
美 [teɪl]英 [teɪl]
  • n.尾;尾巴;尾部;燕尾服
  • v.跟踪;尾随;盯梢
  • adj.限定继承的
  • 网络尾状物;彗尾;尾端

复数:tails 现在分词:tailing 过去式:tailed



n. v.

鸟兽;鱼of bird/animal/fish

1.[c]尾;尾巴the part that sticks out and can be moved at the back of the body of a bird, an animal or a fish


2.有…尾巴的having the type of tail mentioned

飞机;宇宙飞船of plane/spacecraft

3.[c]尾部;后部the back part of a plane, spacecraft , etc.

后部;末尾back/end of sth

4.[c]~ (of sth)尾状后部;尾状物a part of sth that sticks out at the back like a tail

5.[c]~ (of sth)(离去事物的)末尾部分the last part of sth that is moving away from you


6.[pl]燕尾服;男式晚礼服a long jacket divided at the back below the waist into two pieces that become narrower at the bottom, worn by men at very formal events

跟踪者person who follows sb

8.[c](informal)盯梢人;暗探a person who is sent to follow sb secretly and find out information about where that person goes, what they do, etc.


on sbs tail

(尤指开车)盯梢,尾随following behind sb very closely, especially in a car

the tail (is) wagging the dog

(用以描述次要部分影响和支配主要部分)主次颠倒,喧宾夺主used to describe a situation in which the most important aspect is being influenced and controlled by sb/sth that is not as important

turn tail

(危急时刻)转身逃跑,逃逸,临阵脱逃to run away from a fight or dangerous situation

with your tail between your legs

无地自容;垂头丧气;灰溜溜feeling ashamed or unhappy because you have been defeated or punished


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... has 有 tail 尾巴 PRC 中国 ...


[海明威的《老人与海》词汇表] - 豆丁网 ... green a. 绿色的; 缺乏经验的 tail n. 尾巴; 尾部; 跟踪者 thwart vt. 阻挠 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... glimpse n. 一瞥,隐约闪现 tail n. 尾,尾状物,辨子 god n. 神,上帝,偶像 ...


英语词汇分类40:宇宙-分类词汇 ... comet 彗星 tail 彗尾 asteroid 小行星 ...


启用或停用尾端 (Tail) IL 指令的用法,此用法会导致尾端递回函式重复使用堆叠框架。这个选项预设为启用。


2011全国小学生英语竞赛备考词汇(T)_ ... table 桌子,表格 tail 尾部,后部,辫子 talk 谈话,会谈,讲话 ...


滑板——双翘滑板-数字尾巴 ... 12. Trucks 支架 13. Tail 板尾(板面尾部) 14. Deck 板面 ...

