country road

  • na.(旧时英国的)农村公路;乡间道路
  • 网络乡村小路;乡村之路;带我回家

country roadcountry road

country road


音乐欣赏在线视听排行榜 ... 夏日假期 Summer Vocation 给我家,乡村小路 Take Me Home,Country Road 彩虹过后 Over The …


推荐英文慢歌_百度知道 ... 29 Love Me Tender( 温柔得爱我) 30 Country Road乡村之路) 31 Heal the World( 拯救世界…


英语娱乐 / 英文歌曲_英文阅读网 ... Tammy 黛咪 Take me home,country road 乡村小路,带我回家 Take it to the limit 达到颠峰 ...


《Song of Leaf》(叶子的歌) ... 5 Song Of Leaf( 叶子的歌) 6 Country Road( 乡间小路) 7 Rainy Night( 雨夜) ...


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包头市规划局 ... 第2.1.5条 林区道路 forest road 第2.1.6条 乡村道路 country road 第2.1.7条 道路工程 road engineering ...


有文化没文化,都出来遛遛歌_新闻中心_新浪网 ... 《曰汝曰吾》 Say You, Say Me 《走国道,我回家》 Country Road, Tak…



In a world where fear, protectionism, and separateness seem to rule, Don reversed those conditions in his little shop on a country road. 在这个似乎被恐惧、保护主义和相互隔离所统治的世界里,唐在他那乡村公路旁的小店里依然保留了这些美好的品德。
It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road. . . 那是在七十年代中,而我那时和你们一样大。在他们最后一期的封底上是一幅清晨乡村道路的照片…
He would be running down country road. He could feel the rocks and chunks of dirt at his feet. 迈克尔不停地重温着这样一个梦想:他沿着乡村小道飞奔,他能感觉到脚下的岩石和大块的泥土。
An out-of-towner accidentally drives his car into a deep ditch on the side of a country road. 一个人从小镇开车出来,意外的陷进了一个深沟里。
A pure sweet night, and finally we got out on a real narrow tar country road and headed up toward the mountains for sure. 一个清秋酷毙的晚上,我们最终在一条非常狭窄的郊野柏油路上熄了火,确定无疑地赶紧朝山脉前进。
The surface below him felt like the country road he used to dream about. 脚下的地面就好似过去常常梦见的乡间大路。
As I was riding along the country road all the same, I didn't notice that I was beginning to stray away from my route. 由于一直沿着乡间道路骑着,我没注意到我开始走岔了路。
Office of the President of India out of the main entrance, greets, is a wide, straight country road in India, through the Gateway of India. 走出印度总统府正门,映入眼帘的,是一条宽阔而笔直的印度国家大道,直通印度门。
Their bodies, together with that of their driver, were found shot and burned on a country road. 在一个乡间公路上,人们发现3名议员及其司机被人枪杀,尸体遭焚毁。
Whether it's far down a country road or deep in the heart of the city, the Irish pub is as unique to Ireland as a fingerprint. 无论你在乡间的路上还是在城市的中心,爱尔兰酒吧像指纹一样都是那么独一无二。
The bright light of the motor car on the dark country road dazzled my eyes . 在黑暗的乡村道路上,汽车照耀的灯光使我目眩。
While walking the dog early in the morning, Nung-fu found a Jack Rabbit and a cat were killed on the country road outside the farm. 大清早,农夫在农场外面遛狗时看见一只长脚兔和一只猫被咬死在路上。
Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window. 试图预测未来,就像在黑夜里,把车开到没有灯光的乡间道路上,一路望着后车窗。
Some of the advanced Chinese nationals who have sought salvation from the West the truth in an attempt to find a salvaging the country road. 一些先进的中国人士纷纷向西方寻求救国真理,企图找到一条救国救民的道路。
A man from a big city with a new cart and a beautiful pair of horses drives along a country road. 一个驾着双马马车的男人从大城市驶向了一条乡间小路。
A busload of politicians were driving down a country road, when suddenly the bus ran off the road and crashed into an old farmer's barn. 一车的政治家正行驶在乡村的一条路上,突然这辆车开离了路并撞上了一个老农民的谷仓。
He builds giant castles with giant Legos, rides his shiny bike down a country road with his feet off the pedals. 宝贝用属于他的世界的巨大积木来搭建巨大城堡,骑着他闪闪的自行车去乡下,其实那时他的脚都没有在踩踏板上。
Because of road condition, especially not familiar with mountain country road, the road, laughing and easy to ignore risk. 由于对道路情况不熟悉,尤其是山路、乡间小路,路上说说笑笑也容易忽视风险。
country road to the vet's on what was to be his last Friday morning. 虎儿在世的最后星期五的一个上午,我们驱车沿着一条乡间小路向兽医院行驶。
At ten o' oclock father drove home along a lonely country road, made his horse comfortable for the night and himself went to bed. 一到十点,父亲就沿着一条人迹稀少的乡间小道骑马回家。安顿好马以后,自己就上床睡觉了。
If they are domestic, not to be abandoned in the city streets, by a country road, or in a cruel and inhumane pound. 如果它们是驯养的,不被丢弃在城市的大街上、农村的小路上和非人道的动物拘留所里(的权利)。
About a dozen school-children( )girls and boys of twelve and thirteen, were walking down a country road with her and another teacher. 十来个十二三岁的孩子——有男有女,先后簇拥着她和另外一个教员在乡村的大道上走着。
Henry was driving along a country road when his car began to be have badly. 亨利开车沿着一条乡村小路行进,突然他的车子开始出问题。
A bus full of politicians was speeding down a country road when it swerved into a field and crashed into a tree. 一辆满载政客的大汽车正沿着一条乡间道路快速行驶,突然,汽车偏离方向驶入田间,撞上大树。
The piece is really cute? you can just imagine a little donkey ambling along a country road with its master? 曲子写的很好,你可以想象一头可爱的小驴和它的主人漫步在乡间小路上的情景。
While driving down a winding country road, a man came upon a youth running hard with three huge dogs snarling at his heels. 有个人驾车行驶在蜿蜒的乡间小路时,遇见一个奋力跑步的年轻人,后面还跟著三只咆哮的大狗。
Some people are happy, alive is to his people live a happy life step walk in the degree of the country road. 有人活着就是要别人幸福,有人活着就是要自己幸福地度着小步走在人生的乡间小路上。
The common legend goes like this: This young couple is out parked on a country road. 常见的传说是这样的:这对年轻夫妇是在一个国家的道路停放。
While walking down a country road, Andy passed the remains of a dog that had been hit by a car. 安迪走在乡间小路上,经过一支被车撞死的小狗遗骸。
George Bush and his driver were cruising along a country road one night when all of a sudden they hit a pig, killing it instantly. 一天晚上,乔治。布什和他的司机沿着一条乡村小路巡视,突然撞到了一头猪,立即就死了。