
美 [krɑp]英 [krɒp]
  • n.庄稼;作物;产量;一批人
  • v.剪短;裁切(照片或图画);啃吃(青草或其他植物上面的部分);有收成
  • 网络农作物;裁剪;嗉囊

复数:crops 现在分词:cropping 过去式:cropped

produce crop,grow crop,plant crop,gather crop,cultivate crop
good crop,bumper crop,poor crop,record crop,heavy crop


n. v.

庄稼plants for food

1.[c]庄稼;作物a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food

2.[c](谷物、水果等一季的)收成,产量the amount of grain, fruit, etc. that is grown in one season

一群人group of people

3.[sing]a ~ of sth(同时做某事的)一群人,一批人;(同时发生的)一些事情a group of people who do sth at the same time; a number of things that happen at the same time


4.[c](骑手的)短马鞭a short whip used by horse riders


6.[sing]a ~ of dark, fair, etc. hair/curls短而密的头发hair that is short and thick


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... criterion 标准 crop 收成;庄稼 crown 王冠 ...


牛津英语8b单词表 ... agricultural 农业的 crop 农作物 wheat 小麦 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... criterion 标准 crop 收成;庄稼 crown 王冠 ...


PS快捷键_百度百科 ... 8.Rotate Canvas-( 旋转画布) 9.Crop-( 裁切) 10.Trim-( 修整) ...


使用裁剪crop)功能把你的照片裁剪至理想的大小,储存影像后便可随时跟世界各地的人分享。只要把底片卷至下一格再重 …


嗉囊Crop):为食道后的膨大部位,也有的无此部位。其内膜较厚,在无食物时,向内褶成很多纵褶和横皱,以备充满食物 …


(C-D)英语四级词汇表下载 ... criticize vt. 批评;评论;非难 crop n. 农作物,庄稼;一熟 cross vt. 穿过;使交叉 ...

