
美 [ˈtʃɪlɪ]英 ['tʃɪli]
  • n.智利



Chile's health minister, Manalich, said the workers rescued so far are in good health. 智利卫生部长马纳里克说,目前已获救的工人健康状况良好。
He said he knew his family was OK and expressed confidence that Chile would ride out the disaster. 上校说他知道他的家庭没事,他认为智利将安然度过这场震灾,他充满信心。
U. S. President Barack Obama has left Chile and is on his way to El Salvador, the final stop of his three-nation Latin American trip. 美国总统奥巴马离开了智利,前往萨尔瓦多。萨尔瓦多是他拉美三国之行的最后一站。
In Chile, Antarctica and Brazil, he is likely to hear and observe evidence on both sides of that argument. 在智利、阿根廷和巴西,潘基文有可能听到和看到两种论点的证据。
The coup in 1973, which had the backing of the United States, ended a democratic tradition in Chile that stretched back to the 1930s. 这一场获得美国政府幕后支持的政变,结素了智利从20世纪30年代就开始实行的民主政体。
Chile was hit by the virus at the onset of the Southern winter, although its government had begun to take preventive measures back in April. 随着南方寒冬的到来,流感病毒也相随入侵了智利,显然智利政府从4月就开始采取的预防措施没有起到作用。
Osman Araya embraces his wife, as he becomes the sixth miner to exit the rescue capsule, from the San Jose mine near Copiapo, Chile. 在智利科皮亚波的圣何塞附近,奥斯曼·阿拉亚作为第16个走出营救舱的矿工拥抱了他的妻子。
Chile comes out on top, while Bolivia is at the bottom. 智利排在榜首,而垫底的是玻利维亚。
The miners seem to be well-organised, says the BBC's Gideon Long in Copiapo, near the mine in northern Chile. 这些矿工组织得似乎不错,BBC的吉迪恩•朗在智利北部一个矿山附近的科皮亚波说到。
He said Chile was ready to strengthen political ties and high-level exchanges with China. 智方愿意同中方加强政治关系和高层交往。
The record leaves no doubt that Chile was not a major preoccupation of the American government after Allende was installed as president. 这段历史记载使人毫不怀疑,在阿连德就任总统以后,智利并非当时的美国政府关心的主要问题。
In a frenzied few days, however, Mr Zapatero has made up for it, with appearances in six countries from Chile to Turkey. 在很多天的繁忙中,Zapatero先生出现在从智利到土耳其中的六个国家中,他已为他的努力获得了补偿。
The biggest problem facing Chile as it promotes itself as a tourist destination to be reckoned with, is that it is at the end of the earth. 此话告诉我们,智利在旅游业开发方面遇到的最大障碍是它位于地球末端。由
Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, all on the Pacific coast, are more open economies trying to forge closer ties. 为了打造更加紧密的关系,太平洋沿岸的智利、哥伦比亚、墨西哥和秘鲁都增大了开放型经济的力度。
Sinclair said he has architect colleagues in Chile who have built thousands of low-income housing structures to be earthquake resistant. Sinclair说他在智利有建筑业的同行,他们建造了数以千计可抵御地震袭击的低收入住房。
ESO Like something out of a sci-fi movie, a laser seems to trigger lightning in this European Southern Observatory photo taken in Chile. 欧洲南方天文台:像科幻电影里的某些场景,激光似乎触发了欧洲南方天文台拍摄在智利所拍摄到的闪电。
And yet the number of casualties in Chile appears to be exponentially smaller, with the official death toll still in the hundreds. 不过,智利地震的死难人数以几何倍增角度看似乎更少,官方公布的死亡人数只有数百名。
Even so, Chile seems to have been unprepared for the virus when it turned up, apparently in imported salmon eggs. 尽管如此,在病毒出现时智利似乎并没有做好准备。尤其是对进口鲑鱼子的防范。
It was one of 50 new planets that astronomers in Chile announced Monday that they have discovered, the Washington Post reports. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,这颗行星是周一天文学家在智利宣布的50颗新发现行星之一。
Residents of Santiago, Chile got a bit of an eyeful on Sunday, as the city experienced its first World Naked Bike Ride event. 智利圣地牙哥的居民在周日可以大饱眼福,因为当天该市正在体验第一次的世界裸体自行车活动。
If the general is allowed to return home, he could be on a plane back to Chile within minutes of the announcement. 如果将军被允许回家,他可能在判决宣告几分钟后乘飞机会智利。
To decide how much the Mapuches are owed and the best way to help them emerge from their poverty, Chile urgently needs a national debate. 智利现在急切需要一场全国性的辩论,来决定马普利人应该拥有多少土地以及帮助他们脱贫的最佳方法。
Tens of thousands of students and schoolchildren marched in Santiago, Chile's capital, to call for the abolition of private schools. 智利首府圣地亚哥数十万学生、学童示威游行,要求废除私立学校。
Huge earthquake just now in Chile! ! . . . . I swear I thought this was the end of my life! ! ! ! ! 刚刚智利发生了特大地震!!!我发誓当时我认为这是我的生命尽头。
Chile is ready to work with China to further consolidate and develop bilateral comprehensive cooperative partnership. 智方愿同中方一道,进一步巩固和发展两国全面合作伙伴关系。
Spain's first-round finale with Chile may appear on the surface to be the better match. 西班牙第一轮与智利的压轴之战可能从场面上看,是会是一场好看的比赛。
Its slogan, "Chile, All Ways Surprising" , was intended as a play on words, but just looked as if it had been misspelt. 这场运动的口号是“智利,处处给人惊喜”,本来是想玩个双关,可事实看起来就好像是拼错了一样。
In Michelle Bachelet, the former President of Chile, we found a global leader who can inspire millions of women and girls around the world. 在智利前总统米歇尔·巴舍莱身上,我们看到了一个能够激励世界各地千千万万妇女和女孩的全球领袖。
Chile was positively opposed to any treaty that would bind her hand in her old border dispute with Peru. 智利则积极反对在它与秘鲁年深月久的边界纠纷中束缚它们手脚的任何条约。
Chile appreciates China's pursuit of scientific development and is ready to exchange experience with China in this regard. 智利赞赏中国坚持科学发展,愿意就此同中方交流经验。