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  • n.希腊字母表的第 22 个字母
  • 网络尺;芝加哥(Chicago);中文(Chinese)





言字旁加者字读什么-脑筋急转弯-天涯问答 ... [zhi] 只.汁.织 [chi] [chi] 赤.斥.饬.叱.彳.鷘.敕 ...


名都季刊|Mandarin Quarterly» ... 杂志 |Magazine 芝加哥 CHI 纽约 NYC ...


尼日利亚采购大会邀请函 ... 联系人 / Contact Person 中文 /Chi. 英文 /Eng. ...

台湾的怎么写?怎么读?怎么拼?_百度知道 ... cheung 张长象 chi chik 积 ...

王智勇香港英文名怎么说~_百度知道 ... 王 WONG CHI 勇 YONG ...


市字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 市朝〖 publicplaces〗 市尺chi〗 市寸〖 cun〗 ...

人机交互(Computer Human Interaction)

人机交互 CHI(Computer Human Interaction),国际上也称(HCI,Human Computer Interaction)是一门跨学科的研究,它的研究 …

科比自传《科比24》_yankees1989_新浪博客 ... 02-KOBE 科比。 03-CHI 。 04-TAI CHI CHUAN 太极拳。 ...

And a dream comes true for a man disabled by a road accident 8 years ago, when 41 of his paintings go on display at Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital. 8年前因为车祸意外导致身障,现在他的梦想成真了,在41岁这一年,要在台北慈院开画展了。
I can only hope I keep my health and strength as long as they do. Maybe I should join the morning thai chi if I can insist on it. 我只希望日后我也可以像这些健康的老人家一样保持强壮,或许我也应该坚持早上和他们一起打打太极。
As the body moves up in vibration, it requires more 'chi' to sustain consciousness in a given day, week or month. 因为身体振动的提升,它需要在特定的一天、一星期或一个月中有更多的chi去维持意识。
Tai chi eased painful joints and other symptoms of fibromyalgia in a small but well-done study of this ancient Chinese form of exercise. 一个研究中国古代锻炼方法的学术机构发现,太极拳可以缓解关节疼痛和纤维肌痛症状。
Likewise, dancing the tango and tai-chi exercises seem to be helpful and studies are underway to explain the correlation. 同样,跳探戈舞、打太极拳似乎也有好处。旨在解释其相关性的研究活动还在进行。
It was easy convincing the U. S. consular officer who interviewed him in Ho Chi Minh City that he was the son of an American. 他轻易地说服在胡志明市接见他的美国领事馆官员相信他是美国人的儿子。
" Chi clouds with clear eyes stare into her eyes and said to me, " I don't want your pity, I also don't want you to give my love. 芷云用清澈的眼睛注视着他的眼睛认真的说,“我不要你的怜悯,我也不要你施舍给我爱。”
Tzu Chi volunteers were touched by how much Fuding residents appreciate the love they get from Taiwan. 福鼎居民对台湾送来的爱很感恩,让慈济人很感动。
"sell" show features Shun Chi Chong morning with him for shareholders stooges double reed ? “卖地”露了马脚顺驰与融创早为股东合演双簧?。
Heading west -- take a right as you exit Wistaria -- you'll hit two of this area's most popular xiao chi stands, or street-food stalls. 从紫藤庐茶馆出来向右拐,也就是径直向西走,你会看到这一地区最受欢迎的两家小吃摊。
It wasn't easy for her to recover from the emotional trauma. But thankfully, a conversation with Tzu Chi volunteer changed her life around. 要走出伤痛对她来说很不容易,好几年她一直挣扎想自杀,幸好在和慈济志工谈过后,改变了她的人生。
Especially in the fast-paced life of modern society, Tai Chi is one of the best means of fitness regimen. 尤其在现代社会快节奏的生活下,太极拳是健身养生的最佳手段之一。
The director seems to want to highlight the side of him as a gentleman, a Chi Daier through his patience, enough to understand. 导演似乎很想突出他作为绅士的一面,通过他对一个痴呆儿的耐心,就足以体会。
Liu Chi passing of the pace I can not help but stop, with a sense of achievement on the willow, I said: the tree, you are amazing! 路过柳池的我不禁停住脚步,满怀成就感的我对柳树说:绿树,你好!
Most spend long the "Chi Chi" flashing, and began renovating dilapidated years of the wall decorations were beautiful cover. 久违的电焊花“哧哧”闪动,残破多年的墙体开始被漂亮的墙面装饰覆盖。
Microwave research specialists in Shanghai, China, found that "Chi Gong" masters radiated some sort of energy. 在上海,中国,微波研究专家发现,“郗公”主人辐射某种能量排序。
40 years of age, 5 days a week, office place in Chi Fu Tun, wages N. . . 40岁以下,每周工作5天,办公地点在芝罘屯,工资面议。
Grateful to have encountered Tzu Chi in his life, Xue is now seizing every moment to help others, living a spiritually wealthy life. 感恩遇见慈济,薛江流即时把握人生来付出,现在的每一天心灵都富有。
After the Wei and Jin, Chi Zhu Zuolang, essays history degree, something of an official in charge of historical and officials. 魏晋以后,置著作郎、撰史学士,算是有了正式负责修史的官员。
Later, CHI ignores his mother, YUNG's, objections and is determined to be with HEI. 后来,赐不理母亲蓉的反对与喜相恋,二人是否白头到老?
I miss you, for your chi, for you madness, I think you think you think you to think is going to die, I love you. 我想念你,为你痴狂,因为你疯狂,我想你想你想你想得要死了,我爱你。
Since the voice of the local majority began to be heard, Chen Chi-nan says, this helped improve relations between different ethnic groups. 陈其南指出:如此的转变,让大多数民众的心声得以抒发,进而改善族群之间的关系。
Outside our hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a seemingly ancient woman on crutches waited beside the door with her hand outstretched . 在越南胡志明市里旅馆外面,有一个颇似古代人的老妇人倚着拐杖,伸手在门口等着。
It was during this detainment that Lo was turned and sent back to Taiwan to convince his handler, Lo Chi-Cheng, to sell out his country. 就在这段时期里,罗彬成了反间谍并且回到台湾说服他的长官,罗正奇,出卖自己的国家。
Each group feeds off of the human species like a parasite taking a little of one's chi in the act of living in such a dwelling. 在这样的住所内,每个供给人类的团体都会象条寄生虫一样来夺走你的一小部分气。
He told me that he had adjusted her chi, which had been blocked. 他告诉我他已经调整了她被阻塞了的“气”。
Wang, manager of a Chinese company selling TV in Vietnam said the sales in the past two months were going up in Ho Chi Minh City. 王,经理,一家中国公司出售电视说,在越南的销售在过去两个月中被不断上升,在胡志明市。
Chi, but after the train, the wind and the shadows are planning to be raw so. 驰而过的列车,把把风声和树影都划得生疼。
Patients were randomly assigned to a Tai Chi group or to an attention control group, and both groups had sessions twice weekly for 12 weeks. 这些病患被随机分派到太极组或者注意力控制组,两组每周都有两次课程、为期12周。
And I flew as a co-pilot for a couple of years and then I got qualified as a what's called the White House Aircraft Commander: Chi huy. 我作为副驾驶员飞行了几年,然后我成为一名合格白宫飞行官。