As you moved towards it, again it coiled, with its tail in the middle, ready to strike. 当你靠近它的时候,它又盘起来,尾巴在中央,准备好了进攻。
The Hubble image shows an intricate central region and a striking tail that extends diagonally towards the bottom-right of the image. “哈勃”图像展示了一个复杂的中心区域和一条引人注目的向图像右下对角线方向延伸的尾。
Less-anxious mice did not avoid handlers that restrained them by the scruff of the neck, whereas tail-snatched mice scurried away. 抓其颈背,较少焦虑的小鼠不避处理器约束他们,同时抓住小鼠尾基部直接提起小鼠会急忙跑开。
Are we witnessing the emergence of the Long Tail of politics over the course of this presidential election cycle in the United States? 在本次美国总统竞选过程中,我们正在见证一条政治长尾的产生么?
Today the wind and rain drove fiercely against my apartment window. It was the tail end of a typhoon. 今天暴风雨不在击打着我的寓所窗户,不过台风就要结束了。
Maude bobbed her head wildly. Harold wagged his tail and batted his eyes into the face of each family member. At last someone noticed! 莫德使劲地摆动着她的脑袋,哈罗德则摇着尾巴,冲着主人们不停地眨眼,终于有人注意它们了。
When finishing this catty level, do not be fooled by the cat's tail that appears once you pick up the last treasure. 要完成这一关,要注意不要被拿到最后的宝藏时出现的猫尾巴骗到。
The sailor does not pray for a tail wind; he learns to sail against the wind. 水手不祈祷顺风,他学会逆风行驶。
As they drove up the steep hill, a noisy motorcycle tail-gated them, trying to pa even though the road was windy and narrow. 当他们驾驶了陡峭的小山,一辆喧闹的摩托车尾巴给他们装门,设法通过,即使路是有风和狭窄的。
In a fat-tail world it is very hard to monitor how much risk you are taking on. 在有肥尾的情况下,要想监测你正在担当多少风险是十分困难的。
He's my best friend and he works hard all day. Couldn't you at least wag your tail? 他是我最好的朋友,整天工作很辛苦,你就不能冲他摇摇你的尾巴吗?
In spite of all this care the Horse's coat grew steadily duller. Its eyes sank in its head and hairs began to fall out of its tail. 尽管有这些照料,马的皮毛还变得黯然无光了,眼睛也凹了进去,尾巴也直掉毛。
It has a flat surface formed by two sticks tied into a cross and a tail that helps keep it stable. It flies nicely in light to medium winds. 只要一个平坦的表面将两根杆子交叉,用绳索绑牢交接处,再加上一个维持平稳的尾巴,它就可以利用合宜的风量,稳稳的在天空飞翔了。
For an instant, it stared at me; then, like a white ensign, its tail shot up a warning, and the deer bounded into the night. 有片刻它看着我,随即把尾巴像白色军旗似的举起来以示警告,便跳进黑暗中去了。
Like a lizard's detachable tail, it was more or less designed to be lost to predators while leaving the animal essentially unharmed. 这就像蜥蜴可以自断尾巴一样,其作用或多或少是在遇见天敌时断掉,从而实质上保全自己。
fish swim fast is not the length of its tail, as long as the master can be any further effort. 鱼儿游得快不在于它尾巴的长短,只要掌握力度就能有的更远。
"Well, " he said to his father at last, "I will put a tail on it and make it a monkey. " 哦,最后他对他爸爸说,我要在画像上添加一个尾巴,就画成了猴子啦。
Fame is very much like an animal chasing its own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it. 声誉很像一只追逐自己尾巴的动物,当它抓住了自己的尾巴后,除了再继续追逐外再不知做什么。
Lift him on the horse, Scarlett, and face his head toward its tail. 史考烈特,将他抬上马,头面对着尾巴。
climb down his tail, as if it were a rope! 从它的尾巴爬下来,把它当做绳子!
When she did find it, Hera took Argus' eyes and put them on the tail of her peacock to decorate it. 当她找到时,希拉拿着阿格斯的眼睛放在她的孔雀尾巴上作为装饰。
My partner had a business meeting in Prague and I flew over at the tail end of his week to join him. 我的同伴在布拉格有一场商业会议,在会议快要结束的那周末我飞过去和他会合。
The shield tail brush is an important accessory in soft soil tunnel shield device, and is often used in the tunnel construction. 盾尾刷是软土层隧道盾构设备中的一个重要配件,在隧道施工中常被使用到。
I was unable to get a seat near the tail, but the plane looked stronger inside than it had from outside. 我没能占到机尾的座位上,但飞机里面看上去比外面坚固多了。
It had no fins and no tail. Along the underside of the cone ran a flexible, fleshy tube. 它没有鳍和尾巴,沿着它的下腹部有一根柔韧的圆锥型的肉质管子。
The human liver can regenerate up to 50 percent of its mass within weeks, just as a salamander regrows a severed tail. 人类的肝脏也会像蝾螈长回断尾一般,在数周内重生50%;
The solar wind grossly distorts the earth's magnetic fields, dragging it out to a long tail. 太阳风使地球磁场的形状发生很大的变化,将它向外牵拉,扯出一条长尾。
The Village priests had not been able to make head or tail of it and had sent them all to the temple in the town. 村里的牧师不能解释,只好把他们送到城里的寺庙去寻求答案。
Caption : DEBRIS RECOVERED: Crews found a large tail section from an Air France jet Monday in the Atlantic Ocean. A U. S. 描述:发现残骸:救援人员周一在大西洋海域发现了法航失事客机的一大块尾部残骸。
Second, as the Bank of England's Andy Haldane notes, "tail risk within the financial system is not determined by God but by man" . 其次,正如英国央行(BOE)的安迪-霍尔丹(AndyHaldane)指出的,“金融体系内的尾部风险不由上帝决定,而由人类决定”。