the mountain

  • 网络山;山脉;高山

the mountainthe mountain

the mountain

霹雳猫_百度百科 ... Dream Master( 梦的主人) The Mountain) The Shifter( 对调记) ...


... Without a Cellphone),以及《山脉》(The Mountain)。


据悉,本·斯蒂勒将为20世纪福斯执导一部恐怖片《高山》(The Mountain),影片剧本则由斯蒂勒的老搭档Helen Childress操 …


第61届柏林电影节排片表... ... 导演:深川荣洋 Yoshihiro Fukagawa 全景单元:《山峰The Mountain 全景单元:《粗口》 Wi…


沈阳英语家教吴军 ... 54.他关心别人胜过关心自己。 He thinks more . 57.那座山上终年积雪The mountain . ...


...布 (The fall in Brazil)  巴斯摩峰 (The mountain)  以色列的海底餐厅 (restaurant in the sea, Israel)  加拿大布查花园 (G...


山岳(The Mountain)虎驱(Tiger Drive) 风神之舞(Dance of the Wind God) 王者之剑(Excalibur) vs 愤怒的铁鎚(Ikari no Tetsui) 台 …


朋友翻译的... ... The sunshine’s come 日光爱抚, the mountain 花儿独舞在清山河边. It’s cold in the stream 偶遇冰爽溪泉, ...

I do not know since when he seems to be a part of the mountain with the mountain as the freedom of free and easy. 不知从何时起,自己好像是山野的一部分,与山野一样的自由洒脱。
as we struggled up the mountain in the dark , it was devil take the hindmost ? each man was concerned only for his own safety. 当我们在黑暗中奋力往山上爬时,落后者遭殃?各人都只关心自己的安全。
Her husband, now 43, grew up in a similarly poor village on the other side of the mountain and did not attend school at all. 曹渭平的丈夫现年43岁。他在山另一边一个同样贫困的村子里长大,完全没有上过学。
If it is not money, perhaps I would choose to Tao Qian's life, if not find it a pleasure to see the mountain, I can wine, then Sangma! 如果不是金钱,或许我会选择陶潜的生活,即使没有悠然见南山,我也可以把酒话桑麻!
The mountain appeared barren, as though it had suffered through many years of arid climate. 这座山看起来光秃秃的,似乎饱受了常年的干旱天气。
So he took his camera and began to climb slowly up the mountain. 于是,他带着他的相机,开始慢慢地爬上了山。
A wildfire was roaring down the mountain to his right, exploding in front of him and igniting the road. 大火从山上蔓延下来,逼向他的右边,在他的前面爆发,继而将公路燃起。
The association is now trying to turn the mountain of paperwork that accompanies air freight into electronic form, too. 该协会还正尝试把伴随航空货运的如山的文书工作转化为电子表格。
Everest, and this was the year they decided to go and recover all the bodies of the mountaineers and then bring them down the mountain. 许多人死在珠峰上,然后今年,他们决定收回珠峰上所有的尸体然后把他们带下山。
It was far away for me, but I could see that it was a helicopter and it went down on the backside of the mountain where I couldn't see. 但我看得出来,那是架直升机,它落到山那边去了,我无法看到。
One girl tried to phone her mother with her mobile phone, but there was no signal in the mountain area. 一个女生想给她妈妈打电话,但山上没有信号。
His great grandson was born, he took his decades the mountain wood sold the money, to his grandson as a gift. 他的大孙子出生时,他拿着自己这几十年来上山砍柴卖来的钱,给他的孙子当礼物。
Moses turned and went down the mountain with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands. 摩西转身下山,手里拿着两块法版。
After a few days, exhaustion set in and the climbers were forced to give up their attempt to reach the top of the mountain. 几天之后,疲劳袭来,登山者不得不放弃登上顶峰的打算。
He said he was 'impressed' with his shots of the vibrant lava flowing down the mountain. 据阿普尔顿介绍,他印象最深的就是看到炽热的岩浆滚滚向山下流去。
By the time we got to the top of the mountain, we were all in. 爬到山顶时,我们大家都累极了?
As it turned out, they were all climbing the mountain to reach the top to see the sunrise, What a crazy idea! 结果表明他们所有爬山到达顶部查看该的日出什么疯狂的想法!
The top of the mountain was covered with a dark cloud, which took shine off the front view of the mountain. 一片乌云遮住山顶,使山前的景物黯然失色。
And about eight days after these words, He took with Him Peter and John and James, and went up into the mountain to pray. 说了这话以后,约有八天,耶稣带着彼得、约翰和雅各布,上山去祷告。
Our car stopped at a road around the Mountain, it looked as if the engine was out-of-order and the car could not run again. 我们的车停留在山边公路上,看来是发动机出了故障,无法再行驶了。
Edward: Up the mountain. Out of the cloud bank. You need to see what I look like in the sunlight. 爱德华:山顶上,云层笼罩之外,我要你看看阳光下的我是什么样子。
That year, out of her sympathy for the poor, Master Zhengyan decided to build a hospital on the mountain. 当年,证严法师就是因为怜悯生病的穷人,于是下定决心,要完成在山上盖医院的愿望。
As a matter of fact, he was the only one who could climb up to the top of the mountain. 实际上,能爬到山顶的就只有他一个人。
Put limits for the people around the mountain and tell them, 'Be careful that you do not go up the mountain or touch the foot of it. 你要在山的周围给人民定界限,说:‘你们要谨慎,不可上山来,也不可触摸山脚;
Once upon a time, there was a mountain. A temple was on the mountain. An old monk and a little monk lived in the temple. 在很久很久很久很久以前,有一座山,山里有座庙,庙里有一个老和尚和一个小和尚。
New Hampshire's Old Man of the Mountain was one of the most famous rock faces. 美国新罕布什尔州的“山中老人”(OldManoftheMountain)是最著名的人面岩石之一。
I climbed halfway up the mountain, the general weakness, should not say sorry when out of that case. 我爬到半山腰时,全身无力,后悔当出不该说那样的话。
I thought he would be too old to get to the top of the mountain, but he made it at last. 我原以为他年纪大爬不到山顶,但最后他还是爬上去了。
The book begins with him crossing the Tibetan border from Nepal on his way to the mountain. 这本书是从他跨越尼泊尔界限,往山顶出发时开始记载的。
The ice was very wide and thick. It began to move down the mountain. It was like a river of ice. It was a glacier. 当冰变得更阔更厚的时候,就开始从山上滑落,像一条冰制的河,这就是冰川。