cut down

  • na.砍倒;削减;减价;夺去…活动力
  • 网络减少;缩短;降低

第三人称单数:cuts down 现在分词:cutting down

cut downcut down

cut down


大学英语四级常用词组 ... cut back 修剪(树枝等);削减 cut down 砍倒;消减;缩短 cut in (汽车)超车,抢挡 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... cut back 削减,减少 cut down 削减,降低 cut in ( 汽车 ) 抢道;插嘴,打断 ...


常用英语动词短语 ... 49.come across 偶然碰见; 50.cut down 减少; 51.make progress 取得进步; ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... cut back 修剪(树枝等);削减 cut down 砍倒;消减;缩短 cut in (汽车)超车,抢挡 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... cut back 削减,减少 cut down 削减,降低 cut in ( 汽车 ) 抢道;插嘴,打断 ...


考博英语词汇 ... cross out 删除;划掉 cut down 削减;减少;砍伐 cut off 切断;截止;中断供应(疾病等)使(人)死亡; ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... count on 依靠,指望 62. cut down 削减,减少 63. cut off 切断,使隔绝;剪去,删去;打断,停止 64. ...


cut构成 短语_百度知道 ... cut dead 假装不认识[没看见], 不理睬 cut down 削减, 压缩 cut down on 减少..., 缩减... ...

The next day they were strung up by the heels from lamp posts and later cut down so that throughout the rest of Sunday. 次日他们被用绳子倒挂在灯柱上,后来有人将绳子割断,于是在那个星期天剩下的时间里。
you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build siege works until the city at war with you falls. 惟独你所知道不是结果子的树木可以毁坏,砍伐,用以修筑营垒,攻击那与你打仗的城,直到攻塌了。
Recent research has shown that students are more likely to live at home in coming years, in a bid to cut down on the cost of a degree. 最近的研究显示,在未来几年内,学生可能会越来越倾向选择居住在家中,以试图减轻就读大学所需的花费。
It's easy to cut down on fat without changing your diet too much. 饮食无需太大的改变就可以轻松减少脂肪。
He asked her to come back a month later by which time he himself had cut down on his own sugar intake. 甘地让她一个月之后再来,那时他自己已经消减了糖的摄入量。
I could just rub your nose in it, but it'd be such a waste. By the way, cut down on the Kibble. 我可以擦到你的鼻子上,但这样会浪费它。顺便说一下,少喂些狗食。
This tends to cut down on language misunderstandings and leads to better friendships and happier customers! 这有利于减少语言上的误解,带来更好的友谊和更愉快的客户关系!
Only a week into the campaign, however, Order 66 was issued, and Deviss cut down Bees as he led an assault on enemy lines. 然而,战役仅仅打了一周,66号指令就发布了。就在比斯率军向敌军战线发起冲锋时,德维斯击毙了他。
I did not expect that their beloved tree had been cut down to the ground, he stood there stupefied by almost could not believe my own eyes. 没想到,自己心爱的树被砍倒在地,他站在那里惊呆了,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。
Flexible working arrangements may cut down on your stress as well as free up some of your time. 弹性的工作环境也许能够减轻你的压力,同时可以释放你的一些时间。
When I checked the damaged cases with the receiver, I cut down all those with slight damage. You know I've done a favour for you . 当我和收货人检查残损箱子时,我剔除了轻微的残损货,你知道我的做法对你是有利的。
Surely the best way to cut down on your carbon emissions would be not to make your frivolous world trip in the first place. 显然要降低个人碳排放量并不是首先就进行这种琐碎无聊的旅行。
As much as you're trying to cut down on your fat intake, some things just don't taste right without a little bit of butter or margarine. 虽然你拼命想减少脂肪的摄取量,有些食物如果不添加一点奶油或玛琪琳的话,尝起来就是不对劲。
The changes will cut down on passenger fatigue, dry eyes and headaches, Boeing said. 波音陈述说,这一改变将会减轻乘客疲劳、眼涩及头疼等症状。
Being part of team also helps. I'm not just trying to cut down on garbage on my own, all three people in my household are doing it. 团队感也能敦促我们采取实际行动,想减少垃圾排放量的不止我一个,还有我的三个室友,有许许多多的人。
Instructions were sent out to fly economy class, only go on essential foreign trips and cut down on meetings in five-star hotels. 节俭措施包括:官员们出行乘坐经济舱、只在必要时才去国外出差,并削减在五星级酒店开会的次数。
He added that many people were shot in the head, with seven people within 10 yards (meters) of him cut down in the first wave. 他指出很多人被爆头射杀,而他周围10米就有7人在第一波射击中倒地身亡。
Egypt will hiss like a fleeing serpent as the enemy advances in force; they will come against her with axes, like men who cut down trees. 其中的声音好象蛇行一样。敌人要成队而来,如砍伐树木的手拿斧子攻击他。
Let's give you a bit of advice, if you don't mind. Quit smoking or at least cut down on it. Watch your diet and. 你要是不嫌我说话直接的话,我告诉你怎麼办。马上戒烟,至少少抽一点。注意饮食而且……
The causes are the non-parametric parts of semi-parametric model make some adjustment and thus to cut down on the errors of the model. 究其原因,半参数模型的非参数分量起到了调整作用,降低了模型估计误差。
I cut down young trees and put them in the ground, in a half circle around the front of my tent. 我砍倒了一些小树,插入到地上在我的帐篷前围成个半圆。
Labor laws also need to be changed so that Japanese men will cut down on their workaholic hours, she said. 而且为了使日本的男性减少他们的劳动时间,劳动法也需要做出相应的修正。
Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind. Surplus trees can be cut down and used to provide wood. 防护林不仅能来保护耕地和农作物免受风的侵蚀,另外,多余的树枝可以砍下来并能提供木材。
But the only concession Ellie makes to her condition is to wear loose clothing to cut down on friction. 但艾莉对自身病情做的唯一妥协就是穿宽松的衣服以较少摩擦。
Meanwhile, pls check with your forwarder how much they can cut down the price ? 同时,请与你的承运人(货代)核查一下在此基础上他们还可以削减多少费用?
You may find that you need to cut down on your expenses and start putting money aside for your baby. 这时,您就会意识到您需要减少多少开销,以便可以为生小孩子留下一部分。
And he brake in pieces the images, and cut down the groves, and filled their places with the bones of men. 又打碎柱像,砍下木偶,将人的骨头充满了那地方。
Eliminating next-day delivery would cut costs substantially, since postal services could cut down on flights and night-time sorting. 由于邮递业可以减少航空邮件业务以及夜间信件整理工作,一旦中止“隔日邮递业务”,整个行业的成本都将大幅下降。
People who are trying to lose weight use meal replacement to have a balanced diet and cut down on calories. 想减肥的人们会用替餐来保证节食过程营养均衡同时减少热量的摄入。
As much to say that you will not miss to be quickly overflowed by the quantities of work to cut down! That will last until December. 尽可能多地说,你不会错过迅速泛滥的新兴工作,这将会一直持续到十二月份。