
美 [tʃu]英 [tʃuː]
  • v.咀嚼;嚼碎;(因为紧张等)咬住;(为尝味道)不停地咀嚼
  • n.咀嚼;口香糖;供嚼用的烟草
  • 网络细想;你开始吃东西;咀嚼思量

第三人称单数:chews 现在分词:chewing 过去式:chewed

chew gum,chew cud


v. n.

1.[i][t]咀嚼;嚼碎to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow

2.[i][t](因为紧张等)咬住,不停地啃;(为尝味道)不停地咀嚼to bite sth continuously, for example because you are nervous or to taste it


chew the fat

(长时间)闲聊,闲扯to have a long friendly talk with sb about sth


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... candy 糖果 chew 咀嚼 gum 树胶 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... chest n. 胸腔,胸膛;箱子 chew vt. 咀嚼,嚼碎 chicken n. 小鸡,小鸟;鸡肉 ...

新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... accurately ad. 精确地, 准确地 chew v. 嚼, coincidence n. 巧合 ...


新概念英语单词表 第三册 - 新月空中英语 ... ashtray 烟灰缸 chew 咀嚼,嚼碎,细想 fiance 未婚夫 ...


... /cheer 你大声欢呼。 你为x欢呼。 /chew 你开始吃东西。 你在x面前开始吃东西。 /chuckle 你痴痴地笑著。 你对著x痴痴 …


...)新(new)衣,露水(dew)滴(de~谐音),咀嚼思量(chew)真生气(ch~谐音),很少(few)乘务(crew)怪全体(crew指全体乘务员)页(page) …


