
美 [koʊld]英 [kəʊld]
  • adj.寒冷的;未热过的;已凉的;冷却的
  • n.冷;寒冷;(尤指)低气温;感冒
  • adv.突然;完全;毫无准备地
  • 网络伤风;冷淡的

比较级:colder 最高级:coldest 复数:colds

cold weather,cold morning,cold beer,severe cold,cold medicine
feel cold


低气温low temperature

1.寒冷的;冷的having a lower than usual temperature; having a temperature lower than the human body


2.未热过的;已凉的;冷却的not heated; cooled after being cooked


3.冷漠的;不友好的without emotion; unfriendly


4.冷的;冷色的;寒色的seeming to lack warmth, in an unpleasant way


5.不易发现的not easy to find


7.[nbn](informal)out ~失去知觉unconscious


a cold fish

冷漠无情的人a person who seems unfriendly and without strong emotions

get/have cold feet

临阵胆怯;畏缩to suddenly become nervous about doing sth that you had planned to do

give sb the cold shoulder

冷漠对待;使受到冷遇to treat sb in an unfriendly way

in cold blood

残忍地;蓄意地;冷酷地;无情地acting in a way that is deliberately cruel; with no pity

in the cold light of day

有时间冷静考虑时;在头脑更清醒些的第二天早晨when you have had time to think calmly about sth; in the morning when things are clearer

leave sb cold

未打动某人;无法引起某人的兴趣to fail to affect or interest sb

pour/throw cold water on sth

泼冷水;批评;责备to give reasons for not being in favour of sth; to criticize sth

Yes Chinese | Learn Chinese Online ... 香 Fragrant Cold 热 Hot ...


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... hot( 热的) 18、 cold( 冷的) 19、 old( 老的) 20、 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... hot 热的 cold 寒冷的 cool 凉爽的 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... have v. 得(病),患(病) cold n. 受凉,感冒 stomachache n. 胃痛 ...


人体器官英语单词_百度文库 ... cholera 霍乱 cold 感冒,伤风,着凉 cold 患感冒 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲 - 豆丁网 ... coin n. 硬币;铸造(硬币) cold a. 冷的;冷淡的 n.冷 collapse vi. 倒坍;崩溃,瓦解 ...

