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Chen Maoxiong had a privileged upbringing. From childhood to adolescence, he never had to take responsibility for his own life. 陈茂雄有个非常好的成长背景,从小孩到青春期时,他从来都不用担心自己的生活。
Chen said she doesn't tell her patients to stop drinking but to limit intake to a few drinks a week. 陈教授说,她会要求她的病人控制每周的饮酒量,而不是戒掉。
A representative office of a Haitian company in Beijing promised to help Chen get a visa for the United States. 海地某公司驻北京代表处承诺帮助陈岩取得美国的签证。
Guru Chen used to choose some of his favorite sentences from among his own poems, and then had them carved into seals. 往昔陈上师常从他的诗作中挑出他喜欢的句子,然后请人将之刻成印章。
Chen Zuofu, vice- president of CCB, said the bank considered Africa to be a significant growth market. 建行副行长陈佐夫表示,该行认为非洲是一个重要的增长型市场。
Chen says he has not spoken to any of the women identified in the photos since the scandal broke. 陈冠希说自从丑闻爆发后,他一直没有和那些在艳照中出现的女性联系过。
Chen may forget the matter, after more than a month, he did not mention me to return the thing, it makes me feel lucky and happy. 陈老师或许忘却了此事,都过了一个多月,他居然没有提及要我归还胡琴的事情,这使我感到侥幸与喜悦。
The very next day, I took my back to Chen, he took the violin case when, very heavy, low head saying nothing left. 第二天,我拿了胡琴还给陈老师,他接过琴盒的时候,表情很沉重,低着头什么话也没有说就走了。
Wang Chen-Ho also mentioned in the modern times have been used to do this type of Tin, should be regarded as the world's first metal type. 王祯还提到,近世有人用锡做活字,这应当算是世界上最早的金属活字。
Mr Chen would not say whether he knew the woman's name, but said he wanted this country's Security Intelligence Service to investigate. 陈先生不肯说他是否知道那位女性的名字。但他希望国家安全情报部门能够调查。
Mr. Chen denies wrongdoing, but says he will resign if his wife is found guilty. Her legal proceedings could last more than a year. 陈水扁否认自己有任何违法行为,但表示,如果夫人吴淑珍被判有罪,他就会辞职.吴淑珍的法律诉讼程序可能会超过一年。
The father of Chen Xiaofeng with her photo after she was killed last month in Baoding by the drunken son of a police official. 陈晓凤于上月在保定因一警务官员之子醉驾而身亡,她父亲捧着她的照片。
Mr Chen's pledges had been a stabilising factor as China threatens war should Taiwan seek de jure independence. 中国大陆威胁称,如果台湾寻求合法独立,大陆方面将诉诸武力,而陈水扁的承诺一直是确保稳定的一个因素。
So this time, Chen's team injected the spinal cords of mice with a neurotoxin that seeks out the GRPR receptor, sort of a docking site. 所以,这次陈教授带领的小组向白鼠体脊髓内注射了一种神经毒素,这种毒素会寻找GRPR受体、归类停靠点。
Mrs. Chen carries with her some specially prepared delicacies, delivering them to the gates of her daughter's boarding school. 陈老师带着特别烹制的美味,送到正在住校的女儿宿舍门口。
The long-standing prosperity of the Chen family should be attributed to its emphasis on education, accepted norms and family tradition. 可以说,陈家数百年的兴旺得益于这个家族世代对教育的重视,以及强调礼制、恪守本分的家风。
Mr. Chen insists he is innocent of any wrongdoing connected to the cases, but has said he would step down if his wife is found guilty. 陈水扁总统坚持说,他没有涉及这些案子中的任何不法行为,是清白的。但他同时表示,如果他的妻子被判有罪,他就会辞职。
Chen did not give the number or names of the cities but said the program is expected to be the basis for the nationwide plan. 陈并没有给出试点城市的数目和名字,但他表示,这项计划将会成为全国方案的基础。
Compulsive gambler, Ah Chang (Chen Han Wei), was mistakenly arrested by the police for his wife's accident. 嗜赌如命的阿昌(陈汉伟),在妻子发生的一场意外中,被警方误逮了。
One of them, 30- year-old Chen Zhonglei, said the suicides are due to the immaturity of the workers and not the company's policies. 其中一位工人陈忠磊,今年30岁,他认为自杀事件是由于员工的不成熟而非公司的政策。
The baby's crying sound, Chen in heaven suddenly inspiration impulse, a set of new thoughts like a meteor flash in his mind. 在婴儿的啼哭声中,陈顶天突然灵感迸发,一套全新的思绪如流星般在他脑海里闪过。
MR. Chen: To the best of your knowledge, what is the topmost achievement breakthrough as a result of the discussion on RMA? 陈:在你看来,美国军事革命所带来的最重要的成果和理论上的突破是什么?
King QingYue took the children to see Chen, notice he scanned the sky and the public telephone address, let heaven to find LiangGongYu Chen. 王清越带着孩子来看陈顶天,通知他查到了公用电话的地址,让陈顶天去找梁红玉。
Since his release, Mr Chen has been a prisoner in his own home, watched around the clock by hired thugs. 被释放后,陈先生依然被软禁在家中,他家周围被雇佣来的打手所监视。
Mr. Chen said the funding will be used for marketing and possibly for acquisitions of other companies to expand its user base. 陈戈说,此次筹集的资金将被用于市场营销,可能还会用来收购其他公司,以便扩大公司的用户基础。
Chen Ching Lee also made of wood, thanks to which "a strong and dignified in the election. " 李显龙同样致电陈清木,感谢后者“参与一次有力且有尊严的选举”。
Before Mr. Chen hired her, she developed photos and worked as a telephone operator, jobs she said deliberately kept her out of public view. 在被陈明静雇佣之前,她曾洗过照片、做过接线员,她说这些工作都刻意使她避开公众视线。
Specialist lawyers and accountants said the rules were vague but that Mr Chen would not usually be required to pay tax on a share sale. 专业律师和会计师们表示,相关规则有点含糊,但通常而言,陈发树不需为出售股票而缴税。
And while Mr. Huang was a wild card, Bain knew it had the support of the new chairman, Mr. Chen, as well as the board. 虽然黄光裕是一张未知牌,但贝恩知道有新任主席陈晓及董事会的支持。
Have not missed Chen Shi to her gushed is to have a cordiality, incredibly wanted to cry in doctor for her. 没曾想沈氏对她倒是颇有情意,居然要为她去请大夫。