the mass

  • 网络弥撒;弥撒曲;大众

the massthe mass

the mass


求激情一点的歌曲~_爱问知识人 ... 是《最终幻想战略版 Final Fantasy Tactics》 《弥撒 The Mass》: 出自专辑《圣经 Das T…


震撼心灵的十大音乐_音乐天地_天涯论坛 ... 1、only time 唯有时光 2、the mass 弥撒曲 5、The dawn 亡灵序曲 ...


你未必会喜欢本书作者奥尔特加关于大众The Mass)和精英(TheElite)两个社会阶层或群体的态度和立场。但只要接受其 …


但这些都还不是群众the mass)。形成群众的一个关键条件是人们在精神上的高度相似性。


最流行的英文歌 - 欧美歌曲在线视听排行榜 ... Happy Together (伴奏) The Mass 魔界传奇 Headstrong 勇往直前 ...


... 弥撒( The Mass) 各电视台军事节目-弥撒The Mass) Don't turn off the light 不要关灯-央视体育频道天下足球背景音乐 ...


...可告人的目的、可以抬高自己原本卑微的地位和卑贱的命运么?民众/奴隶就是民众the mass),难道可以打着“人民”的旗号 …

He began slashing through the mass of or cs , making his way toward the being of fire. 他开始在兽人的人海中左劈右砍,向那火焰怪物杀去。
This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper. 对于无从区分新闻段落中真伪的大众,这个手段十分有效。
And LISA will be able to see super-massive black holes -- black holes millions or billions of times the mass of the Sun. LISA将可以看到超大质量的黑洞-那些质量是太阳的几百万倍甚至几十亿倍的黑洞。
The company's effort to deflect public attention appears to have done little to calm down the anger of the mass. 该公司试图转移公众注意力的做法似乎没有平息群众的愤怒。
The desire to see, for the sake of seeing, with the mass, alone the one to be gratified, hence the delight in detail. 对于大多数人,单单是为了要看见而要远眺的愿望只是需要得到满足而已,因此,仅仅以能一睹细节为快。
"Will not the mass of Paris and its inhabitants present an obstacle dividing and delaying the enemy? " he asked the French. 他问法国人:“巴黎群众和居民难道不会迎战,分割、牵制敌军吗?”
Henry David Thoreau wrote, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet, desperation. " I never want to be a part of that group. How about you? 亨利,大卫,梭罗说过“大多数的人生活很平静,甚至是绝望。”我永远不想成为他们中的一员,你呢?
The first reaction of the mass audience is often negative, claiming the object "looks weird. " 对于这种设计符号,许多受众的第一反应通常是消极的,报怨这些新造型看起来“很怪异”。
"The mass production of these works of art as parasites on the body of a commercial IC goes unnoticed by most observers, " writes Chipworks. “大量的藏身于商业集成电路上的艺术品被大多数的观察员所忽视,”Chipworks写道。
The result of social psychology research indicates that the mass media is one of the sources from which stereotype came into people's mind. 社会心理学研究结果表明,大众传媒是形成人们刻板印象的来源之一。
Him several times secretly returned to the U. S. from Canada to help others to freedom through the Mass Transit Railway. 他几次偷偷的从加拿大回到美国帮助其他努力通过地下铁路获得自由。
Scientists believe they may have found a new planet in the far reaches of the solar system, up to four times the mass of Jupiter. 科学家相信他们可能在太阳系边缘区域发现了一颗新的行星,其质量是木星的四倍。
And I give it a modest mass so that the mass of the car is not going to be too high 200 kilograms. 给它一个适当重量,所以汽车的重量,不能太大,200公斤。
It motivates me to keep trying to be unique, even if the "mass" of the people don't appreciate it. 它激发我始终保持与众不同的想法,即使广大群众不欣赏我的作品。
The Kepler mission has the opposite problem: it can measure a planet's size, by how much starlight it blocks, but not the mass. 而开普勒行动则存在截然相反的问题:它能通过一个行星的遮光情况测出它的体积,却不能得出其质量。
The planet, referred to as HD85512b, is about 3. 5 times the mass of Earth and may be close enough to its primary star to contain water. 这颗编号为HD85512b的行星是地球质量的3.5倍,离其主恒星距离较近,足以容纳水分。
From above, the mass of glass and steel has been made to look like an iridescent dragon clutching a pearl in its mouth. 从上面的玻璃和钢的质量已经取得了看起来像一个闪光的巨龙抓着它的嘴中的一颗明珠。
So it seems to me that a cosmic event of this type is a better explanation for the mass extinction of these animals. 以我所见因此这个类型一个宇宙事件是这些动物的许多绝种的一个更好的解释。
The mass market caters for a wide range of customers, producing ready-to-wear clothes in large quantities and standard sizes. 大众市场是为了切合广泛的顾客,生产出大量而标准尺寸的成衣。
But that's just a bunch of whales in a group imitating each other. That's not like the mass media pop culture humans have, right? 但仅仅是一群鲸在互相模仿,与人类时下大众媒体的流行文化风牛马不相及,是吧?
One woman was forced to watch the mass rape of her sister who then died from her injuries. 一名女子被迫目睹了自己的妹妹被大量士兵强暴,她最后因伤身亡。
It seems to me that the mass is better from here. 我觉得在这位子上望弥撒来得好些。
Although the stars are still among the heaviest known, the mass limit has not been broken due to the multiplicity of the system. 虽然它们仍然是已知最重的恒星,但是在这个多星系统内,恒星的质量上限就不会被突破了。
They have less than eight percent of the mass of the sun, which is not enough to sustain the fusion reaction that keeps the sun hot. 它们的质量还不到太阳质量的8%,不能够维持聚变反应来产生热量。
This has no mass-- M the mass is all here, mass capital M, M*l^2 so that must be M times l squared. 这里没有重量-,重量都在这,所以就是。
Isolated gravitationally bound small molecular clouds with masses less than a few hundred times the mass of the sun are called Bok globule. 孤立的、引力束缚的,质量在数百个太阳质量以下的小分子云称为包克球。
Something the mass of our sun, for instance, could trap light if it shrank into a ball just one and a half miles across. 例如像我们太阳质量的物体,如果缩小到一点五英里大的一个球就能够锁住光线;
If I double the mass of my bob at the end of a pendulum, then the vertical component of the tension will also double. 如果把钟摆末端,物体重量加倍,那么张力的垂直分力,也会加倍。
The mass of the Crab Pulsar is not too different from that of the sun. 蟹状星云脉冲星的,质量和太阳不差太多。
The mass of men lead lives of quite desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. 人类在过着静静的绝望的生活。所谓听天由命,正是肯定的绝望。