
美 [roʊl]英 [rəʊl]
  • n.卷;打滚;翻滚;名单
  • v.滚动;翻转;摇晃;(使)原地转圈
  • 网络滚转;转动

第三人称单数:rolls 现在分词:rolling 过去式:rolled

roll sleeve,truck roll,roll ball
roll hill


n. v.

纸、织物等of paper/cloth, etc.

1.[c]~ (of sth)卷;卷轴a long piece of paper, cloth, film, etc. that has been wrapped around itself or a tube several times so that it forms the shape of a tube

糖果of sweets/candy

2.[c]~ (of sth)一管a paper tube wrapped around sweets/candy, etc.


3.[c]小面包条;小圆面包a small loaf of bread for one person

身体of body

4.[sing]翻滚;打滚an act of rolling the body over and over

5.[c]滚翻;翻跟头a physical exercise in which you roll your body on the ground, moving your back and legs over your head

脂肪of fat

7.[c]脂肪堆积的部位,肥胖的部位(尤指腰部)an area of too much fat on your body, especially around your waist

名单list of names

8.[c]花名册;名单an official list of names


9.[c]~ (of sth)隆隆声;持续的轰鸣声a deep continuous sound

骰子of dice

10.[c]掷骰子an act of rolling a dice


be on a roll

连连获胜;连续交好运to be experiencing a period of success at what you are doing

a roll in the hay

性交an act of having sex with sb


pr技巧 ... 2.Field Interpolation( 场插补) .Roll滚动) 4,Data Rate( 数据速率):一般不打“√” ...

辣辣的坚持 - 辣辣的坚持 - 网易博客 ... Emergency brake 紧急刹车 Roll 转动,漂流, Lubricate 加润滑剂,使润滑 ...


滚是什么意思_百度知道 ... 滚柱轴承[ roller bearing] 滚转[ roll] 滚瓜烂熟[ (recite,etc.) fluently;memerize sth.thoroughly] ...


  5. 打滚 (roll): 命令女犬在地面背卧下来然后往横打滚。有一点非常重要的,主人必须注意地面是属于何种性质,因为女犬的肌 …


翻滚roll)跑酷最主要的动作,落地做翻滚时可以缓冲冲击力。⒊ 落地翻滚(rolling)从高处跳下时,把冲击力转换成向前 …


辣辣的坚持 - 辣辣的坚持 - 网易博客 ... Emergency brake 紧急刹车 Roll 转动,漂流,卷 Lubricate 加润滑剂,使润滑 ...


最全的词根大全 - 豆丁网 ... (em+battle 战斗) (en+roll 名单) (en+cage 笼子) ...

