in your mind

  • 网络在你脑海里;在你的心里;在你的心中

in your mindin your mind

in your mind


中文舞曲-音乐分类-酷我音乐 ... Balla Da Li 巴拉搭哩 IN YOUR MIND 在你脑海里 BE MY LOVER 当我的情人 ...


急需最有效催眠曲。_百度知道 ... LULLABY 催眠曲 In Your Mind 在你的心里 Chill Out 别怕 ...


MACHINE CIVILIZATION罗马的音歌词_百度知道 ... paradigm 模范 in your mind 在你的心中 revolution 革命 ...


有关MJ-Music... ... In your mind,you will find 在你的记忆中,你一定可以找到 A word of sweet harmony 融洽音乐的悦耳歌词 ...


Charlene... ... In your heart,in your mind 在你的心间,在你的脑海 I'll stay with you for all of time 我会陪着你,永远不分离 ...


问一些中英文翻译哪_百度知道 ... put up 放置 in your mind 记住 在你的思想中 feel embarrassed 感到尴尬 ...


... She’s decided to say no. 她决心表示不同意。 in your mind 在你的头脑里 a number of... 可以意为“许多”后加可数名词复数。 ...

Haier Brothers , I am always nearby. As long as you think of me, I will come out in your mind . 海尔兄弟,我时刻在你们身边,只要你们想到我,我就会在你们的意念中出现。
Don't follow any advice, no matter how good, until you feel as deeply in your spirit as you think in your mind that the counsel is wise. 任何劝告,不管有多好,除非你在精神上和思想上都可深刻感觉它的明智,否则不要听从。
Can I ask all of you to recall one memory of him that stands out in your mind ? a race, or a conversation or a party? 我能问问你们所有的人在你们脑海中是否拥有一个和他在一起的特别记忆?
When you just can't think of the name of that thing which you can picture in your mind, you want the Visual Dictionary . 当你能够在头脑里描述出东西的样子可就是想不起它的名字时,你则需要VisualDictionary了。
So guys don't let the seed of ego to germinate in your mind, as this seed should be used only for you to live up to your expectations. 所以,不要让球员的自我种子发芽在你的心目中,因为这种子应只为你使用不辜负您的期望。
I can care about nothing but what i really want to leave in your mind is a good impression. 我可以什么都不在乎,但我真的想给您留下一个好的印象。
I believe she is kindhearted, just sure from her surface, As an old says: the environment depends on what you think in your mind. 我相信她是个善良的人,从外貌便知道了。古语:相由心生。
My dear friends keep one sentence in your mind that it's easy to fall behind, but it's difficult to catch up with the others. 我亲爱的朋友们在你的脑子里留着一个句子,它是落后容易,赶上别人很难。
When you see a new word, look it up. Think about the word -- use it, in your mind, in a sentence. 当你看到一个新单词时就去查阅它,想想这个词--然后去用它,在你的心中用它造个句子。
So you feel a sense of importance by bringing these past things up in your mind and perhaps by discussing or arguing with others about them. 你将这些往事牢牢地记在脑海中,或是就这些事情与人争论,这么做使你感到自己是个大人物。
Repeat it in your mind: After you've met someone, repeat her name in your mind a few times until you feel like you got a hang of the name. 在脑中复述对方的名字:在认识了某人之后,把她的名字在脑中重复几遍,直到你觉得记住了为止。
If you've got a little time, actually writing out a few paragraphs using your new words can really cement their meanings in your mind. 如果你时间比较充裕,不妨还可以用你学到的新词写上一小段文字,它们的意思会深深刻进你脑子里。
Every night make thoughts in your mind become stars all over the sky, waiting for the moment when tender souls make an appointment. 每夜,都把心事化成漫天的星星,等候那一刻轻柔的心灵之约。
In your mind, we just like some primitives in Stone Age. Surely you think like this, as always. 在你们的印象中,我们仍然是一群生活在石器时代的原始人。
As far as you want and close as you need It's all in your mind you know. 至于你想靠近你需要这一切都你知道在你的心中。
There have been some good encounters between the two sides over the years, are there any which stick out in your mind? 两队交手中也有过一些不错的比赛,你们有没有想起些什么?
Go from the beginning to the end of your route, paying attention to those features and replaying the scenes in your mind. 路线从出发到结束,注意那些特征物,并且在脑中重演场景。
You know in your mind and your heart that you are my only good friends. I do not spend time, energy or concern on others. 你心中明白,你是我唯一的好朋友。我对其他人没有花费这么多时间、精力和关心。
Sing to yourself. Sing a song in your mind to help remove challenging thoughts. A lullaby might be a soothing choice. 为你自己唱歌,在脑海里唱一首歌帮助你覆盖挑战的想法,摇篮曲是一个不错的选择。
What I have said has no use for you unless you carve them in your mind and not just remember in your memory. 我所说的对你并没有一点用处,除非你把它刻在你的心上,而不是单单记在脑袋中。
To cheerful songs, in your mind at all times; Joy to the Mood for Love, always with you. I wish you a happy holiday! 愿欢快的歌声,时刻萦绕着您;愿欢乐年华,永远伴随您。祝您节日愉快!
Even the best technical service will not be delightful if the guests do not sense that their well being is foremost in your mind. 如果最初你没有留下好印象给你的客人,之后及时你的服务再专业,他们也不会为此感到愉快。
If not create such a place in your mind where you could go to do some teaching. 如果你脑海里不能想象出这样一个地方,你会去哪儿作这样的教学?
You only need to ask me quietly in your mind or verbally and I will hear you and gladly guide you. 你只需要静静地在脑海里默念或念出声来,我会听到你的呼唤,并很乐意为你提供指引。
Come to Me along the path of your heart, not through a journey of your mind. You will never find Me in your mind. 沿着你内心的道路来到我的面前,而不是经由你心智的跋涉。你永远不会在你的头脑里找到我。
If you any events or moments did not go the way you wanted, reply them in your mind in a way that thrills you. 如果您有任何事件或时刻,不是照你要的方式在进行,用一个方法在你的心中刺激著且回应他们。
It's what makes it possible for you to hold two different things in your mind at one time and switch between them. 这可以使您一心二用,并能在两种事务之间进行转换。
We believe that proudly displaying The Holy Land Sand Art will help you to keep the Holy Land in your mind and close to your heart. 我们相信:骄傲地展示圣地沙画有助于您将圣地深深地印入您的脑海,贴近您的心灵。
When you can see it in your mind, it's only a matter of time before it shows up in reality. 当你能在你的心中看到那一切,那么他们的实现仅仅只是时间问题了。
Lick it up and forget it. If you don't hang on to it in your mind, it's nothing. Sex especially. . . nothing! 吞了它而把它忘记就是。如果你心里不牵挂着它,它是没有什么的,尤其是性欲……更没有什么!