
美 [kəˈnɑt]英 [ˈkænɒt]
  • abbr.(=can not)



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Duality is not the place for you, and it cannot hold the higher vibrations that are being beamed to Earth. 二元世界并不是你的家,而且它根本无法抓住更高的振动,这振动一直在向地球传送着。
Benitez said: "I cannot allow myself to think of anything but my own team, my responsibility is to win every game for Liverpool . " 贝尼特斯说:“我不允许我自己思考自己球队以外的任何事情,我的责任就是为利物浦赢下每场比赛。”
Because that type cannot be known in advance, there is no way to know whether it has an element type or what that element type might be. 因为无法提前获知该类型,则无法知道其是否具有元素类型或该元素类型是什么。
As, then, no change takes place in themselves, these cannot be said to be capable of admitting contrary qualities. 如果它们自身不发生变化,那么就不能说它们能容纳对反性质。
To begin with, one of the more surprising reveals that came out of yesterday's news is that the OS cannot be installed on your own computer. 首先,从昨天的新闻中透露出一个更为令人吃惊的消息是,这个操作系统不能安装在你自己的电脑上。
And the gloom cannot be magicked away by America's central bankers, as euphoric investors seemed to think back in September. 这种悲观并不是美国央行(美联储)的先生们能应付的,投资者看起来更怀念九月份的美好时光。
I got the ielts score is *, achievement, not very good, but I think language cannot decide, my major is all my strength of important proof. 我考了雅思,分数是*,成绩不太理想,但是我认为语言并不能决定一切,我的专业才是我证明实力的重要凭证。
Then I would speak up without fear of him, but as it now stands with me, I cannot. 我就说话,也不惧怕他,现在我却不是那样。
A transformer cannot be called a machine for it has no moving parts. 变压器不能被称为机器,因为它么有运动的部件。
No other medium is like music in demonstrating that kind of beauty which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. 音乐比任何其他媒介更能表达那种美,好像说不上来却又似在沉静中不能保持沉默。
NoteIf you attempt to rename one of the default chains, the system reports a Match not found error. You cannot rename the default chains. 注意:如果你想将缺省的规则重新命名,系统会报出“找不到指定的规则”错误。你不能修改缺省的规则链。
He called America's bond with Israel "unbreakable" and said the tragic history that led to a Jewish homeland cannot be denied. 他称美国和以色列的联盟是不可分割的,并且说犹太人无家可归的悲痛历史,是不可否认的。
If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand. 若愿意与他争辩,千中之一也不能回答。
As this individual has no way of externally checking the way he is using a concept, he cannot be said to be using a language. 由于这个个体没有外在的方法检查他对一个概念的使用方式,他就不能说他正在使用一种语言。
Mr Greenspan is, of course, right to say that "government regulation cannot substitute for individual integrity" . 格林斯潘认为,“政府监管无法替代个体诚信”。当然,他的这种看法是正确的。
Dear, I cannot speak the feeling when you stand at me, walk to me, only I can do is just to fix my eyes on you. 亲爱的,我不能说的感觉当你站在我的,步行到我,只有我可以做的就是解决我的眼睛在你们身上。
What can and cannot be patented needs to be sorted out, for property rights lie at the heart of business. 法律需要对什么可以,什么不可以被授予专利做出规范,因为知识产权是商业的核心。
Had I the heart to tell him then, He might have stayed until the end, But maybe someday we'll meet again, In where I cannot find. 我想真心告诉你你尽可以一直留在那里但是或许有一天我们会重逢在那神秘的所在。
This past summer was the first summer that I did not visit the little green cottage by the sea, and I cannot help but miss her. 过去的这个暑假是我第一个没有去海边小屋度过的暑假,但是我会忍不住地想念她。
Cannot store up, cannot be probed, is unable to have, then finally is the service project and the service is cannot be divided for having. 不可储存,不可试探的,无法拥有的,然后最后就是服务项目和服务的供有者是不可分的。
In so doing, we bring our hearts into harmony with the heart of God. We are invited into a joy and peace that words cannot describe. 如此我们的心和神的灵便能彼此和谐协调,而我们亦得以享受一种非笔墨能形容的喜乐和平安了。
Those established procedures state that there cannot be an appeal against a red card except in the case of mistaken identity. 按照正式的程序是不能对红牌申诉的,除非是确定无疑的误判。
While I cannot guarantee a speedy breakdown of the enemy's power, there is certainly a chance of it. 我虽不能保证敌人力量迅速崩溃,但确实是有这种可能性的。
These will no doubt bring you together again on some future occasion, as they cannot be broken. 在未来的某个场景也将毫无疑问的再次把你们聚在一起,因为这连接是不会断裂的。
Such joy cannot be shared bythose who are trying to work to be saved. 这种喜乐是那些试图靠作工得救的人享受不到的。
It still remains an art, because we still cannot make it a science. 因为我们不可能仍然做它科学,它仍然保持艺术。
If I can think of an object in the context of an atomic fact, I cannot think of it apart from the possibility of this context. 如果我能够思考在原子事实背景下的对象,我就不能离开这种背景的可能性来思考它。
Clearly it cannot be achieved overnight, but when sufficient of you raise your consciousness to that level there will be a response. 显然,它不能一蹴而就,但是当你有足够的意识提高到那个水平会有一个回应。
Indicate that you would be willing to negotiate the date, but it cannot exceed whatever time feels too long for you to wait. 暗示她你们愿意和她商量日期,但是不能超过某个期限而让你们无限期的等待。
the Irishman simply cannot get it into his head that there can be property with rights but no duties. 只有权利而无义务的财产概念,绝不能灌输到爱尔兰人头脑中去。