Shakes the Barley roll, a bumper harvest in sight, big people began to formation of rice field, ready to harvest the. 麦浪滚滚,丰收在望,大人们开始平整稻场,准备收割了。
As you roll over in the morning and see him lying next to you, you are struck with a great sense of contentment. 当你早晨翻身看见他躺在你身边时,满足之感油然而生。
If liquid oxygen spills on asphalt or other surfaces contaminated with combustibles, do not walk on or roll equipment over the spill area. 如果液氧溅到沥青或者其它被可燃物污染的表面,不要在上面行走或辗轧设备。
Even if he managed to hang on, the rising waters might roll the bus on top of him. 甚至,即使他努力地坚持,不断上涨的河水也可能会把巴士翻转过来,把他压在下面。
"It's very tough to roll out a vehicle of any kind with such a significant price premium versus an incumbent, " he said. “要推出任何一种比现有车型贵很多的汽车,都将十分困难,”凯文·施说。
Many number-reading routines, if presented with an excessively large number, will "roll over" the value into a negative number. 在很多数据读取例程中,如果读到一个特别大的数,就会发生“溢出”而变成一个负数。
The chambermaid had a lover in the bakery, and he had baked the ring into a roll, where it lay unsuspected until the search was over. 那个女工有个相好的在面包房,他把钻戒做到一块面包里,藏在里面,无人怀疑,直至搜查结束。
Which bastard always gods mouth, and said bad things about me, roll away the point, friend did not have to do, die a prescription. 哪个混蛋老是鸡婆嘴,说我坏话,滚远点,朋友没得做,死开点。
You know me, I'm always ready to play some rock and roll. 你知道我的,我总是准备弹摇滚的。
The large-amplitude roll leading to capsizing is one of the dangers of the ship working in the sea. 大幅横摇导致倾覆是风浪中航行舰船的最主要风险之一,也是最为复杂的力学问题。
The handling qualities in these maneuvers were excellent with a notably smoother response and a better roll rate than I expected. 在这些机动过程中所表现出来的操纵品质相当出色,响应也特别地平稳,滚转率也要比我期待的要快。
Oregon State now was beginning to roll. They swept through the Super Regionals the next week to punch their improbable return trip to Omaha. 俄勒冈州队开始波动了。他们下一个周横扫了超级地区联队,从此开始了他们重返奥马哈的征途。
These markets might have been reacting to excessive program trading in the United States, but Roll indicates otherwise. 这些地方可能已经反对美国的程序交易,但是罗尔指出了不同观点。
Divide your dough into even pieces of 40g each. Roll the dough into a ball and flatten out with your hand. 将你的面团平均分成40g一份的小面团,将小面团滚成球状,并用手压平。
Britney's team have already sat down and drawn up a list of countries they want the show to roll into. 布兰妮的球队已经坐下来,拟定了一个他们想要的国家名单上滚到在展会。
Perl is often thought of as a Swiss Army Knife or a large roll of duct tape. Perl常常被认为是“瑞士军刀”或一大卷管带。
One of our favorite things to do as children was to roll snowballs down hills to see how much speed they could pick up. 我们小时候最喜欢做的事情就是滚雪球下山,并看它能滚多快。
The S American roll will not take place in an instant, from start to end, as is obvious from the preliminary movement already taking place. 南美洲的滚动不会从头到尾在一瞬间发生,和已经发生过的准备运动有明显区别区别那样。
Just when he is going to give up, one day, he found himself in the bathroom staring at a roll of toilet paper. 就在他准备放弃时,一天,他发现自己在厕所里盯着一卷卫生纸发呆。
If the roll forward set has not been rolled forward far enough to be consistent with the database, the undo phase cannot occur. 如果前滚集前滚得不够远,无法与数据库一致,则不会出现撤消阶段。
Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart. 喜乐潮溢我魂如海涛浪滚滚,自耶稣来住在我心。
Swaying of the leaves roll up a beautiful picture layers, as if Tiannvsanhua speckled along the well-being and joy! 摇曳的枫叶卷起一层层美丽的画卷,仿佛是天女散花洒满一路的幸福与喜悦!
By the time I was dressed and ready to roll, he had my newspapers folded, banded and stuffed in my bicycle basket. 当我穿好衣服准备走时,他已经将我的报纸折好、扎好并塞在自行车篮里。
After that, you can roll it out and get it ready to top and bake. 然后你就可以擀面,往上加料和烘焙了。
Because they were very young and you know, we were beginning to love rock'n'roll through the Beatles. 因为他们很年轻,而且你知道,我们通过披头士开始爱上摇滚乐。
So for instance, they would give a 14-year-old kid -- they'd give him a whole, you know, roll of bills to hold. 例如,他们会告诉一个14岁的孩子,他们会给他一整把美金。
requires a little sense of victory, a roll of the drums, to call his powers into full exercise. 他需要谬论供他批驳,需要错误让他嘲笑,更需要一点胜利的气氛,一阵鼓声,以便最大限度发挥他的本事。
The New Orleans muffuletta is one of the only large American sandwiches not made with a long crusty roll. 新奥尔良马夫那他是唯一一种不是长硬皮面包卷做成的大型美国三明治。
He waded through the resorts, pretending to be part of a seminar so he could get hot coffee and a roll. 他走进度假村,假装参加那里举办的会议,只求能喝上一杯热咖啡,吃上一个面包卷。
That ally gets a +2 bonus to his or her next attack roll against the target or to all defenses against the target's next attack. 这名友方对目标的下次攻击骰获得+2加值,或者在所有防御上对目标的下次攻击获得+2加值。