the unit

  • 网络秘密行动组;秘密部队;单元

the unitthe unit

the unit


大卫·君图力_百度百科 ... 气象女孩/ Weather Girl 秘密行动组/ The Unit 神奇律师/ Eli Stone ...


求《秘密部队》(the unit)第四季最后一集的片尾曲 谢谢收藏 转载到QQ资料卡 转播到腾讯微博 我个人推荐好看的电影韩国 …


...),它可以延续数日或数周;(3)第三种组织结构是“单元”(the unit),它通常包括延续数周的经验,而每一单元是以“问题…


十万位、百万位、千万位、亿位...... - Yahoo!知识+ ... 百万位 = one millions digit 个位: The unit 十位: Ten ...


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派屈克坦言吸引他拍摄「潜」剧的原因是,曾与他在「反恐特勤队」(The Unit)合作过的创作人Sean Ryan,两人合作愉快。 …


还有一出剧叫秘密部队的也不错the unit),比较温馨当然还有24小时反恐。。


Complete-Wordpress-Re-Design ... --Cold Case - 冷案例 --The Unit - 装置 --Boston Legal - 波士顿法律 ...

The support is at least partially in place in the unit I looked at. 在我所看到的设备中,至少已部分地实现了无线支持。
This identification takes the form of suffixes comprising two or three letters and describes the bearing incorporated in the unit. 此代号用后缀表示,由两或三个字母组成,说明包含在单元中的轴承的类型。
The unit is often used on a marginal field that is surrounded by several marginal satellite fields or used for production testing. 这种平台常用于由几个边际卫星油气田所围绕的一个边际油气田,或用于生产测试。
if the span readings were all within the desired limits, the unit is ready to use. 如果指距阅读全部在被需要的极限里面,单位准备好使用。
The Times said the unit was on a covert mission to put the diplomat in touch with rebel leaders . Fox declined to comment on the report. 《泰晤士报》称此次代表团与叛军的会晤是军方的秘密任务。福克斯拒绝对此报道发表评论。
The unit or organ that has accepted the matter shall notify the supervisory organ of how the matter has been handled. 接受移送的单位或者机关应当将处理结果告知监察机关。
Professor Phil Jones, the director of the unit, has stepped down pending the review, and has said he stands by his data. CRU主任菲尔·琼斯教授专职应对此次调查,他表示要为自己的数据提供支持。
He said the unit would reach close to 2m households this year, making it the world's largest internet TV broadcaster. 他表示,该业务的家庭用户今年将达到近200万,成为全球最大的网络电视广播商。
He said the unit was on the mend with his appointment of David Sokol, chairman of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. , to its helm. 他说在他任命中美能源控股公司(MidAmericanEnergyHoldingsCo.)董事长索科尔(DavidSokol)执掌NetJets公司之后,其业务正在好转。
purchasing from the unit managed by his relatives or friends commodities that are not up to standards. 向自己的亲友经营管理的单位采购不合格商品的。
I got up to take a look: a marine was barking orders at three Afghan Army soldiers attached to the unit. 我站起来看到一个陆战队士兵正向依附这支队伍的阿富汗陆军士兵厉声下达命令。
Infineon Chief Executive Peter Bauer managed to turn around the unit, which had been loss-making for years. 数年来英飞凌无线业务的市场占有率不断下降,公司首席执行长PeterBauer设法逆转局面。
The panel did express considerable surprise at the fact that the unit did not collaborate closely with professional statisticians. 但该中心未能与专业统计人士密切合作这事实,却让该委员会表达了相当的震惊。
In some cases, the unit tests themselves may be changed by the refactoring, but the point is that this should happen automatically as well. 在某些情况下,重构可能改变单元测试本身,但重要的是这也应该是自动发生的。
If not openly, will be counted as breaches of discipline, we must pursue the matter and the responsibility of the unit leadership. 如果没有公开,一律算作违规违纪,要追究当事人和单位领导的责任。
HSBC said the euro's next upside target is $1. 4720, a breach of which should propel the unit to its highest in nearly a year. 汇丰称,欧元下一个上行目标为1.4720美元,若突破该水准,应驱使欧元升至接近一年的最高位。
The unit recently staged something of a comeback by betting on smartphones running Android, an operating system developed by Google. 后来,摩托罗拉的移动电话部门,将宝押在Android(谷歌开发的一种操作系统)智能手机上,靠这一招,最近才恢复了一点元气。
But the unit has lots of potential growth products and quite a few financial sponsors will be keen to be part of this game. 但该项业务拥有许多潜在增长性产品,相当多的出资方将乐于参与其中。
Do not press the front panel buttons of the unit during installation and do not apply strong force . 安装期间不要按本机前面板上的按钮,不要用强力。
To protect against electrical shock, do not put the unit into water or other liquids and avoid operating the appliance with wet hands. 为防电击,不可将本机放进水里或其它液体中,并避免用湿手操作本机。
Fabela said he expected GM to keep a stake in Saab until the unit reaches profitability, which he said would probably take three years. Fabela称,他预计通用将持有萨博部份股权,直至萨博恢复获利.他表示这个过程可能需时三年。
Maximum Speed: This shows how quickly the unit can move across the map. Speed has no meaning in a battle situation. 最快速度:这表明部队在地图上行军的速度。在战场中,这项数值没有意义。
But he said the unit was in the process of contacting the other organisations to ask if they could release the data. 但是他说,小组正在联系其它的组织,咨询他们是否可以公开数据。
Shares have been hit bad, in the long-term low in the chip was forced to spit it out, or the unit has long-term history of the doldrums . 股价曾遭利空袭击,中长线筹码在低位被迫吐出,或该股有中长期低迷史。
That said, the unit tests of Dojo almost all follow a common structure to make it simple for new module owners to pick up and run with it. Dojo的单元测试几乎都遵循通用的结构以使新模块所有者便于上手和使用。
The company said the FP unit's employees continue to work to wind down the unit's business. 该公司表示,金融产品部员工在继续工作以结束该部的业务。
This determines how much Effectiveness the unit loses due to combat, how quickly it regains it afterwards, and its maximum Effectiveness. 决定了效力在战斗中的损失程度以及恢复能力,同时也决定了最大效力值。
In the case of a condo , the owner has title to the unit , which the bank can repossess in the event of a default . 在分户出售公寓大喷香的情形下,原权力属于公寓单元所有人的公寓单元在拖欠债务的情形下,银行有权谋回。
The total weight of the part should be mapped to this field. Digits only. Do not enter the unit of measure. 零件的重量映射到此域,纯数字,不要带单位。
These steps also show the tasks required to start the Unit Test feature, although this would already be up in a typical work session. 这些步骤还展示了启动UnitTest特性所需的任务,尽管在典型的工作会话中,该特性应该已经启动。