
美 [tʃæt]英 [tʃæt]
  • v.聊天;交谈;闲谈;闲聊
  • n.聊天;闲谈;闲聊;网上聊天
  • 网络在线聊天;英语聊天室;聊天框

复数:chats 过去式:chatted 现在分词:chatting

quiet chat


v. n.

1.[i]闲聊;闲谈;聊天to talk in a friendly informal way to sb

2.[i]~ (away) (to/with sb).~ (about sth/sb)(尤指在网上聊天室的)闲聊,聊天,交谈to exchange messages with other people on the Internet, especially in a chat room


冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... chattering n. 喋喋不休的,啾啾声的动 词 chatting 闲谈,聊天 cheaply 廉价地,粗俗地 ...


Flickr: 飞鸿留影's Photostream ... waiting 等候 chatting 闲聊 Huishan 惠山 ...


冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... chattering n. 喋喋不休的,啾啾声的动 词 chatting 闲谈,聊天 cheaply 廉价地,粗俗地 ...


红星美凯龙事业建设中心-M建设事业中心 >> 首页 ... 论坛中心|BBS 在线聊天|Chatting 关于我们 |About us ...


free chat - 相关资料 - free ... 热门搜寻 free chat 英语聊天室 chatting 美国 ut ...


DNF代码大全 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... ├ chaos 未知,似乎是混沌 ├ chatting 聊天框 ├ emoticon 表情图标 ...


...情,是指民众以网络为平台,借助网络论坛(BBS)、网络聊天(Chatting)、博客(Blog)、维客(Wiki)、电子邮件(E-mail)及网络新 …


... I would like the next things to be possible: 我想未来的事情是可能的: Chatting 聊天的 Message sending 发送讯息 ...

We got to chatting about my record and it just so happened that he was on a few months break from a very busy touring schedule. 我们必须谈论我和它只是碰巧,他就在几个月摆脱一个非常繁忙的旅游日程。
During the break, I leaned over the squeaky desk, chatting with a sweaty boy in the front row. 课间休息时,我靠着一张吱吱作响的桌子旁,与前排一位满身大汗的男孩聊起天来。
The man chatting with the security showed his ring to me telling me that this it is a sign of his nationality. 的博物馆,但对外部开放,门口跟保安聊天的男人给我看他手上的戒指,说戒指上的标志是这个民族的标志。
As they stood chatting, an Israeli drone had fired a missile at a passing Hamas fighter on a motorbike three metres from the children. 正当他们站着聊天时,一架以色列无人机向一名路过的哈马斯士兵发射了导弹。
We were chatting during the whole afternoon in his studio; our topic was all the way from potted banana in the studio to female artists. 整个下午都在他的工作室里聊天,一路从工作室的盆栽香蕉到女艺术家。
Normally, villagers came to her house for her recreating home, and chatting with her, and of depression. 平时,乡亲们都来她家替她做做家务,和她一起聊天,解解闷。
One evening as we were chatting round the fireside, the children came running to us with the exciting news that it had been snowing. 有一天晚上我们正在炉边闲谈,孩子们跑了进来告诉我们一个兴奋的消息,说是外面下雪了。
My mouth is always moving, whether I'm gabbing on the phone to my friends, chatting with my neighbor, or interviewing a subject for a story. 我的嘴时刻不停闲——不管是在跟朋友煲电话粥、和邻居闲聊,某个报道采访当事人。
I wouldn't have him on the premises. Chatting up the typists and watching the clock is all he's good for. 我这里不要他,他的本事就是找打字员们攀谈,再就是看钟等下班。
Though she led a very busy life, mom always spared her time for chatting with me trying to cheer me up. 尽管她的生活很忙碌,但母亲总会挤出时间来陪我聊天,试图让我开心起来。
Chatting in the pub before kick-off with a Man City fan we didn't agree on to much, but did accept that it was a game set up for goals. 赛前在酒吧里和一个曼城球迷聊了一会儿,我们相互间并没有什么认同点,但我们都相信比赛会有进球。
She used to be so quiet, but now she's really coming out of her shell and chatting to everyone. 她一向沉默寡言,但现在可真活了,跟谁都能谈得来。
Yes, this was said as a joke I will refrain from most chatting with you since it seems to offend your traditional values. 是的,这只是开了个玩笑而已。以后我将尽量不和你聊这方面的东西,因为这似乎冒犯了你的传统价值观念。
At a reception in an American college, a newly arrived Chinese scholar was chatting with the hostess, who was an old friend. 一位中国学者刚到美国,到一所大学去参加招待会。女主人是他的老朋友。
The boss is always chatting to one of the new typists, which has really put his secretary's nose out of joint. 老板老是和一个新来的打字员交谈,这真使他的秘书非常嫉妒。
I wouldn't have him in the office on the premises. Chatting up the typists and watching the clock is all he is good for. 我不会把他安排在办公室的。他的专长就是同打字员聊天以及计算着时间等待下班。
If she happens to come home to see her son chatting online, we have no idea about what response she would make to it. 如果她碰巧回家看到她的儿子在网上聊天,我们真不知她会作何反应。
Flying to a business meeting, he was chatting with his seatmate about family and was surprised to hear the man say, "I wish I had kids. " 乘飞机去参加一个业务会议途中,他和邻座聊起他的家庭。听到他的邻座说:“但愿我也有九个孩子”,他很吃惊。
Pashing may cart up a supermarket aisle, I came upon a woman chatting away on her cell phone. 我推着购物车在超级市场的过道里走,前面遇到一个妇女正在用手机海聊。
Outside Mulla Stores, which seems to have had not even a lick of paint in 40 years, a few people are chatting. 40年来似乎未见一滴修缮油漆的穆拉商店外边,有一些人在聊天。
Flash flash in the sky Xingdoushan winked, as if chatting with him. 天上的星斗一闪一闪地眨着眼睛,仿佛在和他攀谈。
In chatting, he told me that his father died from a work-related injury, his mother was deeply sad. 在聊天中,他告诉我他的父亲因为工伤去世了,他妈妈极度伤心。
The broadcast will show the queen, wearing a green outfit, chatting to schoolchildren as she helps them make a collage of a nativity scene. 人们将在电视上看到女王身着绿色套装,一边和小学生们谈心,一边教他们拼贴“耶稣降生”的场景。
It would be a bit like being in church and chatting about Bible verses; people tend to have everyday, general conversations instead. 这会有点像在教堂里讨论圣经章节;人们反而会进行日常的、普通的交谈。
No need to download any software, just login to any of the above instant messaging (IM) systems to start chatting with your friends. 不需下载任何软件,只要登陆上面的IM,就可以轻松的和您的朋友交谈。
Ash: You can't say. Well, call me back when you can say - that's not the way I do business. It was a real pleasure chatting with you. 你不能说?那好吧,当你能说了再打给我吧,那不是我的工作方式。很高兴与你交谈。
The theaters were all well filled, and the people poured cheerfully out as he passed, and went chatting home. 戏院全是客满的,他遇见人们从那里欢乐地涌出来,闲谈着走回家去。
That's especially true for the rear camera, since at least the front one can be used for video chatting. 特别是后置摄像头,因为前置摄像头至少还可以用来视频聊天。
At this point in time, I bumped into a Canadian practitioner while chatting online. 正在这时,我在网络聊天时遇到了一位加拿大的学员。
he did not pay attention to the theater, and the woman he was chatting, but it is a private conversation, none of your business. 他并灭有注意看戏,他正在和那女人聊天,但是这是个私人的谈话,不关你的事。