一个塌鼻子。
When you sent me to pairs to see if I could really earn a living as a painter, I stay at Zheng Jie's flat for three months. 当你把我送到巴黎去以绘画为生的时候,我在郑杰的公寓里住了三个月。
Feather flat also want to ask, but cannot resist in anger, for he said now that had all together in peace feather ou, why can't nice to her? 羽平还想追问,但可中却忍不住对他发怒,表示既然当初羽平和卉凡在一同,为何不能好好待她?
EXAMPLE: I tried to tell a joke at the start of my speech, but when nobody laughed, I realized it had fallen flat. 我想在开始演讲时讲个笑话,但没有人笑,我意识到,这个笑话彻底失败了。
Then , her composure regained , she was ready to set off to search for any intruders who might still be lurking in her flat. 然后,她恢复了镇静,她准备着手搜寻入侵者,因为他们可能仍然在她的这套房子里躲着。
She pushed him off her, and knocked him flat, face down to the carpet, then rolled over on top of him. 她狠狠把男孩推了一下,他脸朝下撞到地毯上,她连忙翻身压在他身上。
Picture perfect: To plate, each winter melon ball is laid with the flat side down in the shape of a cluster of grapes. 完美构图:装盘时,每个冬瓜球都要平面朝下放置,摆成一串葡萄的形状。
If the system depends on flat files, file backup procedures should not only be in place and documented, but regularly tested as well. 如果系统依赖普通文件,那么不仅仅要写好文件备份过程,放到在项目里合适的地方,用文档说清楚,还要经常地测试它。
When he came down into the flat lands, he began to run, racing against the whole world. 当他走下平地的时候,他开始奔跑,和整个世界比赛。
It had a small head and a small mouth. The Seismosaurus had round, flat teeth in the front of its mouth, and no teeth in the back. 它的头和嘴都很小,嘴的前部有扁平的圆形牙齿,后部没有牙齿。
The flat above was reserved for some sort of company letting and was , at present, vacant . 楼上的公寓留作商用出租,目前暂时空缺未租。
She was glad to be out of the flat, because already she felt that it was a narrow, humdrum place, and that interest and joy lay elsewhere. 离开公寓到外面走走,使她心情舒畅,因为她已经感到那个家狭隘单调,毫无趣味和欢乐可言。
The mantra that "the world is flat" is going to be an asset and a challenge for small businesses. 对小企业而言,“世界是平的”这一预言,既是机遇也是挑战。