for I knew all the while that it would yield the most abundant crop of the kind I wanted, if I could only afford to let it alone. 因为我知道我只要让这片田园自生自展,它将要生展出我所企求的最丰美的收获。
Alternate bearing is when a tree produces a heavy crop one year, called an "on-crop, " followed by an "off-crop" the next year. 隔年结果指的是,前一年果树结出大量果实,叫做“结果”,而后面一年却“疏果”。
Last week, Agriculture Minister Roberto Rodrigues said he was hopeful Congress could approve legislation before the next soybean crop. 上周,农业部长罗伯托·罗觉果斯说,他希望国会能在下一个大豆种植季度开始以前批准立法。
This region was soon to develop a flourishing economy from its tobacco crop, which found a ready market in England. 这个地区很快由于种植销往英格兰市场烟草繁荣了起来。
This was not without significance. It meant that in time of flood or famine the peasant had a crop reserve to see him through. 这是十分了不起的,这意味着在水旱之年农民就有了度荒的粮食了。
During the history of plant breeding there has been a desire to increase the choice of genes (the gene pool) available FOR crop improvement. 在植物育种的历史中,人们一直希望增加对可用于植物改良的基因(基因库)的选择机会。
We are trying to impress it upon the farmers and trying to reduce the crop size, " he said. " 我们正试图让烟农铭记这一点,设法降低烟草的种植规模。
But no matter how much we maximize crop yield per acre, the limiting factor for food production is land. 但是不管我们如何最大化粮食亩产量,最大的制约因素还是土地。
20Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop--thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown. 那撒在好地上的,就是人听道,又领受,并且结实,有三十倍的,有六十倍的,有一百倍的。
Pulling up a farmer's opium crop could generate ill will, perhaps enough to produce a new recruit for the insurgency. 停止一个农民的鸦片种植可能会引起敌意,也许足以产生一个新的叛乱分子。
Flowers have long been a fixture at the Montgomery Farm Women's Co-op, but a certain crop has really turned heads since fall. 在蒙哥马利农场妇女合作社,鲜花长期以来都是一项装饰用品,但有一样东西改变了这一切。
Writings confirm that this period was a difficult one for Norse settlements in the area, marked by devastating crop failures. 历史记录证实,这一时期对这一地区的北欧定居者来说是相当艰难的时期,最显著的是灾难性的农作物歉收。
The recent surge in sugar prices comes after a bad harvest, that of corn after official warnings of a lower-than-expected crop. 官方警告玉米的收成比预期要低之后,近期糖价又开始上涨。
His son heard about this and went to see the crop. Unfortunately the leaves of the crop began to wither. 他儿子听到后去看作物。不幸的是,作物的叶子开始枯萎。
Applied to the current crop of cutting edge web and mobile technologies, it looks like the next few years are going to be quite exciting. 现在尖端网络和移动技术都开始显示这些趋势,它的未来是非常令人振奋的。
There was a week of rain which ruined the wheat crop before it could be safely gathered in. 在还没来得及安全地收回小麦支前,连下了一个星期大雨,使小麦泡汤了。
Experienced senior executives are convinced that this downturn will produce a new crop of world-beating businesses. 经验丰富的高级管理人员相信经济衰退会带来世界性业务的新发展。
Women "ticked" about 10 per cent of men as worthy of further investigation, regardless of the quality of a particular crop. 无论特定群体的质量如何,女性都会将大约10%的男性“标记”为可以进一步考察。
To improve the nutrition of the poor, action cannot be limited to the improvement of the nutritional quality of a particular crop, he says. 他说,为了改善穷人的营养,行动不能局限于改善一种特定作物的营养质量。HarvestPlus的发展与传播负责人BonnieMcClafferty对此表示同意。
Worse still would be a combination of a return to higher levels of interest rates combined with a decline in crop prices. 更糟的是,可能会上演高水平利率回归和谷物价格下跌同时出现的一幕。
Except for a some minor level adjustments and a square crop this was what came out of the camera. 除了作了一些小的调整以外,我把相机拍出的照片裁剪成为一个方形。
Recombination of the numerous genes which determine crop yield and quality is usually the next phase of plant breeding. 决定作物产量和品质的许多基因重组,通常是植物育种的下一个阶段。
Where the mining is underground, the surface area can be simultaneously used for forests, cattle grazing and crop raising. 在地下有矿井的地方,其表层的土地同时可以用来造林、放牧和种庄稼。
Leaf color is usually used in the diagnosis of crop N status and leaf color threshold(LCT)is the basis for precise fertilizer-N application. 叶色是氮素营养诊断最常用的指标,获得准确的叶色诊断指标是水稻精确定量施氮的基础。
He was pleased to see that the plant that produces one-fifth of the country's rice buys half of its crop from small local farmers. 他高兴地看到该厂从当地小农户购买其所需的半数水稻。
He's got fields of the stuff down on his farm, but as a cash crop there was one big problem: it didn't generate much cash. 虽然他的农场大片大片地种着这东西,但作为一种商品作物,它的一大缺陷就是创收有限。
God intended for the seeds He planted to grow into a bountiful crop to be harvested in the autumn in the Garden of Eden. 神原本意图祂在伊甸园所栽下的种子能够长成大片丰硕的稼禾,并在秋天收割。
In a region of China known for thousands of years of tea growing, a new crop is beginning to change the country's landscape: coffee. 中国茶都云南普洱市自古以来就以茶叶种植享誉海内外,不过现在一种新的作物正开始改变该地数千年的种植格局,这就是咖啡。
That's not to say that you will be waiting ten years for a sale, but think of your photos as some sort of farm crop. 这并不是说,你将会等待十多年的销售,但一想到你的照片作为某种作物。
We were surveying the cassava crop, trying to assess the extent of the disease, and its effects on crop harvests. 我们测量那些木薯,想要估测疾病的范围和它对作物丰收的影响。