高中英语单词表 ... chicken n. 鸡肉;鸡,小鸡,小鸟 chew vt. 咀嚼;嚼烟;深思 chest n. 胸部,胸腔;一种大的坚固的木箱, …

It's killing off his nerves in his arms, legs and mouth - it stops him from being able to chew and talking properly. 这种毒素正在杀死他的手臂、腿部和嘴部的神经,那将会阻碍摩根正常的咀嚼和讲话。
The children eat the time of fish and the mother chew fish bone in a side and use the meat Zi that the tongue lick fish bone. 孩子们吃鱼的时候,母亲就在一旁啃鱼骨头,用舌头舔鱼骨头上的肉渍。
The chicken is cooked perfectly, still light pink at the bone, soft but with a bit of chew, and absolutely silky. 鸡肉做的可真好,仍旧粉粉的连在骨架上,嫩嫩的却有劲道,绝对的柔滑。
Soon after surgery she was able to break and chew a biscuit relatively easily, something almost inconceivable before the operation. 在手术后不久,王娜就能较为轻松地咬碎并咀嚼饼干了。而这,在术前,是她难以想象的。
The children swallowed every word she said, without ever stopping to chew, without even looking. 孩子们吞咽了妈妈说的每句话,几乎没有时间去咀嚼,甚至连自己看上一眼的时间也没有。
'Even in a closed, dark sack, a small dog can chew his way out, ' he explains. 他解释说,即便在一个密闭、黑暗的口袋里,小狗也能咬个洞钻出来。
For the next 45 minutes, she engages the curious creatures in a game of keep-away, using a piece of Sargassum seaweed like a dog's chew toy. 在接下来的45分钟里,她忙着与这群好奇的生物做游戏。在这个游戏里,她用一片马尾藻当做狗的磨牙玩具一样,扔出去让海豚用嘴接住,再送回来。
Most large animals have to chew food extensively and form it into a mushy ball that's easy to swallow. 大部分大型动物需频繁咀嚼食物使之变成糊状后以便于吞咽。
But if he had spelled out his new ideas in early 2006, says Mr Chew, "there would have been a lot of scepticism" . 但是如果Sarin先生在2006年早期透露这些新观点的话,Chew先生说:“肯定会有很多怀疑和猜忌”。
Begin your new position with a can-do attitude and a desire to pitch in where needed. But don't bite off more than you can chew. 在必要的时候展现你的积极态度和进取心,但决不能操之过急——要知道一口气吃不成一个胖子。
Despite bravely dealing with his surgery, Koda is said to have a bit of a naughty streak: "He'll chew just about anything, " says Lynch. 尽管勇敢地接受了手术,柯达的兽医林奇还是“揭露”了柯达的一个小毛病:“它几乎会嚼任何东西。”
Chew your words, lest you choke You better watch your mouth Wash it out with soap. 咀嚼你的话,免得你呛更好,你看你的嘴,用肥皂。
Francisco Ramos-Gomez: You know it depends on how much of the active agent is in the product and how much you chew per day. 弗朗西斯科·拉莫斯-戈梅斯:你知道,这取决于口香糖里含有多少活性剂,还要看你每天嚼多少口香糖。
The Salisbury steak in its rectangular compartment is completely tasteless; I chew it as if it were a piece of gum. 在长方形的盒里放着的汉堡牛排一点味道都没有了。我咀嚼着就像咀嚼一块口香糖似的。
Minced foods should be soft in texture and easy to chew. The food can be chopped or minced. 一般较软身,容易咀嚼,可以是切细,切碎或搅碎的食物。
All his wife likes to do is chew the fat with her friends all day long. 他太太所喜欢的就是成天和她那些朋友聊东家长西家短。
Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is "delicate and easy to chew. " 他认为鸡胸肉太老,而鸡腿肉很嫩很好嚼。
He poured another glass this time hesitating before drinking and spoke again as he stabbed a piece of tripe then began to chew. 他又倒了一杯酒,但在喝之前犹豫了一下,然后叉起一块牛肚,边嚼边开了口。
When he thought that he knew that he was not being clear-headed and he thought he should chew some more of the dolphin. 他想到这里,明白自己的头脑不怎么清醒了,他想起应该再吃一点鲯鳅。
It was a lovely evening. It was nice to go out with friends and chew the fat for a while. 那是一个美妙的傍晚。跟朋友一块出去谈会天感觉不错。
Phatik wiped his face, and sat down on the edge of a sunken barge on the river bank, and began to chew a piece of grass. 法提克擦了擦脸,坐在河边的船骸上,拿起一片草便开始嚼。
Big bubble gum, bubble gum at the time of the domestic famous brand. Chew it ah chew, chew to did not have the flavor, can blow bubbles. 大大泡泡糖,是当时的国内泡泡糖的知名品牌。嚼啊嚼啊嚼啊,嚼到没味道了,就可以吹泡泡了。
Chew it well, he thought, and get all the juices. It would not be bad to eat with a little lime or with lemon or with salt. 好好儿咀嚼,他想,把汁水都咽下去。如果加上一点儿酸橙或者柠檬或者盐,味道可不会坏。
Another proverb is, do not bite off more than you can chew. This means do not try to do more than you are able to do. 另一个谚语是,不要咬掉比你可以咀嚼的多(贪多嚼不烂)。意思是不要试图去做超出你能力范围之外的事。
There is no another meaning, I just think to chew the fat with you literally and be like the friend's so. 没有别的意思,我只是想和你随便闲聊,像朋友之间那样。难道我们之间做朋友都不可以吗?
This, too, is a fine question . It's exactly the kind of thing I want people to chew over the next few months . 这也是一个很好的问题。这正是我想让大家在接下来的几个月中认真推想的事情。
Conclusion: The unilateral chew was one of the causes of temporomandibular Joint disorders. 结论偏侧咀嚼对咀嚼肌肌电图造成影响,是颞下颌关节紊乱病的病因之一。
As I chew, all of a sudden it occurs to me that I have not heard a rooster crow in a few decades. 啃着啃着,突然想起已经好几十年没有听过鸡叫了。
I called, my, um, Danneel, my fiancee, and I said: "I've bit way more than I can chew. I don't think I can do this. " 然后,我就给,Danneel,我的未婚妻打电话,我说:“我之前有点自不量力啊,我觉得我做不来,我完不成这个任务。”
Remember when you were a kid and eating was as simple as "Open, chew, enjoy" ? You didn't count the grams of fiber and fat in your PB&J. 还记得你小时候吗?吃是那样的简单,“张嘴,咀嚼,享受”?你不会计算纤维和脂肪克数。