It was cold, and I found myself daydreaming about the jungle, where surely the sun would be warmer, the trees bigger and the people wilder. 当时天很冷,我发现自己对于丛林有些想入非非——想必那里的太阳会更暖、树木会更高大、人会更野蛮。
While it is often a good idea to take vitamin and mineral supplements, they have no effect on the cold virus. 虽然补充维生素和矿物质补充剂通常是一个好主意,但对感冒病毒并没有任何影响。
I wish that were the case, but to tell you the truth, I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about speaking in front of all those people. 要是那样就好了。但是说实话,我一想到要在那么多人面前讲话就直冒冷汗。我怕那个时候舌头一打结,就什么都说不出来了!
These findings add new evidence to the idea that ancient Mars was once cold and wet, not cold and dry nor warm and wet as is often argued. 这些发现为早期火星曾一度寒冷湿润的说法提供了新的证据,火星并非像人们所常争论的那样,它既不寒冷干燥,也不温暖湿润。
He cold it a week ago. 一个礼拜前感冒的
We're back in Stuart's Draft, but it's too damn cold to ride horses and lay outside in the sun, so video blogging it shall be. 我们早在斯图尔特的草案,但它太该死的冷,骑马和躺在太阳以外,所以应当视频博客。
We moved to the small apartment, there was only a shower in the bathroom, it was so cold to take a shower in such a freezing winter. 我们搬到了一个小号公寓,在浴室只有一个淋浴,在这样冷的冬天洗淋浴很冷的。
Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintry light. 每年当叶子从树上掉落,光秃秃的枝干在寒风中映照着冬日凄凉的阳光,你身体的一部分就死亡了。
If it isn't too cold for you, I would like to invite you to come and visit me in the north of China over the next holiday in January. 如果对你来说不太冷的话,我想邀请你在一月份的下一个假期里来华北看看。
If you cold-shoulder him as he skulks out of the building with his goods in a bin liner, I suspect any good feeling won't last. 如果他用垃圾袋拎着自己的东西灰溜溜走人,而你不理不睬,我觉得任何的好心情都不会持久。
He said that Mao had a bad cold and was frail, but that he "was very quick on the uptake and grasped everything. " 他说毛患了重感冒,很虚弱,但“对事情的反应还是很快”。
He always piles on the agony when he has a slight cold and makes it sound as if he's going to die! 他患轻微感冒的时候总是夸大病情,听起来好像他要死了似的!
Q: How can we educate patients to understand that antibiotics have no effect on viral infections, like the common cold? 问:我们如何教育病人,使他们认识到抗生素对普通感冒等病毒性感染没有作用?
"As an old cold warrior, one of yesterday's speeches almost filled me with nostalgia for a less complex time, " he said. 他表示:“作为一名冷战老兵,昨日(上周六)的某一次演讲,几乎让我对那个不那么复杂的年代充满怀念。”
But Mr. Jeremy liked getting his feet wet; nobody ever scolded him, and he never caught a cold! 但是杰里米先生却不在意,他喜欢将他的脚弄湿;而且从未有人因此而责备过他,他也从来没感冒过。
To make cold antihydrogen, the experimenters must slow down the antiprotons to a temperature similar to that of the positrons. 要制作冷的反氢,实验者必须将反质子减缓到与正子相近的温度。
Nature will also provide shelter from the wind, rain and cold, and point one in a direction in which such natural homes are present. 大自然也将提供挡风遮雨御寒的住所,并为你指路因为在那里会有这样的大自然家族出现。
He stood there so long that his teeth would have been chattering with cold even if they had not been chattering with fear. 他站在那儿好久好久,牙齿即使不是怕得打战也早巳冷得打战了。
For a while, U. S. power was checked by the Soviet Union, but since the end of the Cold War, America has been the sole superpower. 有一段时间,美国的力量曾遭到苏联的制衡,但自从冷战结束之后,美国已经成为单极世界的唯一超级大国。
I began to miss all those meetings, he admits. When you come out of it cold turkey, you realize you had a lot of human contact. 他承认自己开始怀念以前那种会议不断的时光,当你一个会都没有的时候,就会意识到从前开会时可以进行很多人际交往。
For if I never took this path, my world would be without the Sun, lifeless and cold. . . 如果我不这样做,我的世界会变得没有阳光,没生气和冰冷…
The child was fairly eating me up with her cold, steady eyes, and no expression on her face whatever. 这个孩子用她那冷漠而镇定的目光目不转睛地盯着我,脸上没有任何表情。
The cold- and heat-sensing subunit, however, do not seem to coassemble, he said. 但是,他说冷和热的传感亚基好像并没有在一起。
I wanted to see his face, to see if he'd gone back to the cold, indifferent person I'd known for the last several weeks. 我想看到他的脸,想知道他是不是又变回了过去几周里我所知道的,那个冰冷的、漠然的人。
His voice was cold, sharp, and final, his lips stamping the enunciation of each word like the die of a machine. 他口气冷酷,尖锐而且专断,嘴唇像机器上的铸模一样一个字一个字地敲。
The gigolo's God has no road, be still the old cow tell a gigolo, at it clay-cold , can make into shoe with its skin, dress can with God. 牛郎上天无路,还是老牛告诉牛郎,在它死后,可以用它的皮做成鞋,穿着就可以上天。
I'm going to ask my boss for a raise but I got cold feet . 我打算要求老板给我加薪,但我退缩了。
Then Sally felt a cold chill in her ankle and looked down and noticed that water was flooding everywhere in the hotel room. 然后萨莉觉得冷寒气在她的脚踝和看不起,发现水被洪水到处在酒店房间。
It has been cold but I'm from the Faroe Islands, so I'm used to it. It should not be a problem for me. 虽然很冷但我从法罗群岛来,适应起来没啥问题。
"Listen, " interrupts one of the men, standing next to him in the cold desert darkness. "They are bombing again. " “听,”寒冷的沙漠黑夜里,站在他旁边的一个男人打断道,“他们又开始轰炸了。”